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This is repo contains multiple helper modules which help you quickly adapt your Authentication process to your application.
See sample code & each library module for more detail.

This Credentials auth library provides a simple way to help you easy to handle credentials authentication and token management. Some of features are signIn, signOut, refreshToken...

This Biometric authentication library is a small wrapper androidx biometric library which provides a simple way to help you easy to handle biometric authentication. Combine with Credentials auth library to support your user to use biometric to sign in.

There are 2 small libraries built on top of Firebase authentication and Google Sign-In SDK for android.

  1. With Firebase authentication you can manage the authentication result from Firebase.
  2. With Google Standard authentication you get the GoogleSignInAccount result directly from Google, and provide signIn info to your BackEnd.

Same with Google, the 2 libraries built on top of Firebase authentication and Facebook SDK for android.

  1. With Firebase authentication you can manage the authentication result from Firebase.
  2. With Facebook Standard authentication you get the result directly from Facebook, and provide signIn info to your BackEnd.

Getting started

From project build.gradle (or settings.gradle), add Jitpack maven

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Then add required dependencies to your app/build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation "${latest_version}" // required

    implementation "${latest_version}"
    implementation "${latest_version}"
    implementation "${latest_version}"
    implementation "${latest_version}"
    implementation "${latest_version}"
    implementation "${latest_version}"

That's it, to see more detail, see Wiki


Feel free to make a pull request. Make sure your code is formatted and fixed lint issues.

  1. Clean project first to copy team-props git-hooks
  2. Pull and checkout from develop branch
  3. A commit message must be have one of these prefixes [add|modify|fix|revert|hotfix], Ex: [Modify]
  4. To auto format code, run ./gradlew ktlintFormat
  5. To check lint issues, run ./gradlew detekt See all reports in reports folder.


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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.