diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bd7c677..5c2db76 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ available inside the doc.
* Click on the Add-ons menu, you will see an add-on by the name of the project that you have created while installing.
* Click on "Add To Drive" menu.
* The file will be converted into an MD file with the name, same as that of the source document.
- * The converted file will be placed in a folder created with the name same as that of source document, under the folder "xt-docs-md-files"
+ * The converted file will be placed in a folder created with the name same as that of source document, under the folder "Google Docs to Markdown"
* If the above said folders are not there, the script will automatically create it.
* If any inline image are there, it will also be placed within the folder where the converted MD file is placed already.
* Please note that the converted images cannot be viewed directly from google drive. You have to download to view it because of this issue [http://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=1239]
* To convert multiple documents, it is better to create this as a google docs plugin and publish it within your own domain after getting approval from google.
+ * To change the otuput folder, click on the "Change Output Folder" menu. It will show you the default output folder and a text box to change it.
+ * Type in the new output folder name and press 'OK'. All the converted MD files in future will be placed under this new common folder. If the folder doesn't exist, it will create when the next time you convert any MD file.
+ * Please note that if you change the output folder name in plugin, it will be reflected across all documents.
* Cheers, Happy Converting.
## Interpreted formats
diff --git a/converttomarkdown.js b/converttomarkdown.js
index c3ca0c4..f3f1ace 100644
--- a/converttomarkdown.js
+++ b/converttomarkdown.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- Adding this script to your doc:
+ Adding this script to your doc:
- Tools > Script Manager > New
- Select "Blank Project", then paste this code in and save.
Running the script:
@@ -10,6 +10,44 @@ Usage:
- You can also view or donwload the converted file from the pop up, once the document is converted.
+/* Configuration Section where the comomn folder - where the converted MD files will be stored, is configured */
+/* Made as a singelton, so that all the function who wants to get/set common folder act on single set of data */
+var config = (function () {
+ //This line gets the user properties for the sheets. So the value of common folder can be different for different users of this plugin
+ var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
+ var instance = {};
+ //Setting the intial value of common folder if not present
+ if(typeof scriptProperties.getProperty('COMMON_FOLDER') == 'undefined' || scriptProperties.getProperty('COMMON_FOLDER') == null || scriptProperties.getProperty('COMMON_FOLDER') == "")
+ scriptProperties.setProperty('COMMON_FOLDER', 'Google Docs to Markdown'); // Changing this value affects the default common folder name
+ //Function for getting the current common folder value
+ instance.getCommonFolder = function() {
+ return scriptProperties.getProperty('COMMON_FOLDER');
+ }
+ //Function for setting the current common folder value
+ instance.setCommonFolder = function(folderName) {
+ scriptProperties.setProperty('COMMON_FOLDER', folderName);
+ }
+ function createInstance() {
+ var object = new Object();
+ return object;
+ }
+ return {
+ getInstance: function () {
+ if (!instance) {
+ instance = createInstance();
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ };
* Creates a menu entry in the Google Docs UI when the document is opened.
@@ -17,12 +55,12 @@ Usage:
* determine which authorization mode (ScriptApp.AuthMode) the trigger is
* running in, inspect e.authMode.
function onOpen(e) {
- DocumentApp.getUi().createAddonMenu()
- .addItem('Add To Drive', 'ConvertToMarkdown')
- .addItem('Download MD file', 'downloadMdFile')
- .addToUi();
+ DocumentApp.getUi().createAddonMenu()
+ .addItem('Add To Drive', 'ConvertToMarkdown')
+ .addItem('Download MD file', 'downloadMdFile')
+ .addItem('Change Output Folder', 'changeOutputFolder')
+ .addToUi();
@@ -34,417 +72,445 @@ function onOpen(e) {
* run in AuthMode.FULL, but onOpen triggers may be AuthMode.LIMITED or
* AuthMode.NONE.)
function onInstall(e) {
- onOpen(e);
+ onOpen(e);
function doGet() {
- ConvertToMarkdown();
+ ConvertToMarkdown();
+/* This function converts the google document into mark down and saves it in the common folder as configured by the user.
