Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | A user-facing name for this campaign. | |
Description | string | A detailed description of the campaign. | [optional] |
TemplateId | int | The ID of the Campaign Template which will be used in order to create the Campaign. | |
CampaignAttributesOverrides | Object | Custom Campaign Attributes. If the Campaign Template defines the same values, they will be overridden. | [optional] |
TemplateParamValues | List<Binding> | Actual values to replace the template placeholder values in the Ruleset bindings. Values for all Template Parameters must be provided. | [optional] |
LimitOverrides | List<LimitConfig> | Limits for this Campaign. If the Campaign Template or Application define default values for the same limits, they will be overridden. | [optional] |
CampaignGroups | List<int> | The IDs of the campaign groups this campaign belongs to. | [optional] |
Tags | List<string> | A list of tags for the campaign. If the campaign template has tags, they will be overridden by this list. | [optional] |
EvaluationGroupId | int | The ID of the campaign evaluation group the campaign belongs to. | [optional] |
LinkedStoreIds | List<int> | A list of store IDs that are linked to the campaign. Note: Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a customer session update that references a linked store. | [optional] |