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Use the Sass syntax.
Use hyphens when naming mixins, extends, classes & variables: span-columns
not span_columns
or spanColumns
Use space between property and value: width: 20px
not width:20px
Use a blank line above selector that has styles.
Prefer hex color codes #000
Use //
for comment blocks not /* */
Use single or double quotes consistently. Preference is for double quotes, e.g., content: ""
Use only lowercase, including colors.
Don't add a unit specification after 0
values, unless required by a mixin.
Place scoped variables, @extends and @includes (excluding media query stuff) at the top of your declaration list, in that order.
Use alphabetical order for declarations.
Place media queries directly after the declaration list.
Place concatenated selectors second.
Place pseudo states and elements third.
Place nested selectors last.
Don't use ID's for style.
Use meaningful names: $visual-grid-color
not $color
or $vslgrd-clr
Use ID and class names that are as short as possible but as long as necessary.
Use one selector per line.
If :hover pseudo class is styled, :focus should also be styled for accessibility. Focus styles should never be removed.
Avoid using the direct descendant selector >
Avoid nesting more than 3 selectors deep.
Don't nest more than 6 selectors deep.
Avoid using the HTML tag in the class name: /*section*/.news
not /*section*/.news-section
Avoid using HTML tags on classes with specific class names like .featured-articles
Don't qualify selectors: .widgets
not div.widgets
Avoid nesting within a media query.
Use Compass or Bourbon for a Sass library.
Use Normalize as a browser reset.
Use HTML structure for ordering of selectors. Don't just put styles at the
bottom of the Sass file.
Avoid having files longer than 100 lines.
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