This is the technical documentation for Tangram's import
block. For a conceptual overview of the scene file, see the Scene File overview page.
The import
element is an optional top-level element in a Tangram scene file, declaring an import
parameter. The value can be a single .yaml URL, or an array of .yaml URLs.
import: pois.yaml
import: [pois.yaml, roads.yaml, landuse.yaml]
The import
block allows a scene file to import one or more additional scene files (which can then in turn recursively import others).
It works by deep-merging each imported scene into the current one: the "child" (imported) file is merged first, with the "parent" file merged after, overwriting any properties shared with the child.
For example:
color: [0.7, 0.3, 0.8]
import: child.yaml
color: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3] # overwrites previous color array with new color array
####O bjects vs. Arrays One important aspect of the merge behavior is that it applies to all YAML maps/JS objects, but not to YAML sequences/JS arrays. While key/value objects merge (with new keys inserted, and existing keys overwriting the previous value), arrays are treated as scalar values that entirely overwrite the previous value (rather than merging the array contents).
Styles may be composed with import
using a variety of patterns, a few of which are described below.
In this case, an existing basemap is imported, and additional data sources and styles are added to it. In this example, a terrain layer is added to a road map:
import: road_map.yaml
type: Raster
data: { source: stamen-terrain }
order: 0
Using global properties to stand in for common values, styles can derive from a common "skeleton" file, with a smaller number of higher-level properties configured for different purposes. Variable parameters may be set to define color palettes, label visibility presets, and more, by overriding the imported properties with new values. This allows style customization without altering the original scene file.
When designing complex styles such as complete basemaps, it may be desirable to split a large scene into several files to ease the authoring and maintenance burden. Files could be grouped by styling theme (landuse, roads, POIs, etc.), by function (all custom styles
in one file, all sources
in another, etc.), or by any other combination.
Components of an existing style may be extracted into separate files, either as stand-alone building blocks or as part of a packaged "library." These could include complete rendering styles, (to be used as-is or mix
'ed with others), pre-defined POI sprite textures and accompanying style rules, or individual shader functions for patterns, procedural textures, and so on.