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Embedded TaskRuns and Runs Status in PipelineRuns

TEP-0100: Embedded TaskRuns and Runs Status in PipelineRuns


This TEP proposes changes to PipelineRun Status to reduce the amount of information stored about the status of TaskRuns and Runs to improve performance, reduce memory bloat and improve extensibility.

Instead of the full embedded statuses, the PipelineRunStatus will contain:

  • the api versions, kinds and names of its TaskRuns and Runs.
  • the names of the PipelineTasks from which the TaskRuns and Runs were executed.


Today, we embed the status of each TaskRun and Run into the PipelineRun status. This causes several issues: performance degradation, memory bloat, and lack of extensibility.

1. Performance Degradation

Every time the status of TaskRuns and Runs change, the status of the parent PipelineRun is updated as well. For example, the status of a PipelineRun is updated upon completion of each Step, even if the TaskRun or Run has not completed. This causes extra requests to etcd and extra load on the Dashboard, which reacts to CRD status updates. Read more in the related issue.

2. Memory Bloat

Embedded statuses increase the size of the serialized PipelineRuns. As shared in API WG on 10/01/2022, the embedded statuses is costly for users:

"embedding status more than doubles the storage and has direct consequences on what customers end up paying"

Read more in the related issue.

3. Lack of Extensibility

The above problems will be exacerbated when we support features that execute multiple TaskRuns and Runs from one PipelineTask. For example:

  • Matrix: fan out a given PipelineTask into multiple TaskRuns or Runs. Fanned out TaskRuns and Runs can even be created dynamically by consuming Results from previous TaskRuns and Runs.
  • Pipelines in Pipelines: pass in Pipelines to PipelineTasks to run them similarly to Tasks.


  • Improve performance by reducing updates to PipelineRun status from TaskRuns and Runs.
  • Improve memory usage by reducing the amount of storage PipelineRun status uses for TaskRuns and Runs.
  • Improve extensibility by setting up PipelineRun status to better support upcoming features in Tekton Pipelines.


  • Improve other aspects of PipelineRun status other than the embedding of TaskRuns and Runs.
  • Make any changes to PipelineRun spec.


PipelineRun Status

The PipelineRunStatus contains the status (ConditionSucceeded) of the PipelineRun and other details including the complete status of its TaskRuns and Runs. This TEP aims to optimize the TaskRuns and Runs fields only in the PipelineRunStatus. The other fields, such as the resolved PipelineSpec, are out of scope and will not be changed.


type PipelineRunStatus struct {
	duckv1beta1.Status `json:",inline"`
	PipelineRunStatusFields `json:",inline"`


type PipelineRunStatusFields struct {
	StartTime *metav1.Time `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
	CompletionTime *metav1.Time `json:"completionTime,omitempty"`
	TaskRuns map[string]*PipelineRunTaskRunStatus `json:"taskRuns,omitempty"`
	Runs map[string]*PipelineRunRunStatus `json:"runs,omitempty"`
	PipelineResults []PipelineRunResult `json:"pipelineResults,omitempty"`
	PipelineSpec *PipelineSpec `json:"pipelineSpec,omitempty"`
	SkippedTasks []SkippedTask `json:"skippedTasks,omitempty"`

Owner References and Labels

TaskRuns and Runs have owner references to PipelineRuns.

kind: TaskRun
  name: myTaskRun
    - apiVersion:
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: PipelineRun
      name: myPipelineRun

TaskRuns and Runs also have labels for the source PipelineRuns: <PipelineRunName>.

kind: TaskRun
  labels: tekton-pipelines tasks myPipeline myPipelineRun myPipelineTask myTask
  name: myTaskRun

Users and tools can rely on these owner references and labels to connect TaskRuns and Runs to the PipelineRuns that created them.

Tekton Results API

Tekton Results bundles related PipelineRuns, TaskRuns and Runs into a single unit (called Result).

For example, a PipelineRun with two TaskRuns would have one Result with three Records:

                               myPipelineRun [Result]
          |                              |                             |
          v                              v                             v   
 myPipelineRun [Record]           myTaskRun1 [Record]           myTaskRun2 [Record]

In addition to grouping related resources, Tekton Results provides long term storage of PipelineRuns, TaskRuns and Runs away from the runtime storage in etcd. Read more in TEP-0021.


