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To preserve your privacy, your donation will not be acknowledged on the 'about box', unless you give permission.
If you are happy to have your donation acknowledged please say so on the PayPal form - click on "Add special instructions: " and enter the text e.g.: "Please acknowledge my donation."
Your name will then appear on the LibreCrypt 'About box', with the next release of LibreCrypt. It will also be added to a page in the documentation.
Your PayPal name will be used, unless you specify a different name in the 'special instructions' text box.
The donations will first go towards a signing certificate, which will mean the drivers can be signed.
Once that is done then any donations remaining will go towards paying for the domain registration for
Any left over from that will go towards paying for a programmer (possibly me) to fix the outstanding bugs.
Any left over from that will go to pay for a third-party review of the code.
I will post details of all the donations made, anonymised where appropriate and where it has been spent, at least with every release.