We're so excited you're interested in helping with Blitz! We happy to help you get started, even if you don't have any previous open-source experience :)
Blitz is built by and for the community. There's no large company sponsoring development. So all community contributions are very appreciated!
The Blitz codebase is like a community garden. There's a lot of beautiful plants and vegetables, but it won't take long until you find some weeds! When you find weeds, please remove them :) Minor refactoring is always encouraged. If you'd like to do some major refactoring, it's best to first either open an issue or check with us in Slack. Most likely we'll agree with you.
- Familiarize yourself with the Blitz Code of Conduct
- Join the Blitz Slack Community
- Install the Zenhub browser extension
- View open issues and their progress on the Zenhub repo tab
Issues with the label ready to work on | help wanted
are the best place to start. If you find one that looks interesting and no one else is already working on it, comment in the issue that you are going to work on it. Please ask as many questions as you need, either directly in the issue or in Slack. We're happy to help!
The Blitzjs.com website and documentation repo also has issues with ready to work on | help wanted
- Improved documentation
- Improved error messages
- Improved logging (i.e. more clear, more beautiful)
- Educational content like blogs, videos, courses
If there's some other way you'd like to contribute, just ask us about it in slack!
After you contribute in any way, please add yourself as a contributor via the @all-contributors bot!
1. Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:blitz-js/blitz.git
cd blitz
2. Install dependencies
3. Start the package server. This must be running for any package development or example development
yarn dev
4. Run tests
yarn test
The following will link the development CLI as a local binary so you can use it anywhere for testing.
yarn link-cli
// `yarn unlink-cli` will unlink
1. Change to a package directory
cd packages/core
2. Start the test runner
yarn test:watch
1. Change to an example directory
cd examples/store
2. Follow instructions in the example's README
If you run into issues that should be documented here, please submit a PR! ❤️