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Frequently brought up topics in #haskell

(This is like an FAQ, except that the F stands for frequently instead of "someone thought this might be worth mentioning".)


  1. ByteString.Char8 is bad
  2. (a `op`) is not \x -> a `op` x
  3. "I don't understand Monads"
  4. Tabs vs. spaces
  5. (- 4) is not \x -> x - 4
  6. I'm looking for a good Regex library
  7. Show is not for prettyprinting
  8. Imposing constraints on data types
  9. seq does not specify an evaluation order
  10. Where is IO defined?

ByteString.Char8 is bad

Short version

"The short answer is 'any time you write Data.ByteString.Char8 in your code, your code is probably wrong'" - merijn on #haskell

The problem

ByteString is a library for representing raw data, suitable for storing it or sending it over the network. Raw data is seldomly what you actually want; it is an intermediate form for the actual data you're trying to pack into single bytes . The one crucial assumption about encoding and decoding data is that doing them one after another gets you the original data back, i.e.

decode . encode = id

This is where ByteString.Char8 fails: when converting a [Char] to a ByteString.Char8, all the Char are truncated silently to their first byte. Truncation means loss of information, therefore

unpack . pack /= id

Unfortunately, this is merely a remark and not a 36pt bold underlined warning in the documentation.

Why is this bad?

You might say "I'm only using ASCII data anyway, and the issue above only exists for multi-byte Unicode". This is a very dangerous argument, because you never know in what context your code might be used by an unsuspecting third party (and you should consider yourself in 3 months one of those).

To give you an analogy, suppose you have a number library for manipulating Int, but it turns out that (*) is not commutative for numbers larger than 100. Would it be wise to say "I'll just use it for small numbers so it'll be fine"? Is it OK to not catch exceptions that "should never happen"? Do you not have airbags in your car because when you drive you're always very careful?

The right way

Use ByteString, not ByteString.Char8. If what you want is a conversion String -> ByteString, then use a serialization library such as Binary that takes care of the conversion from [Char] to [Word8] to ByteString and back. The same goes for Text, which can be serialized using ByteString.Encoding.

ByteString.Char8 has very few limited uses, for example if you're communicating over a HTTP connections the headers are all ASCII. Using Char8 saves you from converting your literal Strings in the code to ByteString explicitly all the time, but note that HTTP requests can still contain Unicode in their bodies, so HTTP isn't a ticket to using Char8 in general.

(a `op`) is not \x -> a `op` x

These two forms are seemingly identical, but there is a subtle difference. The first one is just sugar for op a, while the second one is a lambda (and not direct application of op). This leads to different strictness properties in the presence of ⊥:

> let op = undefined

-- Section
> (() `op`) `seq` ()
>>> *** Exception: Prelude.undefined

-- Prefix
> (op ()) `seq` ()
>>> *** Exception: Prelude.undefined

-- Lambda
> (\x -> () `op` x) `seq` ()
>>> ()

The reason for this behaviour is that a lambda can be thought of as an additional wrapper around the application of op, and this wrapper is already WHNF. For this reason, op is never forced, and the seq terminates without complaints.

"I don't understand Monads"

There are many articles about Monads and how to use them out there, and as many articles pointing that out ("Monad tutorial fallacy"), and probably even more meta-levels. Here is my practical advice for demystifying Monads.

A Haskell Monad is a typeclass, and typeclasses unify types that act alike in some sense. For typeclasses like Eq that "alike-ness" is fairly obvious, but for Monads it isn't. So what should you do? Use Monad instances, and don't worry about the Monad part. How does do notation work for Maybe? What does >>= do in this scenario? Now write some small example code that just uses these features. Up next: how does do notation work for Writer? What does >>= do in this scenario? Now write some small example code that just uses these features. Up next: how does do notation work for State? What does >>= do in this scenario? Now write some small example code that just uses these features. You can see where this is going, but for the sake of it, here's the essence of it: Learn Monad instances separately without worrying about how they are "monadic". After some time you will develop an intuition for what do, <-, return, >>= etc. have in common. And you guessed it, the Monad typeclass unifies that common-ness. And that's how I think you should approach Monads.