+It will also save any inline images in the same folder where converted MD file is placed */
function ConvertToMarkdown() {
- var numChildren = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getActiveSection().getNumChildren();
- var text = "";
- var inSrc = false;
- var inClass = false;
- var globalImageCounter = 0;
- var globalListCounters = {};
- // edbacher: added a variable for indent in src
block. Let style sheet do margin.
- var srcIndent = "";
- var attachments = [];
- var file;
- var commonFolder;
- var folder;
- var folderName;
- var blob;
- var content_type;
- var suffix;
- var image_name;
- var photo;
- //Change this value to save the document in a different folder
- var commonFolderName = "xt-docs-md-files";
- // Walk through all the child elements of the doc.
- for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
- var child = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getActiveSection().getChild(i);
- var result = processParagraph(i, child, inSrc, globalImageCounter, globalListCounters);
- globalImageCounter += (result && result.images) ? result.images.length : 0;
- if (result !== null) {
- if (result.sourcePretty === "start" && !inSrc) {
- inSrc = true;
- text += "\n";
- } else if (result.sourcePretty === "end" && inSrc) {
- inSrc = false;
- text += "
- } else if (result.source === "start" && !inSrc) {
- inSrc = true;
- text += "\n";
- } else if (result.source === "end" && inSrc) {
- inSrc = false;
- text += "
- } else if (result.inClass === "start" && !inClass) {
- inClass = true;
- text += "\n";
- } else if (result.inClass === "end" && inClass) {
- inClass = false;
- text += "
- } else if (inClass) {
- text += result.text + "\n\n";
- } else if (inSrc) {
- text += (srcIndent + escapeHTML(result.text) + "\n");
- } else if (result.text && result.text.length > 0) {
- text += result.text + "\n\n";
- }
- if (result.images && result.images.length > 0) {
- for (var j = 0; j < result.images.length; j++) {
- attachments.push({
- "fileName": result.images[j].name,
- "mimeType": result.images[j].type,
- "content": result.images[j].bytes
- });
- }
- }
- } else if (inSrc) { // support empty lines inside source code
- text += '\n';
+ var numChildren = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getActiveSection().getNumChildren();
+ var text = "";
+ var inSrc = false;
+ var inClass = false;
+ var globalImageCounter = 0;
+ var globalListCounters = {};
+ // edbacher: added a variable for indent in src block. Let style sheet do margin.
+ var srcIndent = "";
+ var attachments = [];
+ var file;
+ var commonFolder;
+ var folder;
+ var folderName;
+ var blob;
+ var content_type;
+ var suffix;
+ var image_name;
+ var photo;
+ //By default, it saves in the folder named xt-docs-md-files. Change this value to save the document in a different folder
+ var commonFolderName = config.getInstance().getCommonFolder();
+ // Walk through all the child elements of the doc.
+ for (var i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
+ var child = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getActiveSection().getChild(i);
+ var result = processParagraph(i, child, inSrc, globalImageCounter, globalListCounters);
+ globalImageCounter += (result && result.images) ? result.images.length : 0;
+ if (result!==null) {
+ if (result.sourcePretty==="start" && !inSrc) {
+ inSrc=true;
+ text+="\n";
+ } else if (result.sourcePretty==="end" && inSrc) {
+ inSrc=false;
+ text+="
+ } else if (result.source==="start" && !inSrc) {
+ inSrc=true;
+ text+="\n";
+ } else if (result.source==="end" && inSrc) {
+ inSrc=false;
+ text+="
+ } else if (result.inClass==="start" && !inClass) {
+ inClass=true;
+ text+="\n";
+ } else if (result.inClass==="end" && inClass) {
+ inClass=false;
+ text+="
+ } else if (inClass) {
+ text+=result.text+"\n\n";
+ } else if (inSrc) {
+ text+=(srcIndent+escapeHTML(result.text)+"\n");
+ } else if (result.text && result.text.length>0) {
+ text+=result.text+"\n\n";
+ }
+ if (result.images && result.images.length>0) {
+ for (var j=0; j 0) {
- for (var iterator = 0; iterator < attachments.length; iterator++) {
- blob = attachments[iterator].content;
- content_type = blob.getContentType()
- suffix = content_type.split("/")[1] //e.g gif/jpg or png
- image_name = "test.png" //Invent a name, the blob seems to need it?
