PHPUnit and other dev dependencies are installed automatically via
composer install
. To ensure you've installed it correctly, check the version:$ vendor/bin/phpunit --version
Install WordPress and the WP Unit Test lib using the
script. Change to the plugin root directory and type:$ tests/bin/install.sh [db-host]
Important: The <db-name>
database will be created if it doesn't exist and all data will be removed during testing.
Sample usage:
$ tests/bin/install.sh taxjar_tests root root
Set your TaxJar API key as a environment variable with the key of TAXJAR_API_TOKEN.
$ export TAXJAR_API_TOKEN='123456789abcdef'
Make sure you have the WooCommerce plugin downloaded to your plugins directory.
Go to the /tests
directory in the command line and type:
$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit
You can run specific tests by providing the path and filename to the test class:
$ ../vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=taxjar