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Trusted Resources

TEP-0091: Trusted Resources


The proposed features advance Secure Software Supply Chain goals and allow users of Tekton and Tekton Chains to implement more secure builds. They would also help to guarantee non-falsifiable provenance, which is a requirement for SLSA Level 3. That is, every field in the provenance MUST be generated or verified by the build service in a trusted control plane. The user-controlled build steps MUST NOT be able to inject or alter the contents. With this integration, Tekton will be one step closer to SLSA Level 3 compliance. This integration will:

  • Provide an optional mechanism for Resources (local and remote tekton tasks/ pipelines) to be signed and verified.
  • Provide an optional mechanism to fail Runs(taskrun/pipelinerun) if the referred Resource cannot be verified.
  • Provide a mechanism to reject TaskRuns/PipelineRuns that fail verification.


Tekton Chains is built to make attestations based on Taskrun parameters and results. We cannot guarantee that the tasks are not tampered by malicious attacks. For the results in particular, how do we know that some activity actually occurred as the user expected, for example, how do we know that an image was pushed to a repository?

Resource verification allows us to place some level of trust in the outputs from a Taskrun so that we can be confident in the build results and the attestation claims that are made.


  • Provide solid building blocks to begin to establish formal chains of trust within the build pipeline itself.
  • Leveraging the above, provide mechanisms to establish a verifiable corpus of community-provided Tasks/Pipelines, Task/Pipelines Bundles and other Tekton types as well in the future. They are considered as Tekton resources we need to verify within the context of this TEP.
  • Create an optional Tekton configuration for Resource verification based on Sigstore Cosign and Key Management System(KMS) from cloud service providers. Resources that fail to be verified should be rejected.


  • Specification of a verification mechanism for Taskrun, Pipelinerun and Run. This should be covered at TEP-0089.
  • Specification of a verification mechanism for custom Tasks.
  • Specification of a verification mechanism for the images within a Task Bundle, this could be a future work once this TEP is completed.
  • Specification of a secure mechanism for passing public keys between users.

Use Cases

Kaniko builds. A Kaniko task exists in the Tekton Catalog ( This task emits output that allows Chains to make attestations. The task uses the to perform the build and push the resulting image. But how can we be sure this Task is not compromised (e.g., a malicious image was pushed to the repository) and is actually doing what we expect? At a minimum, We would like to be able to verify it,for example, using Sigstore's Cosign, to know that it was produced by the expected third-party.

Buildpack builds. Similar to Kaniko, a Buildpacks task exists in the Tekton Catalog with output that indicates the image that was built ( The motivation is the same here: how can we trust the Task without some sort of verification?

Third-party task. If we're going to build an ecosystem of tasks in the Tekton Catalog, we need to think about how to ensure these tasks are safe. Task verification can provide building blocks.

First-party tasks. In the spirit of zero-trust, we'd like to sign our own Tasks and verify them on each use. This would be a best practice for enterprises, for example.


  • There is a process by which a Tekton Resource can be marked as trusted meaning the Resource has been explicitly signed off by an authenticated third party.
  • Verification can ensure the contents of the Resource has not been modified since being marked as trusted.
  • Trusted resources must be immutable: it is not possible to modify the marked Resource in such a way that it will still pass verification.
  • A Pipeline Author can configure taskruns/pipelineruns to fail if a Resource cannot be verified. Or not fail but return warning.
  • Ideally, the remote registry where users store the resources should make it clear how to obtain the public key for community-provided resources


Sigstore Cosign ( has mechanisms to securely sign a given OCI image or other artifacts including binaries, scripts etc. This provides a solid footing to leverage Cosign to verify Tekton Resources.

This proposal will introduce signing to allow users to sign their resources YAML files and new verification into Tekton Pipelines' reconciler to detect tampering of the resources, and can indicate that the verification must occur. The public keys are configured at CRD (VerificationPolicy) and can be used to verify the resources.

Note: API Resources (Task, Pipeline) will be verified both when applied to the cluster and when referenced in taskRun/pipelineRun. When the Run is created, referenced resources will be resolved and verified again to confirm continued verification. This will prevent the Run of a resource that was verifiable when created but is no longer verifiable, perhaps due to key revocation, a security breach, or discovery of a new vulnerability since the time of the initial verification.