- blob.setName(image_name);
- try {
- image_name = "images_" + iterator + "." + suffix;
- photo = checkIfFileExists(folder, image_name);
- if (photo) {
- //photo.setTrashed(true);
- //photo = folder.createFile(blob);
- Drive.Files.remove(photo.getId());
- photo = folder.createFile(blob);
- } else {
- photo = folder.createFile(blob);
- }
- photo.rename(image_name);
- } catch (e) {
- Logger.log("Image problem: " + e)
- }
+ }
+ //Checking if the common folder is present in user's google drive. If not creating it.
+ if(checkIfFolderExists(commonFolderName)) {
+ commonFolder = DocsList.getFolder(commonFolderName);
+ }
+ else {
+ commonFolder = DocsList.createFolder(commonFolderName);
+ }
+ //Checking if a folder with the current file name is present within the common folder. If not creating it.
+ folderName = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getName();
+ folder = checkIfFolderExistsInParent(commonFolder, folderName);
+ if(!folder) {
+ folder = commonFolder.createFolder(folderName);
+ }
+ //Checking if MD file with same name is already present inside that folder. If present it will override the older file. If not it will create the new file.
+ file = checkIfFileExists(folder, DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getName()+".md");
+ if(file) {
+ file.replace(text);
+ }
+ else {
+ file = DocsList.createFile(DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getName()+".md", text,'text/plain');
+ file.addToFolder(folder);
+ }
+ //If there are any attachments in the file, it has to be saved in the same directory.
+ //Due to this issue [http://code.google.com/p/google-apps-script-issues/issues/detail?id=1239], image files are created using blob. and replaced using Drive API.
+ if(attachments.length > 0) {
+ for(var iterator = 0; iterator < attachments.length; iterator++) {
+ blob = attachments[iterator].content;
+ content_type = blob.getContentType()
+ suffix = content_type.split("/")[1] //e.g gif/jpg or png
+ image_name = "test.png" //Invent a name, the blob seems to need it?
+ blob.setName(image_name);
+ try{
+ image_name = "images_" + iterator + "." + suffix;
+ photo = checkIfFileExists(folder, image_name);
+ if(photo) {
+ //photo.setTrashed(true);
+ //photo = folder.createFile(blob);
+ Drive.Files.remove(photo.getId());
+ photo = folder.createFile(blob);
- }
- return file;
+ else {
+ photo = folder.createFile(blob);
+ }
+ photo.rename(image_name);
+ }
+ catch(e){
+ Logger.log( "Image problem: " + e )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return file;
/* This function converts the current open document into an MD file and saves it in the common folder. It will then show you the pop up to download the MD file */
function downloadMdFile() {
- var file = ConvertToMarkdown();
- DocumentApp.getUi().showDialog(
- HtmlService
- .createHtmlOutput('Download the converted MD file')
- .setTitle('Download Link for MD file')
- .setWidth(400 /* pixels */ )
- .setHeight(100 /* pixels */ ));
+ var file = ConvertToMarkdown();
+ DocumentApp.getUi().showDialog(
+ HtmlService
+ .createHtmlOutput('Download the converted MD file')
+ .setTitle('Download Link for MD file')
+ .setWidth(400 /* pixels */)
+ .setHeight(100 /* pixels */));
-/* This function checks if there is a folder as given in the parameter exists in Google Drive */
+/* This function checks if there is a folder as given in the parameter exists in Google Drive */
function checkIfFolderExists(folderName) {
- var exist = true;
- try {
- var testFolder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);
- } catch (err) {
- exist = false;
+ var exist = true;
+ try {
+ var testFolder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);
+ }
+ catch(err) {
+ exist=false;
+ }
+ return exist;
+/* This function chages the output folder into User defined folder */
+function changeOutputFolder() {
+ var ui = DocumentApp.getUi(); // Same variations.
