This bootstrap spec will generate an arch linux distribution using Singularity 2.3 (current development branch). Note that you can also just bootstrap a Docker image:
If you want to move forward with the raw, old school, jeans and hard toes
bootstrap, here is what to do. I work on an Ubuntu machine, so I had to use a
Docker Arch Linux image to do this. This first part you should do on your local
machine (if not arch linux) is to use Docker to interactively work in an Arch
Linux image. If you don't want to copy paste the build spec file, you can use
to mount a directory from your host to a folder in the image (I would
recommend /tmp
or similar). Here we run the docker image:
docker run -it --privileged pritunl/archlinux bash
pacman -S -y git autoconf libtool automake gcc python make sudo vim \
arch-install-scripts wget
git clone
cd singularity
git checkout -b development
git pull origin development
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
You can add the Singularity build spec here, or cd to where it is if you have mounted a volume.
cd /tmp
singularity create arch.img
sudo singularity bootstrap arch.img Singularity
That should do the trick!