Optional configuration allows the Pipeline Author to stop and fail the run on verification failure.

IMPORTANT: A Task refers to other images. For the initial delivery of this TEP, all static image references within a Task fetched as a Remote Resource are suggested to be referenced by digest (i.e., ...@sha256:abcdef) in order for the verification to succeed. In later iterations, this can be extended such that tag-referenced images can themselves be verified for the overall Task to pass verification. However, this will be left out of the scope of this TEP.

Risks and Mitigations

  • Mutating webhooks are a risk to the proposal. The proposed verification will happen after the mutating webhooks, so the content of a Resource may be mutated and fail the verification. This would be an issue for local cluster resources. And it also means that if we don't address this issue, all signed resources need to be signed again every time we change the mutating webhook.

    This TEP proposes to skip the mutating webhooks when the trusted resource feature is enabled.

    Possible solutions and the pros&cons will be discussed in alternatives.

  • When verifying a Remote Resource that identifies a Task, the Task still has references to external, unverified step images. These step images may have been compromised and the Task would still be considered verified.

    Some possible mitigations include the following:

    1. (Within scope of this proposal) For a Task to be considered verified, all builder image references within it are suggested to be by-digest. The digest references would form a low-effort way for the Task Author to signal that they have verified or otherwise trust the builder images they are referencing. For example, they may have manually verified the builder images using Cosign or some other technique.
    2. (Outside the scope of this proposal) Configuration is introduced into Tekton to facilitate verification of the builder images themselves. Configuration would also be required to cover off various combinations of bundle verification and image verification - for example, do I allow verified Task Bundles if the Task within the Bundle does not have verified images?

User Experience

Author publishing a Resource. A Resource Author may want their Resource and its outputs to be trusted so that provenance attestations can be confidently made. The author will use their own private key to sign the Resource and signatures are stored in Annotations map of the Resource. The private keys are generated, used and stored by the author. Public keys then are stored in a CRD (Custom Resource Definition), the specifications of this new CRD VerificationPolicy are in the next section.

Situation A: Users want to use their own resources and make sure they are not tampered before using them in Tekton. The user will need to choose a certain key tool (In the scope of this TEP we will leverage sigstore to support different keys like cosign or KMS keys) and generate private&public key pairs. The user will use the signing cli we provided to sign the yaml files and signature is stored in the Annotations. Public keys are configured at the cluster for verification.

Situation B: There is a central place (e.g. Tekton Catalog) to host community's resources and can be shared by other users. So one user can submit his signed resources and public keys, or rely on the central place's keys to sign the resources.

Situation C: User A signs and publishes the resources (e.g. push to github repo) and user B wants to use the resources from user A. How does user A pass the public keys to user B is out of the scope of this TEP. We will provide some directions and future work in alternatives.

Verify the Resource in reconciler. The verification will be done in the pipeline's reconciler. By default we will skip a Resource's signature verification. This can be configured in a ConfigMap by the Tekton cluster operator to decide whether to skip the verification or not.

During verification, the signature will be extracted from the resource (or fetched from a remote source can be supported later), and the public keys are fetched from cluster deployed CRD. Public keys and signature are used to verify the resources.

Design Details

Sign the Resources

To sign the Resource, we should provide command line tools to help users for signing. The command line should be able to do the following steps:

  1. Read the Resource file, unmarshall it as a go object and calculate the sha of the json marshalled bytes.
  2. Use signing tools to sign the bytes and get the signature.
  3. Store the encoded signature string to Resource

This can be integrated into Tekton's cli tool tkn.

Signed Task The sample signed task file looks like this:

kind: Task
  annotations: MEQCIHhFC480mv7mh/6dxAlp/mvuvGXanuSghMsT+iBhWxt5AiBDvHv8sfKjJ3Ozrzvp+cjr30AOx1SPQDCcaJjlpAoVrA==
  name: example-task
  - args:
    - Hello World!
    - echo
    image: ubuntu
    name: echo
    resources: {}

Signed Pipeline The sample signed pipeline file looks like this:

kind: Pipeline
  annotations: MEQCIHhFC480mv7mh/6dxAlp/mvuvGXanuSghMsT+iBhWxt5AiBDvHv8sfKjJ3Ozrzvp+cjr30AOx1SPQDCcaJjlpAoVrA==
  name: example-Pipeline
    - name: example-task
        name: example-task is used to store the signature. The future work could be to store the signature in a separate file along with the resource. Remote resolution should be updated to resolve both the resource and the signature.