+ var result = ui.prompt(
+ 'Output Folder',
+ 'Default output folder for converted markdowns is \"'+config.getInstance().getCommonFolder()+'\". '+'\n\n',
+ ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
+ // Process the user's response.
+ var button = result.getSelectedButton();
+ var text = result.getResponseText();
+ if (button == ui.Button.OK) {
+ // User clicked "OK".
+ if(text.trim() !== "") {
+ config.getInstance().setCommonFolder(text);
+ ui.alert("Output Folder changed. All the future MD files will be stored in \""+config.getInstance().getCommonFolder()+"\" folder.");
- return exist;
+ else {
+ ui.alert("Please enter a valid folder name and try again");
+ }
+ } else if (button == ui.Button.CANCEL) {
+ // User clicked "Cancel".
+ } else if (button == ui.Button.CLOSE) {
+ // User clicked X in the title bar.
+ }
/* This function checks if there is a folder with the name "folderName" exists within "parentFolder" */
/* If the folder is present, it will return the folder, else it will return false */
function checkIfFolderExistsInParent(parentFolder, folderName) {
- var exist = true;
- try {
- var folderCollection = parentFolder.getFolders();
- if (folderCollection.length == 0)
- exist = false;
- else {
- for (var i = 0; i < folderCollection.length; i++) {
- if (folderCollection[i].getName() == folderName) {
- exist = folderCollection[i];
- return exist;
- }
- }
+ var exist = true;
+ try {
+ var folderCollection = parentFolder.getFolders();
+ if(folderCollection.length == 0 )
+ exist = false;
+ else {
+ for(var i =0; i < folderCollection.length; i++) {
+ if(folderCollection[i].getName() == folderName) {
+ exist = folderCollection[i];
+ return exist;
- exist = false;
- } catch (err) {
- exist = false;
+ }
- return exist;
+ exist = false;
+ }
+ catch(err) {
+ exist=false;
+ }
+ return exist;
/* This function checks if there is a file as given in the parameter exists in Google Drive */
function checkIfFileExists(folder, fileName) {
- var exist = true;
- try {
- //var testFolder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);
- var testFile = folder.find(fileName);
- if (testFile.length > 0)
- exist = testFile[0];
- else
- exist = false;
- } catch (err) {
- exist = false;
- }
- return exist;
+ var exist = true;
+ try {
+ //var testFolder = DocsList.getFolder(folderName);
+ var testFile = folder.find(fileName);
+ if(testFile.length > 0)
+ exist = testFile[0];
+ else
+ exist = false;
+ }
+ catch(err) {
+ exist=false;
+ }
+ return exist;
function escapeHTML(text) {
- return text.replace(//g, '>');
+ return text.replace(//g, '>');
// Process each child element (not just paragraphs).
function processParagraph(index, element, inSrc, imageCounter, listCounters) {
- // First, check for things that require no processing.
- if (element.getNumChildren() == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- // Punt on TOC.
- if (element.getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_OF_CONTENTS) {
- return {
- "text": "[[TOC]]"
- };
- }
- // Set up for real results.
- var result = {};
- var pOut = "";
- var textElements = [];
- var imagePrefix = "image_";
- // Handle Table elements. Pretty simple-minded now, but works for simple tables.
- // Note that Markdown does not process within block-level HTML, so it probably
- // doesn't make sense to add markup within tables.
