Google Cloud platform is an optimal choice right now because it provides 300$ free credits for an year , which could be beneficial in case of scaling up an app as the user increases.
Step 1: Create a google account if you not have one and login into GCP.
Step 2: Click on Console button at the top , then click on “Select a Project”.
Step 3: Create New Project. Then select the created project.
Step 4 : Create new vm instance.
Enable billing for the VM. Create Instance and allow HTTP and HTTPS. You can choose the machine type as per the number of users.
Step 5 : SSH into the VM and past these command into the opened ssh window.
Step 6 : Ingress Firewall Rule.
To allow incoming http requests to our vm , we need to add a firewall rule. Click on 3 dashes in the top-left corner. Scroll down the list and hover on “VPC network” and then click “Firewall rules”. click on “create firewall rule” and make settings same as the screenshots below.
Step 7 : Copy the External IP of the vm (Suppose , Sugarizer will be accessible at