The signed Resource can be installed directly on the Kubernetes cluster or published to remote source (e.g. OCI bundles in the registry).

Verify the Resources

The verification should be done in the Tekton Pipeline's reconciler after remote resolution. A new feature-flag should be added to gate the verification code.

Before the verification, the signature is extracted from the resource. For the public key there are several options we can choose by configuration.

In this TEP we propose to store the public keys on the Kubernetes installation. Keys can be configured in a new CRD and deployed to the cluster. This can help to support multiple keys, validate the spec, and have dedicated RBAC policies, so no other components in the cluster can modify the keys.

How does VerificationPolicy work?

You can create multiple VerificationPolicy and apply them to the cluster.

  1. Trusted resources will look up policies from the resource namespace (this is fetched from taskrun/pipelinerun namespace).
  2. If multiple policies are found. For each policy we will check if the resource url is matching any of the patterns in the resources list. If matched then this policy will be used for verification.
  3. If multiple policies are matched, the resource needs to pass all of them to pass verification.
  4. To pass one policy, the resource must successfully match at least one public key in the policy.

Example of the Key CRD:

kind: VerificationPolicy
  name: verification-policy-a
  namespace: resource-namespace
  # mode controls whether a failing policy will fail the taskrun/pipelinerun
  mode: "enforce"
  # resources defines a list of patterns
    - pattern: ""  #git resource pattern
    - pattern: ""  # bundle resource pattern
    - pattern: ""  # hub resource pattern
  # authorities defines a list of public keys
    - name: SecretKey
        # secretRef refers to a secret in the cluster, this secret should contain public keys data
          name: secret-name-a
          namespace: secret-namespace
        hashAlgorithm: sha256
    - name: InlineKey
        # data stores the inline public key data

namespace should be the same of corresponding resources' namespace.

mode controls whether a failing policy will fail the taskrun/pipelinerun, can be set to enforce or warn, by default is enforce. If set to enforce then failing policy will fail the taskrun/pipelinerun, if set to warn then failing policy will only log the warning without failing the taskrun/pipelinerun.

pattern is used to filter out remote resources by their sources URL. e.g. git resources pattern can be set to The pattern should follow regex schema, we use go regex library's Match to match the pattern from VerificationPolicy to the ConfigSource URL resolved by remote resolution. Note that .* will match all resources. To learn more about regex syntax please refer to syntax. ConfigSource is also resolved by remote resolvers, e.g. gitresolver. To learn more about ConfigSource please refer to ConfigSource for more context.

key is used to store the public key, note that only one of secretRef, data and kms can be configured at the same time.

hashAlgorithm is the algorithm for the public key, by default is sha256. It also supports SHA224, SHA384, SHA512.

API (Inspired by policy-controller):

type VerificationPolicy struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
	// Spec holds the desired state of the VerificationPolicy.
	Spec VerificationPolicySpec `json:"spec"`

type VerificationPolicySpec struct {
	// Resources defines the patterns of Resources names that should be subject to this policy. For example, we may want to apply this Policy only from a certain github repo. Then the ResourcesPattern should include the path. If using gitresolver, and we want to config keys from a certain git repo. `ResourcesPattern` can be ``, we will use regex to filter out those resources.
	Resources []ResourcePattern `json:"resources"`
	// Authorities defines the rules for validating signatures.
	Authorities []Authority `json:"authorities"`
	// Mode controls whether a failing policy will fail the TaskRun or PipelineRun
	// enforce - if verification fails, mark conditions.TrustedResourcesVerified and conditions.Succeeded as false
	// warn - if verification fails, only mark conditions.TrustedResourcesVerified as false (but don't mark conditions.Succeeded as false)
	Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`

type ResourcesPattern struct {
	// Pattern defines a resource pattern. Regex is created to filter resources based on `Pattern`
	Pattern string `json:"pattern"`