The PipelineRunStatus should contain:

  • the api versions, kinds and names of its TaskRuns and Runs.
  • the names of the PipelineTasks from which the TaskRuns and Runs were executed.

Users and tools can find the complete status of TaskRuns and Runs in the cluster in the sort term, and can rely on Tekton Results in the long term. In addition, they can use Owner References and Labels to identify related objects.

API Changes

1. Add Minimal Embedded Status

We will introduce a new struct to hold references to child TaskRuns and Runs, and their corresponding WhenExpressions and ConditionChecks:

type ChildStatusReference struct {
  runtime.TypeMeta                                          `json:",inline"` // contains API version and Kind
  Name              string                                  `json:"name,omitempty"` // name of the TaskRun/Run
  PipelineTaskName  string                                  `json:"pipelineTaskName,omitempty"` // name of the PipelineTask used to create the TaskRun/Run
  ConditionChecks   []*PipelineRunChildConditionCheckStatus `json:"conditionChecks,omitempty"` // the condition checks for the TaskRun/Run in the pipeline
  WhenExpressions   []WhenExpression                        `json:"whenExpressions,omitempty"` // the WhenExpressions for the TaskRun/Run in the pipeline

The existing fields providing the complete TaskRun and Runs are maps with the resource names as keys. However, the new fields are sub-objects instead of maps as recommended by the Kubernetes API conventions.

While the names of TaskRuns and Runs are concatenations of the names of the PipelineRuns and PipelineTasks, they are sometimes truncated when they are too long. Therefore, we include the PipelineTask name because tools, such as the Tekton Dashboard, would still need the PipelineTask name in these situations.

ConditionChecks is present in the existing PipelineRunTaskRunStatus struct, and WhenExpressions is present in both the existing PipelineRunTaskRunStatus and PipelineRunRunStatus structs. They provide information which is not available from the individual TaskRun or Run status, since they represent concepts which only exist at the PipelineRun level. Therefore, they need to be preserved.

To support ConditionChecks, we will add a new struct PipelineRunChildConditionCheckStatus which will hold the names and statuses of condition checks for the PipelineTask. It will inline the PipelineRunConditionCheckStatus currently used in the full embedded statuses. This is needed because PipelineRunConditionCheckStatus doesn't contain the ConditionCheckName, which is the equivalent of a PipelineTask's name, just ConditionName, which is the equivalent of a TaskRun or Run's name. Since we're going to store an array of PipelineRunChildConditionCheckStatus rather than a map of ConditionCheckName to PipelineRunConditionCheckStatus, we need the ConditionCheckName in the new struct.

This struct, and ChildStatusReferences.ConditionChecks, will be removed once Conditions, which have been deprecated, are removed completely. We are not using child references for the conditions' statuses, because ConditionCheckStatus, the only thing in PipelineRunConditionCheckStatus other than the ConditionName, isn't replicated anywhere else, and contains a fairly minimal amount of data - the pod name, start and completion times, and a corev1.ContainerState. See the issue for deprecating Conditions for more information on the planned removal of Conditions.

type PipelineRunChildConditionCheckStatus struct {
	PipelineRunConditionCheckStatus         `json:",inline"` // the inlined condition check status
	ConditionCheckName               string `json:"conditionCheckName,omitempty"` // the condition check's name

2. Deprecate and Remove Full Embedded Status

Deprecate and remove the old fields from PipelineRunStatusFields from the Beta API.

type PipelineRunStatusFields struct {
	ChildReferences []ChildReference `json:"childReferences,omitempty"`

This is a backwards incompatible change in the Beta API, therefore the fields will be deprecated and removed per our deprecation policy, as described in the Beta API section below.