Here is the order in which I recommend looking at how to use standard Monad instances:

  1. Maybe; you can also have a look at Either which is pretty similar.
  2. State, Writer.
  3. Reader, IO. IO in particular is a good Monad to get an intuitive feeling for, as IO is primitive (i.e. hardcoded) and therefore the "I don't understand the implementation so I can't understand this one" is not an excuse.

Tabs vs. spaces

Short version: use spaces.

Long version: You can write valid Haskell with spaces, tabs, or anything in between. The between part is a pain in the ass, but you can make only-tab-indented code work. So why shouldn't you do that?

  1. If you were referred to this document, you're most likely a beginner. Beginners make lots of mistakes with tabs and are surprised why their code breaks.

  2. Spaces look the same to everyone, tabs don't. Chances are your tabbed code looks like bad with different settings for tab size; if it doesn't you have lots of newlines at the appropriate locations so it looks bad in the first place.

  3. The Haskell community has decided to use spaces. All common libraries use spaces, and the only reason there are a few tabs left in GHC's source is because of potential merge conflicts when editing them all out in bulk.

(- 4) is not \x -> x - 4

A single negative sign is a special case in Haskell syntax, and simplifies entering negative numbers. Unfortunately this rule breaks sections with (-).

-- The number "-4".
a :: Num a => a
a = (-4)
-- or simply "a = -4"

-- The function "subtract 4 from the argument".
b :: Num a => a -> a
b = \x -> x - 4

-- A useful Prelude definition for the "subtract from" function.
-- Note the switched order of a and b.
subtract :: Num a => a -> a -> a
subtract a b = b - a

-- The "subtract 4 from the argument" function written with the above.
c :: Num a => a -> a
c = subtract 4

So in summary, iff you want a section with the (-) operator, use subtract like in example c.

A final word of caution, using subtract in infix looks reasonable, but produces wrong (negative) results due to reversed arguments - 3 `subtract` 1 is -2.

I'm looking for a good Regex library

No. Stop. What you want to do is parse something, right? Use a parser! Regex is widely used in other languages a lot, but very unpopular in Haskell:

  • Regex is very hard to read once written.
  • Writing Regex is error-prone, and the lack of readability makes it hard to debug them.
  • Even if correct, the lack of readability makes them unmaintainable.
  • Regex can split and transform text, but you'll always get out text again. This makes Regex more like a lexer, not a parser. You'l still have to convert your Regex chunks into actual data afterwards.

Want an example? Here's a regex to check US phone numbers in Python (source):


Actually no, there's a something missing. First task, find it. Afterwards, you may object that the code lacks documentation, so of course it's unreadable. Split in multiple lines, use comments:

r'(1[-\s.])?' # optional '1-', '1.' or '1'
r'(\()?'      # optional opening parenthesis
r'\d{3}'      # the area code
r'(?(2)\))'   # if there was opening parenthesis, close it
r'[-\s.]?'    # followed by '-' or '.' or space
r'\d{3}'      # first 3 digits
r'[-\s.]?'    # followed by '-' or '.' or space
r'\d{4}$'     # last 4 digits

What's the back reference to getting the area code again? The answer is don't use Regex. If you want to do dirty hacking, Regex is the right tool for the job. If you want to parse use parsers, for example Parsec or Attoparsec.

Show is not for prettyprinting

Sometimes the output of a Show instance looks like it could be displayed in a human-friendlier way; Set for example displays as fromList [1,2,3], and derived Show instances account for all encountered constructors even. This may look not very pretty or contain a lot of redundancy, so that the question of how to generate a prettier Show instance for something comes up.

As it turns out, this question is wrong: Show is not for prettyprinting, it's for converting things to String, often in a way where the resulting String is valid Haskell and could be re-inserted into code. Because of this, Show is first and foremost a debugging class to have a quick glance at some data without losing any information or introducing ambiguities. For prettyprinting, there are other libraries, such as pretty or pretty-show and Text.Printf.

