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Steve Baker edited this page Jun 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

Rewrap's main command has the default keybinding Alt+Q. If you want to change it to something else, add something like this to your keybindings.json file. For example for Ctrl+Shift+Q:

json5 { "key": "ctrl+shift+q", "command": "rewrap.rewrapComment" }

### Custom column command ###
To add a keybinding for the **Wrap Comment / Text at column...** command, use its `rewrap.rewrapCommentAt` id:
  "key": "alt+shift+q", "command": "rewrap.rewrapCommentAt"

Old keybinding

The original keybinding for Rewrap was Ctrl+K Ctrl+W, but this has been deprecated and may be removed in the future.

If you prefer to use this shortcut, you should add it to your keybindings.json file so that it will keep working if it's removed: json5 { "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+w", "command": "rewrap.rewrapComment" }

`Ctrl+K Ctrl+W` conflicts with VSCode's built-in command `workbench.action.closeAllEditors`. If you want to disable this keybinding for the Rewrap command to re-enable the built-in command, you should add this to your keybindings.json. Note the `-` before the command name.
  "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+w", "command": "-rewrap.rewrapComment"
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