Native Phoenix channels in Elm
Consider instead for Elm 0.17 Phoenix integration.
An implementation of Phoenix channels in Elm inspired by mgold's elm-socketio.
The Chat example in the context of a Phoenix app can be found here
Currently this package have not been published as an elm package so in order to use it in a project a few manual steps are required. First the folder structure svard/elm-phoenix/2.0.0 must be created under elm-stuff/packages. Then elm-phoenix's src folder and elm-package.json file need to be copied to the newly created svard/elm-phoenix/2.0.0. Last include
"svard/elm-phoenix": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0"
in elm-package.json and
"svard/elm-phoenix": "2.0.0"
in elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json.