- Theme reset Button not changing
- ZStack is abs positioning children...
- createTamagui({ settings: { webMode: true } })
- avoids console warning on Text
separate from core- instead of validStyleProps use validNONStyleProps
- that way for web all style props pass through automatically
- also likely smaller bundle size (smart detect
- have a CSS mode
- styled('div')
- avoid flat style props + plugin for styled() control
- beforeStyles + afterStyles array
- env HEADLESS sets unstyled: true by default
- createX
- eject command
Smaller features:
- no-rerender psuedo styles on native when using reanimated driver (fernando PR)
- imperative methods for many things - sheet, popover, etc, close etc
- ssr safe themeInverse would be pretty nice
- styled(ExternalComponent) should always allow Partial props
- but if you do provide the props ideally it should 'know' they are pre-filled and therefore not required anymore
- also it should make sure to make those props required if they aren't set in styled()
- avoid css extract on server mode next.js?
- ehsans branch with theme flattening support
- TAMAGUI_OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_VIEWS on by default using proper prop mapping
- compiler can add
to avoid hooks - optimization of useTheme/getSplitStyles seems like it has some decent stuff
- could lazy expand styles
- get dynamicEval working automatically
- warn on styled(Pressable) and styled(TouchableOpacity)
- All color scales should have an option/check to turn on/off their control over saturation
- In fact split out saturation scales
- Remove luminosity slider for base theme just keep for contrast
- Customize scale popover lets you name a new one, change the values
- needs to be able to pick the foreground color manually
- by default it picks a nice contrast (opposite scale end) foreground
Mask themes
- Need to be fixed in general and improved defaults
Final Step
- Add a final preview set where you can choose any theme for every box section, that way you can preview you main theme + contrast, but also your sub-themes on some boxes, getting very interesting combos
- Needs to have a overview view of the themes you generated, a grid of cards showing their names, palette, scales, etc, this will be re-used on the purchase page for free/pro themes
- Sharing your themes should be a thing, hit publish and it makes the final step overview screen + other users can load it into their studio = more sharing on twitter etc
tama upgrade
- official tamagui upgrade that works across bundlerstama doctor
- checks dependencies to be consistenttamagui [clone|eject] Sheet ./packages/sheet
- clones the sheet package into your repo somewhere
- Select
- iOS Select as well as the newer SwiftUI menu style Picker
- Sheet native android - https://github.com/intergalacticspacehighway/react-native-android-bottomsheet
- Select
- biome checks for react hooks early returns
- deprecate rnw-lite when we can after making sure all tests / animation drivers pass on rnw
- TODO this could definitely be done better by at the very minimum
- this entire proxy could be removed in favor of the proxy we make on initial theme creation, and just having a way to subscribeThemeGet(theme, (key, val) => any) at the useThemeWithState callsite
- breaking:
- shorthands
- col => c
- remove bg/bc confusion
- remove suppressHighlighting / margin 0 default from Text
- compiler can accummulate them and emit a file?
- shorthands
- basic plugins system
- no separate UI package necessary for optimization
- if dynamic eval flattens every usage, remove the definition
- headless
- zero runtime
move simple-web to themeBuilder
Popover.Close inside Sheet
merge font-size and get-font-sized packages
cli needs a start update command just runs diff against your
sheet native ios snapPoints
- pre release 2.0 version of library
- https://github.com/dominicstop/react-native-ios-modal/blob/wip/example/src/examples/Test09.tsx
CI not failing on type errors in apps/site a package.json etc etc + zip file
@alt Sheet inside Popover breaks css animation:
Studio: drag and drop a font and you can configure the subset
- automatically converts to the right output formats
- auto generates CSS
- bundles it into
$web / $native make them work as media queries
theme based "media queries" automatically:
- $dark / $light but could be any theme?
