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163 lines (111 loc) · 6.12 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Removed dependency to a specific gcc g++ version in Makefile
  • Arithmetic and memory vector instructions with vl == 0 are considered as a NOP
  • Increment bit width of the vector length type (vlen_t), accounting for vectors whose length is VLMAX
  • Fix vector length calculation for the MaskB operand, which depends on vsew
  • Fix typo on the vrf_pnt updating logic at the Mask Unit
  • Update README to highlight dependency with Spike
  • Update Bender's link dependency to the public CVA6 repository
  • Retrigger the compile module if the ModelSim compilation did not succeed


  • The encoding.h in the common Ara runtime is now a copy from the encoding.h in the Spike submodule

1.1.1 - 2020-03-25


  • Parametrization for FPU and FPU-specific formats support, through the FPUSupport ara_soc parameter

1.1.0 - 2020-03-18


  • GitHub Actions-based CI
  • Hardware support for:
    • Vector single-width floating-point fused multiply-add instructions (vfnmacc, vfmsac, vfnmsac, vfnmadd, vfmsub, vfnmsub)
    • Vector floating-point sign-injection instructions (vfsgnj, vfsgnjn, vfsgnjx)
    • Vector widening floating-point add/subtract instructions (vfwadd, vfwsub, vfwadd.w, vfwsub.w)
    • Vector widening floating-point multiply instructions (vfwmul)
    • Vector widening floating-point fused multiply-add instructions (vfwmacc, vfwnmacc, vfwmsac, vfwnmsac)
    • Vector floating-point merge instruction (vfmerge)
    • Vector floating-point move instruction (vfmv)


  • Contributing guidelines updated to include commit message and C++ code style guidelines

1.0.0 - 2020-03-10


  • Hardware support for:
    • Vector single-width floating-point add/subtract instructions (vfadd, vfsub, vfrsub)
    • Vector single-width floating-point multiply instructions (vfmul)
    • Vector single-width floating-point fused multiply-add instructions (vfmacc, vfmadd)
    • Vector single-width floating-point min/max instructions (vfmin, vfmax)
  • Software implementation of a floating-point matrix multiplication kernel

0.6.0 - 2020-02-24


  • Support for a coherent mode between Ara and Ariane
    • Snoop AW channel from Ara to L2
    • Invalidate Ariane's L1 cache sets accordingly
    • Coherent mode can be toggled together with consistent mode using the LSB of CSR 0x702


  • Ariane's data cache is active by default
  • The matrix multiplication kernel achieves better performance
    • It reports the performance and the utilization for several matrix sizes

0.5.0 - 2020-02-14


  • Hardware support for:
    • Vector single-width integer divide instructions (vdivu, vdiv, vremu, vrem)
    • Vector integer comparison instructions (vmseq, vmsne, vmsltu, vmslt, vmsleu, vmsle, vmsgtu, vmsgt)
    • Vector carry-out of add-with-carry and subtract-with-borrow instructions (vmadc, vmsbc)
  • Runtime measurement functions
  • Consistent mode which orders scalar and vector loads/stores.
    • Conservative ordering without address comparison
    • Consistent mode is enabled per default, can be disabled by clearing the LSB of CSR 0x702.


  • Ariane's accelerator dispatcher module was rewritten, fixing a bug where instructions would get skipped.
  • The Vector Store unit takes the EEW of the source vector register into account to shuffle the elements before writing them to memory.


  • Vector mask instructions (vmand, vmnand, vmandnot, vmxor, vmor, vmnor, vmornot, vmxnor) no longer require the non-compliant constraint that the vector length is divisible by eight.

0.4.0 - 2020-02-04


  • Hardware compilation with Verilator
  • Software implementation of a matrix multiplication kernel


  • The riscv_tests_simc Makefile target was deprecated. The riscv-tests are now run with the Verilated design, which can be called through the riscv_tests_simv Makefile target.
  • The operand queues now take as a parameter the type conversions they support (currently, SupportIntExt2, SupportIntExt4, and SupportIntExt8)
  • The Vector Multiplier unit now has independant pipelines for each element width.

0.3.0 - 2020-01-28


  • Hardware support for:
    • Vector single-width integer multiply instructions (vmul, vmulh, vmulhu, vmulhsu)
    • Vector single-width integer multiply-add instructions (vmacc, vnmsac, vmadd, vnmsub)
    • Vector integer add-with-carry/subtract-with-borrow instructions (vadc, vsbc)
    • Vector widening integer multiply instructions (vwmul, vwmulu, vwmulsu)
    • Vector widening integer multiply-add instructions (vwmaccu, vwmacc, vwmaccsu, vwmaccus)


  • Explicit scan chain signals added to the lane's and Ara's interfaces


  • Miscellaneous fixes for compatibility with Synopsys DC
  • Send the correct bits of the address to the Vector Register File's banks
  • Correctly calculate the initial address of each vector register in the VRF

0.2.0 - 2020-01-22


  • Hardware support for:
    • Bit-shift instructions (vsll, vsrl, vsra)
    • Vector widening integer add/subtract (vwadd, vwaddu, vwsub, vwsubu)
    • Vector integer extension (vzext, vsext)
    • Vector integer merge and move instructions (vmerge, vmv)
    • Vector narrowing integer right shift instructions (vnsrl, vnsra)


  • Bender updated to version 0.21.0


  • CVA6's forwarding mechanism of operand B for accelerator instructions

0.1.0 - 2020-01-06


  • Hardware support for:

    • Vector configuration instructions (vsetvl/vsetvli)
    • Unit-strided vector loads and vector stores
    • Basic arithmetic and logic instructions (vand, vor, vxor, vadd, vsub, vrsub, vmin-u, vmax-u)
    • Predicated instructions through a mask unit
    • Vector mask instructions (vmand, vmnand, vmandnot, vmor, vmnor, vmornot, vmxor, vmxnor)
    • Length multipliers
  • Implementation of a synthesizable Ara SoC top-level

  • Software support for RISC-V Vector code

  • Continuous integration tests through riscv-tests executed both with Spike and on Ara