Similar arguments apply to Read, which is the counterpart to Show: it's meant to convert things generated by Show back to Haskell. It is not a general String -> Haskell converter, which is what parsers are for (such as Parsec or Attoparsec as mentioned in a previous section).

Imposing constraints on data types

Sometimes, it might seem useful to require a data type to be constrained to a type class, for example you might want to require an Ord constraint for a list that's always sorted ascending like so:

data Ord a => OrdList a = Nil | a :< OrdList a
-- (Non-legal Haskell, but possible using the deprecated `DatatypeContexts`
-- GHC extension.)

This is usually not a good idea, because the Ord constraint would be required by all functions working with an OrdList, regardless of whether it actually needs a comparison, and in particular it would eliminate no Ord constraints on any function that uses OrdList compared to how an non-Ord list would work. For example, the ordLength function would look like this:

ordLength :: Ord a => OrdList a -> Int
ordLength Nil = 0
ordLength (_ :< xs) = 1 + ordLength xs

Note that this does not make use of Ord anywhere, yet the type signature demands it. Using this function inside another one would maybe propagate the Ord constraint up and cause even more unnecessary constraints.

The beginner's way of having an ordered list is to put the constraints in the functions, not in the data declaration, like so:

data OrdList a = Nil | a :< OrdList a
infixr 5 :<

ordLength :: OrdList a -> Int
ordLength Nil = 0
ordLength (_ :< xs) = 1 + ordLength xs

-- Prepend an element, fail if it doesn't fit the ordering
cons :: Ord a => a -> Maybe (OrdList a)
cons x Nil = x :< Nil
cons x (y :< ys) | x <= y    = Just (x :< y :< ys)
                 | otherwise = Nothing

-- More API here

To make it impossible to construct ill-formed OrdLists, one could export only operations that cannot violate OrdLists invariant (that the elements are in ascending order).

A more advanced way of constructing the OrdList would be by using generalized algebraic data types (GADTs), enabled by the GADTs GHC extension (which is not deprecated and widely used), enabling the following:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- GHC extension, non-standard Haskell!

data OrdList a where
      Nil  :: OrdList a
      (:<) :: Ord a => a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a

ordLength :: OrdList a -> Int -- No Ord constraint!
ordLength Nil = 0
ordLength (_ :< xs) = 1 + ordLength xs

However, GADTs are a chapter on their own (and non-standard Haskell at that); I merely mention this for completeness sake here. For basic usage, follow the advice before: constrain functions, not the data declarations.

seq does not specify an evaluation order

The seq function is defined by the following equations in the Haskell Report:

seq ⊥ x = ⊥
seq y x = x   (if y ≠ ⊥)

Any function that satisfies these properties is a valid implementation of seq. In particular, no evaluation order is specified; in other words, implementations can choose whether to evaluate seq x y by evaluating x first, y first, or even choosing randomly. In case such an order is desirable, there is the pseq function from Control.Concurrent, which guarantees evaluation of the first parameter first. These would all be valid implementations for seq:

-- Evaluate x first
seq1 x y = x `pseq` y

-- Evaluate y first
seq2 x y = y `pseq` x `seq1` y

-- Random choice
seqR | randomBool = seq1
     | otherwise  = seq2
     where randomBool = unsafePerformIO randomIO

It is worth noting that evaluating seq (error "x") (error "y") superficially allows inspection of which argument is actually evaluated first. However, the errors are identical from within the program's perspective; it takes an intervention of the runtime to extract anything useful from it. In addition, the compiler may (and does!) choose which argument to evaluate first as an optimization, so there really is no guarantee of evaluation order even if the above simple test always displays the "x" error.

Where is IO defined?

This question is hard to answer for multiple reasons.

  1. IO is all over the place.
  2. Looking at the userland definitions of IO most likely doesn't answer basic questions about it.
  3. A lot of IO is primitive and hardwired into the GHC source.

In any case, here are a couple of links to some interesting definitions around IO. I'm providing Github search links so these are somewhat robust against a changing code base.

Definition Location
newtype IO libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
primtype State# compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
RealWorld compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
instance Monad IO libraries/base/GHC/Base.lhs