'> Child' descendent queries
- only with css driver it can extract to css
- without it uses context
- - https://github.com/dominicstop/react-native-ios-modal - we'd want expo module + snap points
prop https://reactnative.dev/docs/actionsheetios -
add test that builds site for prod + checks for header text / no errors
yarn release --canary
Popover trigger="hover"
Switch unstyled - make it so it doesn't do any theme stuff
font-family is being output to DOM on text element
font weights in css are generating extra variables with "undefined" value if not filled in
add defaultSize and defaultFontFamily to createTamagui
- all instances of $true can become getConfig().defaultSize
- all instances of $body can become getConfig().defaultFontFamily
- remove the validation in createTamagui that enforces the keys
relative sizing first class (and relative color)
- add
, anddefaultColor
- add
- add
bug: inputs rendering twice due to focusableInputHOC, if you remove that it doesnt, this is due to styled() + how it determines ComponentIn and grabs the component
prop for components -
docs for
getVariableValue(props.fontFamily) doesn't look right
support new RN props: https://reactnative.dev/blog/2023/01/12/version-071#web-inspired-props-for-accessibility-styles-and-events
- document keyboard avoiding view in
- input bug
- @tamagui/change-animation-driver document
- Disable warning ENV + configuration.md docs
- (nate) make focusStyle border darker
- bezier on css animations
- disablePassBorderRadius feels like a weird thing to need by default
- change Group's disablePassBorderRadius to something else - perhaps the negation, passBorderRadius? i'm not sure. what do you think about this @natew alternatively we could have disablePassBorderRadius default to true only on Tabs.List. but then overriding it would feel awkward (having to pass disablePassBorderRadius={false})
- and document on styled() page
- disablePassBorderRadius feels like a weird thing to need by default
- native component modes
native (web) -
native (mobile)
light/dark theme buttons bad colors (contrast + pressStyle borders)
add JSDoc help with links to docs for components
- also can we somehow make intellisense sort the props in a way we want by default? itd be ncie to have style props after the others
Card has a good use case for size being passed through context/css vars
linear-gradient next.js issue
I'm currently using the Selector on Native, and the animation for pulling up the modal is kind of lagging and I get spammed this error when it happens.
add Themes page in docs under Theme, change Theme => Design System
move packages to have unstyled
move packages from /core to /web
// TODO move into getSplitStyles inital
if (process.env.TAMAGUI_TARGET === 'web')
default light mode theme + not changing
hoverTheme={false} works, make hoverStyle={false} to unset
test keyboardavoidingview > scrollView - collapsing tamagui
check into shadow/elevation not showing
survey https://tripetto.app or gforms
unset: useful for unstyled to usnet the defaultVariatn size
web forms events bubble
vertical slider native can be janky
accessibility keyboard navigation (Menu component potentially)
test: useMedia, reanimated, re-renders (mount, on hover, etc), render time ms
CD on github
home page sponsors with sizing and better logos
keyboard search select bug
variants intellisense autocomplete not suggesting, but types are right
improve native integration test
kitchen-sink in Snack demo link
cli basic version -
VisuallyHidden + mediaquery + space
re-render tests:
- useMedia, component w/ media + style, media + css-style, media + space
- useTheme, component with theme used in style
createThemes accepts array not object
site _app has t_unmounted helper, move that into tamagui proper
SimpleTooltip no sub theme looks bad on dark mode
- remove from web (can keep in core or make pluggable):
- themeable
- space
- can have an env setting to exclude all the theme generation stuff if you are using the pre-build:
- replace all RN stuff left in tamagui: Image, Input, Spinner, etc
- Accessibility + RTL
- tag="a" should get the typed props of a link
- much better non-monorepo non-expo general setup experience
- app dir support (discussions/409)
- contrastColor (accent color) in themes (discussions/449)
- all: unset
react native pressable in pressable
tama sync
- make it easy to have a template repo that people sync to
- includes the git sync stuff from cli now
- copies/diffs/merges every file there just based on heuristics
- somehow choose "merge/overwrite/diff"
- smart defaults
- package.json etc
- binary assets overwrite (if not changed, else prompt)
setup script can power
tama sync
to sync the repo to its parent repo -
site web fonts (can also be a feature of font bundles)
drag on switch
prebuild option
- de-dupes css
- fixes next.js next load css
- simplifies initial setup and need for plugins
site snack + demo embed on all pages floating that scales up on hover on large screengrid or augment
lighthouse score ci
pass Size down context (see Group) is this just Themes but for individual props (css variable direct support <Theme set={{ size: '$4' }}> ?)?