- if (element.getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE) {
- textElements.push("\n");
- var nCols = element.getChild(0).getNumCells();
- for (var i = 0; i < element.getNumChildren(); i++) {
- textElements.push(" \n");
- // process this row
- for (var j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
- textElements.push(" " + element.getChild(i).getChild(j).getText() + " | \n");
- }
- textElements.push("
- }
- textElements.push("
- }
- // Process various types (ElementType).
+ // First, check for things that require no processing.
+ if (element.getNumChildren()==0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Punt on TOC.
+ if (element.getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_OF_CONTENTS) {
+ return {"text": "[[TOC]]"};
+ }
+ // Set up for real results.
+ var result = {};
+ var pOut = "";
+ var textElements = [];
+ var imagePrefix = "image_";
+ // Handle Table elements. Pretty simple-minded now, but works for simple tables.
+ // Note that Markdown does not process within block-level HTML, so it probably
+ // doesn't make sense to add markup within tables.
+ if (element.getType() === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE) {
+ textElements.push("\n");
+ var nCols = element.getChild(0).getNumCells();
for (var i = 0; i < element.getNumChildren(); i++) {
- var t = element.getChild(i).getType();
- if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_ROW) {
- // do nothing: already handled TABLE_ROW
- } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
- var txt = element.getChild(i);
- pOut += txt.getText();
- textElements.push(txt);
- } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE) {
- result.images = result.images || [];
- var contentType = element.getChild(i).getBlob().getContentType();
- var extension = "";
- if (/\/png$/.test(contentType)) {
- extension = ".png";
- } else if (/\/gif$/.test(contentType)) {
- extension = ".gif";
- } else if (/\/jpe?g$/.test(contentType)) {
- extension = ".jpg";
- } else {
- throw "Unsupported image type: " + contentType;
- }
- var name = imagePrefix + imageCounter + extension;
- imageCounter++;
- textElements.push('![image alt text](' + name + ')');
- result.images.push({
- "bytes": element.getChild(i).getBlob(),
- "type": contentType,
- "name": name
- });
- } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK) {
- // ignore
- } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.HORIZONTAL_RULE) {
- textElements.push('* * *\n');
- } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.FOOTNOTE) {
- textElements.push(' (NOTE: ' + element.getChild(i).getFootnoteContents().getText() + ')');
- } else {
- throw "Paragraph " + index + " of type " + element.getType() + " has an unsupported child: " + t + " " + (element.getChild(i)["getText"] ? element.getChild(i).getText() : '') + " index=" + index;
- }
- }
- if (textElements.length == 0) {
- // Isn't result empty now?
- return result;
+ textElements.push(" \n");
+ // process this row
+ for (var j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
+ textElements.push(" " + element.getChild(i).getChild(j).getText() + " | \n");
+ }
+ textElements.push("
- // evb: Add source pretty too. (And abbreviations: src and srcp.)
- // process source code block:
- if (/^\s*---\s+srcp\s*$/.test(pOut) || /^\s*---\s+source pretty\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
- result.sourcePretty = "start";
- } else if (/^\s*---\s+src\s*$/.test(pOut) || /^\s*---\s+source code\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
- result.source = "start";
- } else if (/^\s*---\s+class\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
- result.inClass = "start";
- result.className = RegExp.$1;
- } else if (/^\s*---\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
- result.source = "end";
- result.sourcePretty = "end";
- result.inClass = "end";
- } else if (/^\s*---\s+jsperf\s*([^ ]+)\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
- result.text = '';
+ textElements.push("
+ }
+ // Process various types (ElementType).
