- Copy solutions.md to the github site
- Distinguish stakeholder who helps craft a story from target audience
- Discuss major award recipients
- Discuss projects
- Labs 1 & 2
- A couple interesting notebooks
- Suggestions in Observable, Links & Questions in Piazza (pls mark things as "resolved")
- Projects (set up teams and review proposals)
- Looking ahead: mapping (static and slippy), animation, d3-geo, 3-D
- (Re)Introduce D3
- Data wrangling (D3 and vanilla JavaScript)
- Interaction with D3 & Plot
- Learn D3 -- collection
- Learn D3: By Example
- This notebook demonstrates chart reuse of D3 Histogram
- EXERCISE #1: In a new notebook, recreate the histogram (chart1) using Plot
- EXERCISE #2: Change the height to 200 (as in chart2) using Plot
- EXERCISE #3: Do the same thing with chart3 -- get it to run in your new notebook.
- EXERCISE #4: Stop the axes from jiggling.
- EXERCISE #5: Add tooltips to the chart you created in Exercise #2
- Solution
- As we'll see, the code that's used to add tooltips was written with D3 (and vanilla JavaScript).
- The histogram is one of many D3 Charts (collection)
- You'll notice that many of these D3 charts can be easily and simply recreated with Plot.
- But D3 is about much more than charts.
- Why should you use D3 & Observable?
- Because it's a natural environment for developing good habits. For example...
- "A good rule of thumb is that a cell should either define a named value to be referenced by other cells."
- The last few paragraphs of Learn D3: Data explain why.
- "Implicit dependencies lead to nondeterministic behavior 😱 during development, and possible errors 💥"
- For example, if one cell defines an array and a second cell modifies it in-place, other cells may see the array before or after the mutation.
- Make the dependency explicit: give the second cell a name and copy the array using
. - Or combine the two cells so that only the already-modified array is visible to other cells.
- Because it's a natural environment for developing good habits. For example...
- Learn D3: Data
- EXERCISE #6: Fix the next line so that you add the numbers, not the strings
"62.7" + "59.9" // 122.6? Nope!
- Solution
- EXERCISE #6: Fix the next line so that you add the numbers, not the strings
- d3-fetch -- convenient parsing on top of the Fetch API
- d3-dsv -- parsing & formatting text (includes
) - d3-time -- dealing with all the issues related to time
- d3-time-format -- parsing and formatting time (includes
) - d3-array API reference (includes
) -- github- d3-array API reference has a list of valuable Array methods (vanilla JavaScript)
- There's also
has useful static methodsObject.keys(obj)
- d3-array adds many additional useful methods (with examples)
D3 scales and Plot Scales are very closely related.
- Remember this? Introducing D3-Scale by Mike Bostock
- Learn D3: Scales
- Look under the hood at the bar chart in this notebook
- It's SVG with:
- Continuous scales
- d3.scaleLinear
- d3.scaleBand
- This reference is particularly relevant to Plot (figure shows padding options)
- d3-axis, including
- It's SVG with:
- Create a D3 scale from a Plot scale
- Create a chart with Plot that has only a scale:
chart = Plot.plot({x: {domain: [0, 100]}, grid: true})
- Get the scale object:
plotScale = chart.scale("x")
- Inspect the scale object -- it has all the properties needed to create a D3 scale
- Note:
plotScale.type == "linear"
evaluates to true, which means we're using a linear scale. - d3.scaleLinear is one of several continuous scales
- Continuous Scales
- Notice that there's a whole lot of SVG attribute setting under the hood to visualize the scales
- D3 scales come with many instance methods (e.g.,
)- Notice what happens when you vary the argument
- [https://observablehq.com/@d3/continuous-scales#powers)
- Try following the directions, i.e., change the range and value for "ticks" as suggested
- Note:
- Create the consistent D3 scale...
- Create a chart with Plot that has only a scale:
- Look under the hood at the bar chart in this notebook
scale = d3.scaleLinear(plotScale.domain, plotScale.range)
scale = d3.scaleLinear()
scale = scale.domain(plotScale.domain)
scale = scale.range(plotScale.range)
scale = d3.scaleLinear()
- Notice that we're using method chaining in the last example.
- Zebras?
- Introduction to Zebras
- 3 plots: S&P 500, daily change, rolling (yearly) average of volatility (sdv)
- grouping, piping, visualization (vega-lite)
- Alphabet
- Diamonds
- Plot: Rect -- includes visualization of diamonds
- Tooltips and Legend with Plot ??
- Data wrangling with D3
- Tooltips with Plot
- Plot Color Legend
- Plot Early Bird
Looking under the hood at Tooltips with Plot
- Noteworth items...
- It works with any "Mark" in any chart created by Plot
- Simply set a title attribute for any mark
- Pass your chart to the addTooltips() function.
- Under the hood...
- There's not that much code -- about 150 lines, including spaces and comments