This is an example PipelineRun status as provided in the documentation:

kind: PipelineRun
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
        message: "Tasks Completed: 4, Skipped: 0"
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:00:11Z"
        pipelineTaskName: build
          completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:10:49Z"
            - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:10:49Z"
              message: All Steps have completed executing
              reason: Succeeded
              status: "True"
              type: Succeeded
          podName: triggers-release-nightly-build-pod
            - key: commit
                name: git-source-triggers
              value: 9ab5a1234166a89db352afa28f499d596ebb48db
          startTime: "2020-05-04T02:05:07Z"
            - container: step-build
              imageID: docker-pullable://golang@sha256:a90f267133
              name: build
                containerID: docker://6b6471f501f59dbb
                exitCode: 0
                finishedAt: "2020-05-04T02:10:45Z"
                reason: Completed
                startedAt: "2020-05-04T02:06:24Z"

Taking the above example, this will be the new minimal PipelineRun status:

kind: PipelineRun
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
        message: "Tasks Completed: 4, Skipped: 0"
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:00:11Z"
      - apiVersion:
        kind: TaskRun
        name: triggers-release-nightly-build
        pipelineTaskName: build

Fetching complete statuses of TaskRuns and Runs


If a user is interested in the complete status of a TaskRun or Run, they can fetch it by its name from the cluster; the name is in the minimal child references.

Taking the example above, this would be the status of the TaskRun:

kind: TaskRun
  labels: tekton-pipelines tasks triggers-release-nightly triggers-release-nightly build build
  name: triggers-release-nightly-build
    - apiVersion:
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true
      kind: PipelineRun
      name: triggers-release-nightly
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:10:49Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:10:49Z"
        message: All Steps have completed executing
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    podName: triggers-release-nightly-build-pod
      - key: commit
          name: git-source-triggers
        value: 9ab5a1234166a89db352afa28f499d596ebb48db
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:05:07Z"
      - container: step-build
        imageID: docker-pullable://golang@sha256:a90f267133
        name: build
          containerID: docker://6b6471f501f59dbb
          exitCode: 0
          finishedAt: "2020-05-04T02:10:45Z"
          reason: Completed
          startedAt: "2020-05-04T02:06:24Z"

Results API

If the cluster has been cleaned up, a user can rely on the Results API to get the full details of the PipelineRun's TaskRuns and Runs. They can use the Tekton CLI plugin for the Tekton Results API:

tkn-results records list default/results/- --filter name=="triggers-release-nightly"

For more details on fetching Results and Records, see the documentation.

Go Libraries

We will provide functions in the Go libraries to fetch the TaskRuns and Runs of a given PipelineRun. These functions will be useful for the Tekton Dashboard, Tekton CLI and other projects using our Go libraries.

Beta API

Because the PipelineRun status is part of the Pipelines API, removing the full embedded statuses is backwards incompatible.

To support migration as required by our API compatibility policy we will add a behavior flag - embedded-status - used to configure whether the PipelineRuns should contain:

  • the full embedded status of its TaskRuns and Runs - using value full.
  • the minimal references to its TaskRuns and Runs - using value minimal.
  • both the full embedded status and minimal references of its TaskRuns and Runs; this provides a smoother transition for users and tools - using value both.

Following our policy on updating behavior flags:

  1. The embedded-status flag will be full by default, users can set it to minimal or both. The existing fields will be deprecated at this point.
  2. After 9 months in v1beta1, the embedded-status flag will be changed to minimal by default, users can set it to full or both.
  3. As soon as the next release in v1beta1, the embedded-status flag will be removed as well as the full embedded status fields. In reality, this would take a bit longer (about 3 months) after confirming that users and contributors are ready for the flag to be removed.

Users can opt in to use both at any time, but it is never the default value. It provides a seamless transition for API clients for a short period needed to upgrade to minimal.



In V1, we will have the minimal references - ChildReferences - to TaskRuns and Runs in PipelineRuns:

type PipelineRunStatusFields struct {
	StartTime       *metav1.Time        `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
	CompletionTime  *metav1.Time        `json:"completionTime,omitempty"`
	ChildReferences []ChildReference    `json:"childReferences,omitempty"`
	PipelineResults []PipelineRunResult `json:"pipelineResults,omitempty"`
	PipelineSpec    *PipelineSpec       `json:"pipelineSpec,omitempty"`
	SkippedTasks    []SkippedTask       `json:"skippedTasks,omitempty"`

The full embedded statuses of TaskRuns and Runs will not be available in PipelineRuns. Read more about V1 in TEP-0096: Pipelines V1 API.

Tekton Projects

Tekton Pipelines

The PipelineRun controller currently fetches TaskRuns, whether from etcd or from a cache, on each reconcile loop. The TaskRuns and Runs fields in PipelineRunStatus are populated from the Resolved PipelineRunTaskRuns ("rprts") in PipelineRunState.

