I begin with a fresh clean install of Windows 10 Professional. Somday I will document the settings I go though but for now I just do the basic.
- Language: English
- Keyboard: US inernational
- Disable most of the diagnositics questions
- Use my AzureAd account to signin
Then first I install my default software set and then go though some setup.
- Setup Onedrive for Business
- Setup some Shareoint folders I like to keep available
- Start the Windows Mail App (I don't use Outlook) and make sure my email is there
- Start Word for the first time, assign my account and choose the Microsoft docx format
I like to have my files in the root of C:\data or on a D:\ drive depending on what the computer has.
- Create a c:\data folder
<folders for portable / xcopy apps >
- git is the default location to put github repo's. I keep my git DevOps repo's under vsts
- dev a folder for some local test development not under sourcecontrol
- nuget a folder for my local nuget cache. I configure a .nuget file in a root per dev folder or solution so all nuget packages are downloaded here. I know, but I like to prevent massive amounts of duplicate files
- vsts my DevOps sourcecontrolled files. The name should change but since MS changes product names soo fast I am sticking with this for now. Previously I would use "visualstudioonline" :-|
- temp is as the names suggests for temp files, I don't like c:\windows\temp and have resisted c:\temp
- iso is a folder I sometimes have to store .iso files that I keep longer. Usually the end up in temp of stay in the system Downloads folder
- vhd or Hyper-V if I have that anabled and use it.
- wsl is a place to store wsl specific stuff
After having setup my folders I can continue setting up software
- Start Visualstudio and configure that to use c:\data\dev as default folder for new solutions
Some usefull extensions I tend to install everytime
Live Server (ritwickdey.liveserver)
Azure Account (ms-vscode.azure-account)
C# (ms-dotnettools.csharp)
Paste JSON as Code (quicktype.quicktype)
Remote WSL (ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl)
Git Graph (mhutchie.git-graph)
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 (coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-2)
Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro snippets (thekalinga.bootstrap4-vscode)
Angular 8 Snippets - TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, ngRx, RxJS & Flex Layout (Mikael.Angular-BeastCode)
I use a few extensions in the browser.
- Lastpass
- Json Beautifier and editor
Some settings are not simply available and we have to resort to registry hacks. I hate some of the default folders Windows displays so I clean them up.