+ for (var i = 0; i < element.getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ var t=element.getChild(i).getType();
+ if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE_ROW) {
+ // do nothing: already handled TABLE_ROW
+ } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT) {
+ var txt=element.getChild(i);
+ pOut += txt.getText();
+ textElements.push(txt);
+ } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE) {
+ result.images = result.images || [];
+ var contentType = element.getChild(i).getBlob().getContentType();
+ var extension = "";
+ if (/\/png$/.test(contentType)) {
+ extension = ".png";
+ } else if (/\/gif$/.test(contentType)) {
+ extension = ".gif";
+ } else if (/\/jpe?g$/.test(contentType)) {
+ extension = ".jpg";
+ } else {
+ throw "Unsupported image type: "+contentType;
+ }
+ var name = imagePrefix + imageCounter + extension;
+ imageCounter++;
+ textElements.push('![image alt text]('+name+')');
+ result.images.push( {
+ "bytes": element.getChild(i).getBlob(),
+ "type": contentType,
+ "name": name});
+ } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.HORIZONTAL_RULE) {
+ textElements.push('* * *\n');
+ } else if (t === DocumentApp.ElementType.FOOTNOTE) {
+ textElements.push(' (NOTE: '+element.getChild(i).getFootnoteContents().getText()+')');
} else {
- prefix = findPrefix(inSrc, element, listCounters);
- var pOut = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < textElements.length; i++) {
- pOut += processTextElement(inSrc, textElements[i]);
- }
- // replace Unicode quotation marks
- pOut = pOut.replace('\u201d', '"').replace('\u201c', '"');
- result.text = prefix + pOut;
+ throw "Paragraph "+index+" of type "+element.getType()+" has an unsupported child: "
+ +t+" "+(element.getChild(i)["getText"] ? element.getChild(i).getText():'')+" index="+index;
+ }
+ if (textElements.length==0) {
+ // Isn't result empty now?
return result;
+ }
+ // evb: Add source pretty too. (And abbreviations: src and srcp.)
+ // process source code block:
+ if (/^\s*---\s+srcp\s*$/.test(pOut) || /^\s*---\s+source pretty\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
+ result.sourcePretty = "start";
+ } else if (/^\s*---\s+src\s*$/.test(pOut) || /^\s*---\s+source code\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
+ result.source = "start";
+ } else if (/^\s*---\s+class\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
+ result.inClass = "start";
+ result.className = RegExp.$1;
+ } else if (/^\s*---\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
+ result.source = "end";
+ result.sourcePretty = "end";
+ result.inClass = "end";
+ } else if (/^\s*---\s+jsperf\s*([^ ]+)\s*$/.test(pOut)) {
+ result.text = '';
+ } else {
+ prefix = findPrefix(inSrc, element, listCounters);
+ var pOut = "";
+ for (var i=0; i):
- if (gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.BULLET || gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.HOLLOW_BULLET || gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.SQUARE_BULLET) {
- prefix += "* ";
- } else {
- // Ordered list ():
- var key = listItem.getListId() + '.' + listItem.getNestingLevel();
- var counter = listCounters[key] || 0;
- counter++;
- listCounters[key] = counter;
- prefix += counter + ". ";
- }
- }
+ var prefix="";
+ if (!inSrc) {
+ if (element.getType()===DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
+ var paragraphObj = element;
+ switch (paragraphObj.getHeading()) {
+ // Add a # for each heading level. No break, so we accumulate the right number.