kitchen sink snack on site
what works for compilation / examples
pass Size down context (see Group) but really this is just Themes but for individual props (css variable direct support <Theme set={{ size: '$4' }}> ?)
native props on more components
space => gap
check deps are matching in compiler startup
can optimize useMedia / many hooks:
dual direction scrollview shouldn't need two nested see CodeDemoPreParsed
container queries
variantsOnly: true
on styled(), removes types for anything but variants (and className/theme etc) -
way to use tamagui with custom design system tokens
- basically map any tokens you choose to internal tamagui ones
input like button
allow string values alongside numbers (nativebase port)
for overrides -
built in jsx => css converter
(keep fallback around as deprecated)as={['a', { ...props }]}
breaking change notifier cli
VSCode => "turn JSX into styled()"
pass in SharedValue to any prop for animations
try using react-native-web $css object support for classnames
animation accept useAnimatedStyle
Switch gesture
loadFont, loadAnimations
<...> turns on debugging for all in tree and shows them nested
- - use theme values and size values - can swap for other icon packs (use createTamagui({ icons }))
<Select.SearchInput />
hoverStyle={{ [XStack]: {} }}
<List.Section /> see (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/list Section)
can work native with
react-native-skia / svg image support
beforeStyle, afterStyle could work ...
- only if we can do with pseudos:
- focusStyle={{ after: { fullscreen: true, border... } }}
- allows for proper focused borders that don't require super hacks
- see Switch
- radio may be List.Radio just combines List, Label, Drawer
- can use Switch or check or custom
- only if we can do with pseudos:
accessibility upgrades (focus rings etc)
skeleton just using Theme / variables
- https://www.radix-ui.com/docs/primitives/components/dropdown-menu
- basically a popover + mouse helpers + built in item element
- don't need sub-menu for first iteration but... could if it's easier to at once
- floating-ui has helpers for this too
prop to do ContextMenu in iOS- ios:
- Zeego uses react-native-ios-context-menu
- https://github.com/nandorojo/zeego/blob/master/packages/zeego/src/menu/create-ios-menu/index.ios.tsx
- android:
- Zeego uses
- @react-native-menu/menu
- https://github.com/nandorojo/zeego/blob/master/packages/zeego/src/menu/create-android-menu/index.android.tsx
- ios:
const Skeleton = styled(Stack, { animation: { name: 'quick', loop: true }, enterStyle: { x: '100%', }, exitStyle: { x: '-100%', }, background: `linear-gradient(to left, $background, $color, $background)` })
Component themes could force set the actual properties even if they aren't set by the component themselves....
themes.dark_Button = { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'red', // is this doable? beforeStyle: [{}], }
Themes can completely transform the look and feel, a button could have multiple shadows/reflections in one theme, but be totally flat in another.
3.0 - single forward pass generates the css alongside the style object
Fix ToggleGroup active style looking really bad only sticking sometimes
- in general we need a better system for controlling if we apply active theme or not, or letting consumers control the active styling in general on things
- perhaps we do active theme by default (unless unstyled: true)
- <ToggleGroup activeItemProps={{ active: true }}>
- <ToggleGroup.Item /> then would recieve active={true}?
- defaults to theme: 'active'
- in general we need a better system for controlling if we apply active theme or not, or letting consumers control the active styling in general on things