- Rename RNG file with HTML suffix and open it in browser.
- Choice from the context menu show source
Original RNG file opened in Chrome browser has lines as
<tr> <td class="line-number" value="61"></td> <td class="line-content"><define name="ds-signature"></td> </tr>
RNG with named with HTML suffix opened in Chrome browser is providing more styles:
<tr> <td class="line-number" value="61"></td> <td class="line-content"> <span class="html-tag"><define <span class="html-attribute-name">name</span>=" <span class="html-attribute-value">ds-signature</span>"></span> </td> </tr>
- From the 'source' window, choose again from the context menu 'inspect'
- From the shown nodes, choose the body element and from the context menu choose 'copy element'
- Copy it into the template
- Make it XML by replacing <br> with <br/> (likely that's all)
- Change correct indent from tab to 4 spaces (only necessary for ODF 1.2 parts - easy with UltraEdit ^t)
- Place the created HTML into the appropriate folder, e.g. 'xslt-runner/src/test/resources/odf13'
- If necessary adopt the new input path in the pom.xml
- Trigger an XSL transformation via Maven 'mvn clean install' to add IDs for RelaxNG Defines & HRefs for RelaxNG refs
- Copy the sample_xslt/rng/view-source.css to the new created output target\generated-resources\xml\xslt)
NOTE: Original CSS was downloaded from Chromium sources