The direct uses of pipelineRun.Status.TaskRuns and pipelineRun.Status.Runs fields in the PipelineRun controller would need to be updated to use the TaskRuns and Runs from the Resolved PipelineRunTaskRuns ("rprts"). For example:

  1. Cancellation: Implementation uses the TaskRun only from the full embedded status, which is still available in the minimal references. See code for details.
  2. Pipeline Results: Implementation uses the TaskRuns from the PipelineRun status. This will be updated to use TaskRuns directly. See code for details.
  3. Retries: Implementation already uses the TaskRuns from Resolved PipelineRunTaskRuns ("rprts") in PipelineRunState. See code for details.

Making the needed updates is an implementation detail that we will figure out in the relevant pull requests.

Tekton Results

As described in the background section, the Results API enables users to bundle TaskRuns and Runs to their parent PipelineRuns. It also provides long term storage of resources. Users can rely on Tekton Results to provide the mapping that was available in the full embedded statuses.

Note that Results API is still in alpha, but progress is being made towards beta - we estimate that the Results API will be in beta by the time we remove the full embedded statuses.

Tekton Dashboard

Tekton Dashboard shows the status the TaskRuns and Runs of a given PipelineRun, and this should continue to be supported. The Tekton Dashboard currently relies on the full embedded statuses, including when the scheduled cleanup of resources removed TaskRuns and Runs from the cluster. The Dashboard will need to be updated to use the minimal references and rely on Tekton Results for long term storage (read more in related issue).

We expect the load on the Dashboard to reduce and its performance to improve, given that the PipelineRuns would not be reacting to the updates in Steps.

Tekton Chains

Tekton Chain observes TaskRuns and signs them directly, it doesn't depend on the full embedded status in PipelineRun status. TEP-0084 proposes that Tekton Chains starts to sign PipelineRuns - it involves creating a single attestation record upon completion of a PipelineRun that includes all TaskRuns, the PipelineRun, and the event-payload instead of a record for each of them. We will ensure that the proposal in TEP-0084 aligns with the changes to PipelineRuns proposed in this TEP.

Design Evaluation

  1. API conventions: This design complies with the Kubernetes API conventions by using sub-objects instead of maps for fields, and using string aliases instead of booleans for behavior flags.
  2. Simplicity: This design simplifies the PipelineRun status by providing the minimum information and updates needed from TaskRuns and Runs.
  3. Reusability: This design encourages reuse of existing components, such as Owner References and Tekton Results, by removing the duplication caused by embedding the complete statuses of TaskRuns and Runs.
  4. Flexibility: This design improves the extensibility of Tekton Pipelines to support upcoming features that create multiple TaskRuns, Runs or PipelineRuns from a single PipelineTask. The behavior flag is also flexible to support more configurations if needed.
  5. Conformance: This design impact the conformance surface through changes to the PipelineRun interface. The changes are backwards incompatible but will be introduced in a backwards compatible manner first with migration instructions and deprecation warnings.


Add Minimal Embedded Status for TaskRuns and Runs

Instead of using the same field to hold references to both TaskRuns and Runs, we could use a separate field for each. We would introduce two new structs to store the minimal status of TaskRuns and Runs in the PipelineRun status, with the names only:

type PipelineRunTaskRunMinimalStatus struct {
	PipelineTaskName    string `json:"pipelineTaskName,omitempty"`
	TaskRunName         string `json:"taskRunName,omitempty"`

type PipelineRunRunMinimalStatus struct {
	PipelineTaskName    string `json:"pipelineTaskName,omitempty"`
	RunName             string `json:"runName,omitempty"`

We would then add the new fields to PipelineRunStatusFields as follows:

type PipelineRunStatusFields struct {
	TaskRuns            map[string]*PipelineRunTaskRunStatus    `json:"taskRuns,omitempty"`
	TaskRunsStatuses    []PipelineRunTaskRunMinimalStatus       `json:"taskRunsStatuses,omitempty"`
	Runs                map[string]*PipelineRunRunStatus        `json:"runs,omitempty"`
	RunsStatuses        []PipelineRunRunMinimalStatus           `json:"runsStatuses,omitempty"`

An example PipelineRun status might look like this:

kind: PipelineRun
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
        message: "Tasks Completed: 4, Skipped: 0"
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:00:11Z"
      - taskRunName: triggers-release-nightly-build
        pipelineTaskName: build


While this approach makes it easy to identify TaskRuns vs Runs, as they are in separate fields, it'd require us to add a new field for new types thus limiting the extensibility. For example, we may allow PipelineRuns to have child PipelineRuns in our implementation of Pipelines in Pipelines.

