ONE World is a collectible NFT marketplace for real-world locations on planet Earth.
- Can buy a NFT using ONE tokens
- Can see details about minted NFTs
- Can start multiple auctions to get biddings for owned NFTs
- Can bid on multiple NFTs which are available on auction sales
- Can withdraw a bid
- Transfer ownership of NFT and ONE tokens between the highest bid winner and the auction owner
- See bid logs of auction
- Saves SVG image directly on blockchain for each NFT
Demo Instructions
- Open on Brave/Chrome browser.
- Install Metamask if not installed yet
- Create a new Custom RPC under "Networks" and connect to Harmony testnet
- Instructions on connecting to Harmony:
- Add some fake $ONE tokens from here:
- Refresh the page, and you can see your wallet address connected on top-right
- Click "Explore" to open the marketplace
- This will load the NFT cards you can click on to buy or place bid.
- If you already own an NFT, you are able to start an auction for others to bid on your NFT.
- Once the auction end, click "End Auction" to transfer the NFT and receive bid amount added to your wallet.
- If you see an NFT owned by others you want to buy, please place a bid higher than the current highest bid.
Local setup using Truffle
- Add .env file inside truffle.
- add the following environment vars:
- TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY = "private key of harmony wallet account"
Deploy the solidity contract on Harmony blockchain:
cd truffle
truffle migrate --reset --network harmony_testnet
Run UI:
cd ui
yarn start
- visit localhost:3000
- Deployed on Vercel at
Connect Metamask and Create a new Custom RPC for connecting with Harmony Testnet:
Coming soon
- Buy Landmarks
- Geo-location verification for buying Location-based NFTs or trading them
- More geo-location based services on the blockchain to add more utility to your NFTs