The first steps are always the same:
- Clone the project
- Make sure the PURIS backend and the tractusx-edc is running with all its components
Depending on your needs of deployment, follow the following steps
Use npm as follows:
in the .env
file must be configured to the PURIS backend instance.
4. Run the application:
npm install
# A development
npm run dev
# B production
npm run build
- Done! The frontend should be available at
As JS-frameworks hard-wire their environments, this project uses a workaround to make the .env variables replaceable by (docker) environment variables. 3. Build and run the docker frontend as follows:
cd frontend
docker build -t puris-frontend:dev .
# A use docker
docker run -d --rm -p 3000:8080 --name frontend -e BACKEND_BASE_URL=http://YOURBACKENDIP:8081/catena puris-frontend:dev CONTAINERID
# B use docker-compose
docker-compose up
Note: please find the available parameters in src/config.json
4. Done! The frontend should be available at http://YOURIP:3000/
- Run the application:
cd charts/puris/charts/frontend
helm install frontend --namespace puris --create-namespace . --set ingress.enabled=true --values ../../values.yaml
- Done! The frontend should be available at