This file is used to list changes made in each version of the heartbeat cookbook.
- Testing updates
- Speed up intstalls with multipackage
- Require Chef 12.1+
- Testing updates
- Properly fail on RHEL 7 / Fedora
- Update to clarify that RHEL 7 removed the hearbeat package
- Added support for RHEL platforms by requiring yum-epel cookbook
- Added .foodcritic file to skip certain rules
- Updated .gitignore file
- Added Test Kitchen config
- Added Chef standard Rubocop config
- Added testing in Travis CI
- Added a Berksfile
- Updated contributing and testing docs
- Added and maintainers.toml files
- Added Travis and cookbook version badges to the readme
- Expanded the requirements section in the readme and clarify the minimum supported Chef release is 11
- Updated Opscode -> Chef Software
- Added a Rakefile for simplified testing
- Added a Chefignore file
- Resolved Rubocop warnings
- Added long_description to the metadata
- Added source_url and issues_url to the metadata
- Added basic Chefspec convergence test
- [COOK-1692] - Make heartbeat available for Centos/Redhat
- [COOK-1699] - add LWRP for heartbeat configuration
- Current public release.