- Due: Midnight on Monday,
11 Oct18 Oct (note: revised due date)- Check Canvas for submission details
- Data
- Find a dataset that you consider interesting.
- It may be publicly-available data, or something you've worked on in a course or project.
- You must have permission to use the data and share results.
- If you want ideas, look in Introduction to Data
- The section on APIs lists several places to look.
- Stakeholder
- Identify a stakeholder who is willing to engage with you on a project related to the data.
- If you're having trouble identifying a stakeholder, then here are some options for you to consider...
- Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
- Project Stinky -- this is the github repo that was developed last summer.
- The stakeholders listed in the README.md will be working with us.
- There are several things that could be done as follow-on to this project. I can help you with that.
- Let's Get Ready
- There's a survey dataset that needs to be cleaned and visualized. I'm putting together a github repo for this.
- The Director of Data and Evaluation from Let's Get Ready will be working with us.
- This is a Northeastern University Serving-Learning partner.
- Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG)
- If you want to work on one of these projects, then you've identified the stakeholder! That part's done.
- Don't contact them yet. I'll work with you on that.
- Ideally, these mini-projects could turn into term projects for the course, but you can do a little EDA right now.
- Term projects will involve teams of ~3 students.
- We can talk about creating teams later.
- For now, it's okay to work individually on something of interest to you.
- Visualization
- Use Observable Plot to visualize the data in an Observable notebook.
- Tell a story with the data -- that story can a term-project proposal.
- Ideally, these mini-projects could turn into term projects for the course, but you can do a little EDA right now.
- Extra credit
- Make it an interactive Dashboard
- Although it's not necessary, you can use this mini-project as a proposal for your term project.
- If multiple students choose the same stakeholder/dataset, that's okay -- we'll coordinate later.
- Provide feedback
- Ask questions if you want to learn more about the stakeholder projects.
- Ask questions if you think we're going too fast!!
- Ask questions in class or with piazza or during office hours (on Teams, Fridays, 2-4 ET) or by appointment on Teams.