SDF is a Python package to read, write and interpolate multi-dimensional data. The Scientific Data Format is an open file format based on HDF5 to store multi-dimensional data such as parameters, simulation results or measurements. It supports...
- very large files
- up to 32 dimensions
- hierarchical structure
- units, comments and custom meta-information
For detailed information see the SDF specification.
To install the latest release from PyPI or update an existing installation:
python -m pip install --upgrade sdf
To install the latest development version:
python -m pip install --upgrade
Import the SDF
and NumPy
>>> import sdf >>> import numpy as np
Create the data arrays:
>>> t = np.linspace(0, 10, 51) >>> v = np.sin(t)
Create the datasets:
>>> ds_t = sdf.Dataset('t', data=t, unit='s', is_scale=True, display_name='Time') >>> ds_v = sdf.Dataset('v', data=v, unit='V', scales=[ds_t])
Create the root group and write the file:
>>> g = sdf.Group('/', comment='A sine voltage', datasets=[ds_t, ds_v]) >>>'sine.sdf', g)
Read the dataset from the SDF file asserting the correct unit of the dataset and scale:
>>> ds_v2 = sdf.load('sine.sdf', '/v', unit='V', scale_units=['s'])
Get the meta info and data array from the dataset:
>>> ds_v2.unit 'V' >>> (51,)
Get the scale for the first dimension:
>>> ds_t2 = ds_v2.scales[0] >>> ds_t2.unit 's'
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