- add ftp port rules
- patch to default to proper ius release 1.0-14 by default
- use CentOS release rather than RedHat release
- patch to default to proper ius release 1.0-13 by default, 1.0-11 now is 404
- only run centos_profile changes if not already applied
- add only_if yum/grep check in removal of packages to ensure that exact matchs are made rather than letting yum remove match similar packages that claim to meet the same dependencies
- Added rundeck port access recipe (requires rundeck recipe)
- Added git install recipe to enable package / source install to be an attrib, wrapping the contriburted cookbook
- Added mysql 3306 port access from localhost
- add exim disable / setup postfix recipe
- Added munin node port whitelist
- updated the yum_remove recipe to run durring compile time so that use case of mysql/database cookbook with custom yum package can work with yum_install recipe
- added yum_install recipe to manage adding yum repos at compile time (support mysql/database cookbook with custom mysql packages)
- update for chef 11.4.4, seems resources are throwing errors for the chef < 10.x fix for defaults
- Added port_jenkins_jnlp recipe for opening the jenins port
- Added yum_remove recipe to clear the way for installs that are attribute defined (e.g. mysql client/server)
- Added usrlocal.sh to /etc/profile.d to add /usr/local/bin to the executable global path
- Added recipe for chef server port sls_utils::port_chef_server
- Added yum_repo recipe to replace manual management of yum repo, mainly to get the repo installed via rpm and thus trigger the epel-testing repo install. (the whole yum repo management by hand is tedious.)