// The authorities block defines the rules for discovering and
// validating signatures.
type Authority struct {
	// Name is the name for this authority.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Key defines the type of key to validate the resource.
	// +optional
	Key *KeyRef `json:"key,omitempty"`
	// Keyless sets the configuration to verify the authority against a Fulcio instance.
	// +optional
	Keyless *KeylessRef `json:"keyless,omitempty"`
	// Sources sets the configuration to specify the sources from where to consume the signatures if the signature is not stored in the resource.
	// +optional
	Sources []Source `json:"source,omitempty"`

type KeyRef struct {
	// SecretRef sets a reference to a secret with the key.
	// +optional
	SecretRef *v1.SecretReference `json:"secretRef,omitempty"`
	// Data contains the inline public key.
	// +optional
	Data string `json:"data,omitempty"`
	// KMS contains the KMS url of the public key
	// Supported formats differ based on the KMS system used.
	// +optional
	KMS string `json:"kms,omitempty"`

type KeylessRef struct {
	// URL defines a url to the keyless instance.
	// +optional
	URL *apis.URL `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Identities sets a list of identities.
	// +optional
	Identities []Identity `json:"identities,omitempty"`
	// CACert sets a reference to CA certificate
	// +optional
	CACert *KeyRef `json:"ca-cert,omitempty"`


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
 name: feature-flag
 namespace: tekton-pipelines
 trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy: "fail"

trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy. (Optional, ignore, warn or fail, default to ignore):

  • ignore: Don't fail the taskrun/pipelinerun and skip verification if no matching policies are found. Don't log.
  • warn: Don't fail the taskrun/pipelinerun and log a warning if no matching policies are found.
  • fail: Fail the taskrun/pipelinerun if no matching policies are found.

Note: The current proposed trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy will be added to replace the old resource-verification-mode in one release and this is not a backwards compatible change.

Condition Update

Trusted resources should update the taskrun/pipelinerun’s condition to indicate if it passes verification or not. This can be done via knative libraries to . Other options are listed in alternatives.

Need to create conditions for trusted resources so this can co-exist with current apis.ConditionSucceeded type:

const (
// ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified specifies that the resources pass trusted resources verification or not.
ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified apis.ConditionType = "TrustedResourcesVerified"

A successful condition is:

   		Type:    ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified,
   		Status:  corev1.ConditionTrue,
   		Reason:  podconvert.ReasonResourceVerificationSuccess
   		Message: "Trusted resource verification passed",

A failed condition is:

  		Type:    ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified,
  		Status:  corev1.ConditionFalse,
  		Reason:  podconvert.ReasonResourceVerificationFailed
  		Message: "", //filled with error message,

How feature flag and Verification Policy update the status

No Matching Policies:

Conditions.TrustedResourcesVerified Conditions.Succeeded
no-match-policy: "ignore"
no-match-policy: "warn" False
no-match-policy: "fail" False False


  • trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy is set to ignore, then no updates on conditions
  • trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy is set to warn, only add false ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified to conditions:
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:05Z"
        message: Trusted resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: TrustedResourcesVerified
  • trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy is set to fail, add false ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified and false Conditions.Succeeded to conditions:
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:05Z"
        message: Trusted resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: TrustedResourcesVerified
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:10Z"
        message: resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: Succeeded

Matching Policies(no matter what trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy value is):

Conditions.TrustedResourcesVerified Conditions.Succeeded
all policies pass True
any enforce policy fails False False
only warn policies fail False


  • all policies pass, add true ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified:
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:05Z"
        message: Trusted resource verification passed
        reason: ResourceVerificationSucceeded
        status: "True"
        type: TrustedResourcesVerified
  • any enforce policy fails, add false ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified and return error in reconciler to set Conditions.Succeeded to false:
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:05Z"
        message: Trusted resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: TrustedResourcesVerified
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:10Z"
        message: resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: Succeeded
    • only warn policies fail, then only add false ConditionTrustedResourcesVerified:
      - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-01T18:17:05Z"
        message: Trusted resource verification failed
        reason: ResourceVerificationFailed
        status: "False"
        type: TrustedResourcesVerified

Integrate with Remote Resource Resolution

TEP-0060 introduces a new ResourceRequest reconciler that will actually pull the remote image and expand it to a Task.