Add Minimal Embedded Status - Use Map

Use maps for the new fields, as we do with the existing fields:

type PipelineRunStatusFields struct {
	TaskRuns            map[string]*PipelineRunTaskRunStatus        `json:"taskRuns,omitempty"`
	TaskRunsStatuses    map[string]*PipelineRunTaskRunMinimalStatus `json:"taskRunsStatuses,omitempty"`
	Runs                map[string]*PipelineRunRunStatus            `json:"runs,omitempty"`
	RunsStatuses        map[string]*PipelineRunRunMinimalStatus     `json:"runsStatuses,omitempty"`

Taking the example above, this would be the PipelineRun status:

kind: PipelineRun
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
        message: "Tasks Completed: 4, Skipped: 0"
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:00:11Z"


While this approach is consistent with existing code, it does not comply with the Kubernetes API conventions that recommend against maps. The main problem with maps is:

The crux of maps is that it isn't clear to the user what "left-hand side strings" are "magic keywords" in the config system/API vs. which are user data.

Maps also make it hard to use other keys to identify the resource. We use names today, but may want to use Namespace, Cluster or other fields later.

Add Minimal Embedded Status - Include TaskRun and Run status

In this approach, we would store the conditionSucceeded field of the TaskRuns and Runs in the PipelineRun status, for example:

kind: PipelineRun
    completionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
      - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:19:14Z"
        message: "Tasks Completed: 4, Skipped: 0"
        reason: Succeeded
        status: "True"
        type: Succeeded
    startTime: "2020-05-04T02:00:11Z"
      - apiVersion: v1beta1
        kind: TaskRun
        name: triggers-release-nightly-build
          - lastTransitionTime: "2020-05-04T02:10:49Z"
            message: All Steps have completed executing
            reason: Succeeded
            status: "True"
            type: Succeeded


This approach uses more storage than the proposed solution, and the status of the child object can easily be fetched by reference.

Beta API - Use Booleans

We could add a behavior flag - enable-full-embedded-status - used to configure whether PipelineRuns should contain the embedded status or minimal references of its TaskRuns and Runs.

Following our policy on updating behavior flags:

  • The enable-full-embedded-status flag will be true by default.
  • After 9 months in v1beta1, the enable-full-embedded-status flag will be flipped to false by default.
  • As soon as the next release in v1beta1, the enable-full-embedded-status flag will be removed as well as the full embedded status fields.


While the behavior flag taking booleans solves for the options we need, the Kubernetes API conventions warn "think twice about boolean fields" because "many ideas start as boolean but eventually trend towards a small set of mutually exclusive options". Using booleans would make it difficult to have both full embedded statuses and minimal references as users make transitions, using a boolean for this field would be limiting. Therefore, we prefer the alternative to using string aliases.

Beta API - Default to Full then Both then Minimal

To provide a smoother migration as required by our API compatibility policy we will add a behavior flag - embedded-status - used to configure whether the PipelineRuns should contain:

  • the full embedded status of its TaskRuns and Runs
  • the minimal embedded status of its TaskRunsand Runs
  • both the full status and minimal references of its TaskRuns and Runs

Following our policy on updating behavior flags:

  1. The embedded-status flag will be full by default, users can set it to minimal or both.
  2. After 2 months in v1beta1, the embedded-status flag will be changed to both by default, users can set it to full or minimal.
  3. After 7 more months in v1beta1, the embedded-status flag will be changed to minimal by default, users can set it to full or both.
  4. As soon as the next release in v1beta1, embedded-status flag will be removed as well as the full embedded status fields. In reality, this would take a bit longer after confirming that users and contributors are ready for the flag to be removed.


While this approach gives users more control by allowing them to receive both the full and minimal references, it causes more duplication and worsens the problems described above. This remains an option we can support later if we receive feedback that users need it for smoother migration, and the proposal is set up to easily support this expansion.