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING6: prefix+="#";
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING5: prefix+="#";
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING4: prefix+="#";
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING3: prefix+="#";
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING2: prefix+="#";
+ case DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.HEADING1: prefix+="# ";
+ default:
+ }
+ } else if (element.getType()===DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM) {
+ var listItem = element;
+ var nesting = listItem.getNestingLevel()
+ for (var i=0; i):
+ if (gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.BULLET
+ || gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.HOLLOW_BULLET
+ || gt === DocumentApp.GlyphType.SQUARE_BULLET) {
+ prefix += "* ";
+ } else {
+ // Ordered list ():
+ var key = listItem.getListId() + '.' + listItem.getNestingLevel();
+ var counter = listCounters[key] || 0;
+ counter++;
+ listCounters[key] = counter;
+ prefix += counter+". ";
+ }
- return prefix;
+ }
+ return prefix;
function processTextElement(inSrc, txt) {
- if (typeof(txt) === 'string') {
- return txt;
- }
- var pOut = txt.getText();
- if (!txt.getTextAttributeIndices) {
- return pOut;
- }
- var attrs = txt.getTextAttributeIndices();
- var lastOff = pOut.length;
- for (var i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var off = attrs[i];
- var url = txt.getLinkUrl(off);
- var font = txt.getFontFamily(off);
- if (url) { // start of link
- if (i >= 1 && attrs[i - 1] == off - 1 && txt.getLinkUrl(attrs[i - 1]) === url) {
- // detect links that are in multiple pieces because of errors on formatting:
- i -= 1;
- off = attrs[i];
- url = txt.getLinkUrl(off);
- }
- pOut = pOut.substring(0, off) + '[' + pOut.substring(off, lastOff) + '](' + url + ')' + pOut.substring(lastOff);
- } else if (font) {
- if (!inSrc && font === font.COURIER_NEW) {
- while (i >= 1 && txt.getFontFamily(attrs[i - 1]) && txt.getFontFamily(attrs[i - 1]) === font.COURIER_NEW) {
- // detect fonts that are in multiple pieces because of errors on formatting:
- i -= 1;
- off = attrs[i];
- }
- pOut = pOut.substring(0, off) + '`' + pOut.substring(off, lastOff) + '`' + pOut.substring(lastOff);
- }
- }
- if (txt.isBold(off)) {
- var d1 = d2 = "**";
- if (txt.isItalic(off)) {
- // edbacher: changed this to handle bold italic properly.
- d1 = "**_";
- d2 = "_**";
- }
- pOut = pOut.substring(0, off) + d1 + pOut.substring(off, lastOff) + d2 + pOut.substring(lastOff);
- } else if (txt.isItalic(off)) {
- pOut = pOut.substring(0, off) + '*' + pOut.substring(off, lastOff) + '*' + pOut.substring(lastOff);
+ if (typeof(txt) === 'string') {
+ return txt;
+ }
+ var pOut = txt.getText();
+ if (! txt.getTextAttributeIndices) {
+ return pOut;
+ }
+ var attrs=txt.getTextAttributeIndices();
+ var lastOff=pOut.length;
+ for (var i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ var off=attrs[i];
+ var url=txt.getLinkUrl(off);
+ var font=txt.getFontFamily(off);
+ if (url) { // start of link
+ if (i>=1 && attrs[i-1]==off-1 && txt.getLinkUrl(attrs[i-1])===url) {
+ // detect links that are in multiple pieces because of errors on formatting:
+ i-=1;
+ off=attrs[i];
+ url=txt.getLinkUrl(off);
+ }
+ pOut=pOut.substring(0, off)+'['+pOut.substring(off, lastOff)+']('+url+')'+pOut.substring(lastOff);
+ } else if (font) {
+ if (!inSrc && font===font.COURIER_NEW) {
+ while (i>=1 && txt.getFontFamily(attrs[i-1]) && txt.getFontFamily(attrs[i-1])===font.COURIER_NEW) {
+ // detect fonts that are in multiple pieces because of errors on formatting:
+ i-=1;
+ off=attrs[i];
- lastOff = off;
+ pOut=pOut.substring(0, off)+'`'+pOut.substring(off, lastOff)+'`'+pOut.substring(lastOff);
+ }
- return pOut;
\ No newline at end of file
+ if (txt.isBold(off)) {
+ var d1 = d2 = "**";
+ if (txt.isItalic(off)) {
+ // edbacher: changed this to handle bold italic properly.
+ d1 = "**_"; d2 = "_**";
+ }
+ pOut=pOut.substring(0, off)+d1+pOut.substring(off, lastOff)+d2+pOut.substring(lastOff);
+ } else if (txt.isItalic(off)) {
+ pOut=pOut.substring(0, off)+'*'+pOut.substring(off, lastOff)+'*'+pOut.substring(lastOff);
+ }
+ lastOff=off;
+ }
+ return pOut;