This TEP proposes to do the verification after remote resolution and before calling SetDefaults in the reconciler. Alternatives will be discussed at alternatives.

Threat Models

  • The source of remote resources are compromised.

    How the TEP secures this threat: The resources are signed and keys/key references are stored in the cluster, so the resources and keys cannot be modified at the same time. The remote resources will be verified at reconciler with in cluster keys and signatures from the resources.

  • Attackers have general access to the cluster to update the resources, but they don't have the admin access to remove or add new components.

    How the TEP secures this threat: In-cluster resources will be verified when they are applied and referred. The verification is the same as remote resources.

Examples of attacks:

Test Plan

Tests for TaskRuns/PipelineRuns:

  1. Unsigned Task/Pipeline fails the verification
  2. Wrong signature fails the verification
  3. Task&Pipeline with correct signature pass the verification
  4. Tests should include API Task/Pipeline and OCI bundle Task/Pipeline at first, then should be able to include all the remote resources supported in Remote Resolution

Design Evaluation


There are no existing features in Tekton which can be reused.

This problem is runtime-concern and the proposed feature is at runtime level.


This proposal doesn't have any effect if users don't enable it. If enabled, users need to sign the resources and config the public key in cluster to bypass verification, the mutating webhook will be skipped for API resources to avoid the failing verification.


Dependencies need to be pulled into tekton pipelines for this proposal:


Note: We only pull in sigstore libraries into Tekton Pipeline dependency but we are not coupling Tekton and Sigstore services in this proposal.

What is the impact of the coupling to operators e.g. maintenance & end-to-end testing?

  • Need to install sigstore in dogfooding cluster to sign & verify official resources as part of testing

Reason why this is required.

  • It is a convenient library to load keys because it supports KMS from major cloud providers, and also supports rsa, ecdsa, ed25519 keys loading.

Are there opinionated choices being made in this proposal? If so, are they necessary and can users extend it with

  • We choose to use Sigstore to create signer and verifier, users cannot extend/replace it with other options. But users can use whatever keys supported by Sigstore.


The verification should not introduce too much latency into the reconciler. We propose to do the verification after resolution in the reconciler. So no duplicate resolution is needed compared to doing verification at webhook.


See risks and mitigations.


Options to mitigate the possible impact from mutating webhook

Some possible mitigations/solutions include the following:

  1. Verify the Tasks/Pipelines when applying them in the cluster, and update the Resources to add the missing mutating values (e.g. Use SetDefaults) every time we bump the version of Tekton Pipeline.
  2. Avoid mutating Tekton Resources or move the mutating after verification.
  3. Store the encoded resource in annotation before mutating and verify the stored resource at validating webhook.
  4. Do verification in mutating webhook, if failed verification then mark the run as failed and later check and reject the resource in validating webhook.

Pros vs Cons:

Option Pros Cons
Call SetDefaults() when signing Help users add missing values Need to update signature when there is update in mutating
Skip mutating webhook Address the mutating issue, can also help to detect malicious mutating webhook Extra cost for Tekton Pipeline developers
Store the object at mutating webhook before mutating Fix the issue without skipping the mutating webhook May not work if the attack happens in mutating webhook and only modify the spec
Verify at mutating webhook No need to skip the mutating or store in annotation Doesn't work if there is a malicious mutating webhook after the normal mutating webhook
Add ignoring fields No need to skip the mutating or store in annotation Increase the cost to write the YAML file

In this TEP we propose to proceed with option 2 as described above.

A temporary solution for 2 is that we can have a specific feature flag for trusted resources and use it to skip the mutating for tasks and pipelines. Options 2,3 and 4 are functionally equivalent, i.e. make sure that when doing verification the resource is not mutated by mutating webhook.

