A language and framework for policy decisions across HashiCorp products
Sentinel is a language and framework for policy built to be embedded in existing software to enable fine-grained, logic-based policy decisions. A policy describes under what circumstances certain behaviors are allowed.
Sentinel is an enterprise-only feature of HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, Terraform, and Vault, helping organizations enforce consistent governance across their infrastructure.
Choose one of the following methods to set up your environment:
bash docker/docker.sh
bash sentinel/sentinel.sh
vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docsify,sentinel
docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash hashiqube/basetools.sh
bash docker/docker.sh
bash docsify/docsify.sh
bash sentinel/sentinel.sh
Once installed, you can see Sentinel in action with a simple policy example. Here's a basic policy that checks if the current hour is in the morning (between 0 and 12):
hour = 4
main = rule { hour >= 0 and hour < 12 }
This policy is saved to /tmp/policy.sentinel
and then applied using:
sentinel apply /tmp/policy.sentinel
Sentinel can handle complex policy scenarios. Let's explore more advanced examples from the HashiCorp TFE Policies Example repository.
This policy prevents security groups from using overly permissive CIDR blocks.
sentinel test aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel
PASS - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel
PASS - test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/empty.json
PASS - test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/fail.json
PASS - test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/pass.json
ERROR - test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/plan.json
With a passing configuration:
sentinel apply -config ./test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/pass.json aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel
With a failing configuration:
sentinel apply -config ./test/aws-block-allow-all-cidr/fail.json aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel
Execution trace. The information below will show the values of all
the rules evaluated and their intermediate boolean expressions. Note that
some boolean expressions may be missing if short-circuit logic was taken.
FALSE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:69:1 - Rule "main"
TRUE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:70:2 - ingress_cidr_blocks
TRUE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:50:2 - all get_resources("aws_security_group") as sg {
all sg.applied.ingress as ingress {
all disallowed_cidr_blocks as block {
ingress.cidr_blocks not contains block
FALSE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:71:2 - egress_cidr_blocks
FALSE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:60:2 - all get_resources("aws_security_group") as sg {
all sg.applied.egress as egress {
all disallowed_cidr_blocks as block {
egress.cidr_blocks not contains block
FALSE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:59:1 - Rule "egress_cidr_blocks"
TRUE - aws-block-allow-all-cidr.sentinel:49:1 - Rule "ingress_cidr_blocks"
This policy ensures that AWS Application Load Balancer listeners use proper redirect status codes.
sentinel test aws-alb-redirect.sentinel
PASS - aws-alb-redirect.sentinel
PASS - test/aws-alb-redirect/empty.json
PASS - test/aws-alb-redirect/fail.json
PASS - test/aws-alb-redirect/pass.json
ERROR - test/aws-alb-redirect/plan.json
With a failing configuration:
sentinel apply -config ./test/aws-alb-redirect/fail.json aws-alb-redirect.sentinel
Execution trace. The information below will show the values of all
the rules evaluated and their intermediate boolean expressions. Note that
some boolean expressions may be missing if short-circuit logic was taken.
FALSE - aws-alb-redirect.sentinel:69:1 - Rule "main"
FALSE - aws-alb-redirect.sentinel:70:2 - default_action
FALSE - aws-alb-redirect.sentinel:49:2 - all get_resources("aws_lb_listener") as ln {
all ln.applied.default_action as action {
all action.redirect as rdir {
rdir.status_code == redirect_status_code
FALSE - aws-alb-redirect.sentinel:48:1 - Rule "default_action"
With a passing configuration:
sentinel apply -config ./test/aws-alb-redirect/pass.json aws-alb-redirect.sentinel
Sentinel policies can be used to enforce a wide variety of governance requirements:
- Security: Ensure resources follow security best practices
- Compliance: Enforce regulatory requirements across infrastructure
- Cost Management: Prevent deployment of expensive resources
- Standardization: Maintain consistent naming and tagging conventions
- Architecture: Enforce architectural standards like network configuration