WebRTC tries to establish peer-to-peer connections using the following methods, in order:
- Direct connection
- STUN - helps peers discover their public IP address and port
- TURN - relays traffic between peers when direct/STUN connections fail
- Lightweight protocol that helps peers behind NAT discover their public IP address
- Low bandwidth usage as it only helps with connection discovery
- No relay costs, but doesn't work when peers are behind strict firewalls
- Relays all traffic through the server when direct/STUN connections fail
- Higher bandwidth usage and server costs
- Required for peers behind symmetric NATs or strict firewalls
- More reliable but should only be used as a fallback
The installer script automates the complete TURN server setup process:
# Download the installer
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/steveseguin/vdo.ninja/develop/turnserver_install.sh.sample
mv turnserver_install.sh.sample turnserver_install.sh
chmod +x turnserver_install.sh
# Run the installer
sudo ./turnserver_install.sh
The installer will:
- Install coturn and dependencies
- Configure system limits for high connection loads
- Set up base TURN/STUN configuration
- Optionally configure SSL/TLS support
- Create systemd service for auto-start
- Configure proper permissions
The basic configuration (turnserver_basic.conf
) provides a minimal but functional TURN server:
listening-port=3478 # Standard STUN/TURN port
fingerprint # Required for WebRTC
lt-cred-mech # Long-term credential mechanism
user=username:password # Authentication credentials
realm=turn.example.com # Your server's domain
no-multicast-peers # Security measure
no-stdout-log # Disable stdout logging
The installer can configure SSL/TLS support which:
- Enables TURNS (TURN over TLS) on port 443
- Automatically obtains and renews SSL certificates via certbot
- Configures automatic certificate reload without server restart
Test your TURN server at: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/
Example configurations to test:
- TURNS (if SSL enabled):
Required ports:
- 443 TCP/UDP (TURNS, if enabled)
- 49152:65535 TCP/UDP (Media relay ports)
The following can be used to configure your ufw
firewall on Linux if needed. Adjust accordingly.
# SSH (add this first to avoid lockout)
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp # SSH access
# Core TURN/STUN ports
sudo ufw allow 3478/tcp # Default TURN/STUN TCP
sudo ufw allow 3478/udp # Default TURN/STUN UDP
# If using TLS/SSL
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp # TURN TLS
sudo ufw allow 443/udp # TURN TLS/DTLS
# If using Certbot for SSL renewals
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp # HTTP
# Media relay ports
sudo ufw allow 49152:65535/tcp # TCP relay ports
sudo ufw allow 49152:65535/udp # UDP relay ports
# Optional if you want alt-port support
sudo ufw allow 3479/tcp # Alternative port (port+1)
sudo ufw allow 3479/udp # Alternative port (port+1)
# Enable UFW if not already enabled
sudo ufw enable
sudo systemctl --signal=SIGUSR2 kill coturn
sudo systemctl status coturn
- Edit
- Restart service:
sudo systemctl restart coturn
Permission denied errors
- The installer handles this by setting proper capabilities
- Manual fix:
sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/turnserver
SSL certificate errors (701)
- Verify certificate permissions
- Check certificate paths in configuration
- Ensure certificates are readable by turnserver user
System Limits The installer configures higher system limits for production use:
- File descriptors: 65535
- System max files: 65535
- Monitor bandwidth usage
- Watch for high CPU/memory usage
- Track active connections
- Regularly update credentials
- Monitor for abuse
- Keep coturn and SSL certificates up to date
You have different ways to set and specify a TURN server in VDO.Ninja; see below.
Use &turn
to specify custom TURN servers or modify TURN behavior:
- Custom TURN:
- Disable TURN:
- Use Twilio:
- No STUN:
Use &relay
, &private
, or &privacy
to force TURN relay usage:
- Forces the use of TURN servers instead of direct connections
- Hides IP addresses from peers
- May increase latency
- Useful for testing or privacy requirements
Add to index.html before loading main.js but after webrtc.js:
var session = WebRTC.Media;
session.version = "26.5";
session.streamID = session.generateStreamID();
session.defaultPassword = "someEncryptionKey123";
session.stunServers = [{
urls: ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302", "stun:stun.cloudflare.com:3478"]
// Basic TURN Setup
session.configuration = {
iceServers: session.stunServers,
sdpSemantics: session.sdpSemantics
var turn = {
username: "steve",
credential: "justtesting",
urls: ["turn:turn.obs.ninja:443"]
// Force TURN relay
// session.configuration.iceTransportPolicy = "relay";
To use dynamic TURN credentials with PHP:
- Rename
- Configure the PHP file:
$expiry = 86400;
$username = time() + $expiry;
$secret = '<static-auth-secret>';
$password = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $username, $secret, true));
$turn_server = "turns:<turn-server>:<https-turn-port>";
$stun_server = "stun:<stun-server>:<stun-port>";
$arr = array($username, $password, $turn_server, $stun_server);
echo json_encode($arr);
- Add credential fetching code to index.html:
try {
session.ws = false;
var phpcredentialsRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
phpcredentialsRequest.onload = function() {
if (this.status === 200) {
var res = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
session.configuration = {
sdpSemantics: session.sdpSemantics,
iceServers: []
let phpIceServers = {
"username": res[0],
"credential": res[1],
urls: []
for (let i = 2; i < res.length; i++) {
if (session.ws === false) {
session.ws = null;
phpcredentialsRequest.open('GET', './turn-credentials.php', true);
} catch (e) {
errorlog("php-credentials script Failed");
For issues or questions:
- Create an issue on the VDO.Ninja GitHub repository
- Join the VDO.Ninja Discord community