In the current code base the mutating functions are called after we resolve the local/remote resources. Another benefit of option 2 is that we can prevent attacks from malicious mutating webhooks. If there are malicious mutating webhooks deployed in the cluster then the tampered resources will fail verification and be rejected at validating webhook.

For option 3, it may be possible that a malicious mutating webhook is invoked after the tekton's mutating webhook and it can change the resource spec without touching the annotation. So to make it work we also need to compare the stored resource and current resource and make sure there is no malicious mutating that happened before.

Option 4 is less preferred than 3 because the mutating webhook would need to contain verification logic, and this is not well aligned with the intention of mutating webhooks.

Options for storing the signature

In this TEP we propose to store the signature in the annotation of the resource because of the easy implementation. Alternatives also include storing the signature separately alongside with the resource or in other remote sources. This could be future work after this TEP.

Options for storing the public keys

Option 1: Configure the keys in a dedicated CRD. This can help to support multiple keys in a central place. This is the proposed option in this TEP.

Option 2: Add a new field keyref to refer to the key path

kind: TaskRun
 name: example-tr
   name: example-task
   keyref: keypath # this defines the public key of this taskref
kind: PipelineRun
 name: example-pr
   name: example-pipeline
   keyref: keypath # this defines the public key of this pipelineref
kind: Pipeline
 annotations: MEQCIHhFC480mv7mh/6dxAlp/mvuvGXanuSghMsT+iBhWxt5AiBDvHv8sfKjJ3Ozrzvp+cjr30AOx1SPQDCcaJjlpAoVrA==
 name: example-Pipeline
   - name: example-task
       name: example-task1
       keyref: keypath1  # this defines the public key of this taskref
   - name: example-task2
       name: example-task2
       keyref: keypath2  # this defines the public key of this taskref

keyref defines the path of the public key of this taskRef. All the tasks within a pipeline need to be signed off, and they may come from different sources with different public keys. So a keyref is needed when signing the pipeline. The signing cli doesn't need to verify the referred keys when signing the pipeline.

Pros vs Cons:

Option Pros Cons
Config at install level (e.g. at CRD) Easy to config at a central place Need to loop all the keys for each verification
Add keyref in taskRef&pipelineRef Each resource can specify the corresponding key, no need to loop all available keys for one resource's verification Introduce cost for users to write and maintain YAML files

Options for integrating with remote resolution

Method Pros Cons
Fetch remote resources in validating Webhook Verification fail fast in webhook Duplicate work for Resolution, may introduce latency, and one extreme case is that the resource verified may not the the same in reconciler's resolved resource
Verify in Controller after resolving resources No duplicate work for Resolution The verification cannot fail fast in webhook. The resources may have been stored in etcd and used by other components
Verify in Remote Resolution No duplicate work for Resolution Verification coupled with Resolution

In this TEP we propose to proceed with option 2 to do verification in reconciler after remote resolution is done considering the latency of doing remote resolution at admission webhook.

Options for exposing the public keys

Public keys discovery is out of scope of the first phase of this TEP and considered as part of the future work. One possible mitigation is to leverage Fulcio to verify the identity of signing account and issue a signed certificate. The certificate is attached to the resource and can be verified later.

Alternatives for trusted resources

Use Kyverno for verifying signed task/pipeline bundles:

This is one alternative proposed to address the same problem but the disadvantage is that it only addresses the Bundle resources and may not be suitable to work with Remote Resolution.


Use Kyverno for verifying YAML files: This can be used to verify local resources, but remote resources need to be verified at the reconciler. We may consider to leverage sign and verify from

Options to update taskrun/pipelinerun to reflect the verification success/failure

There are several options:

Method Pros Cons
Update the annotation Easy to implement Easy to be mutated by other components
Add a new field TrustedResourcesVerified into status A dedicated field to reflect the verification Need api change
Add a new condition into the status condition list Easy to implement, hard to be mutated Need a custom condition type and make sure it is not overwritten

In this TEP we propose to add a new condition into the status condition list.

Implementation Pull request(s)

Milestone 1 (tracked by tektoncd/pipeline#5527):

Milestone 2 (tracked by tektoncd/pipeline#6356):

References (optional)

Kyverno for verifying YAML files:

Policy Controller to verify images: