The auth service can be used to evaluate whether access is available to a given resource
For example:
Check access to resource (r) /function/system-dashboard:
- 200 - OK
- 301 - Cookie not present, redirect to given URL to create a valid cookie/login
- 401 - Cookie present, but invalid
This cookie is issued as part of the social sign-in flow using GitHub.
Contents (encoded JWT):
"name": "Alex Ellis",
"access_token": "token-value",
"aud": "",
"exp": 1537957152,
"jti": "integer-value-here",
"iat": 1537784352,
"iss": "openfaas-cloud@github",
"sub": "alexellis"
export TAG=0.3.1
All environmental variables must be set and configured for the service whether running locally as a container, via Swarm or on Kubernetes.
This key/pair is used to sign the JWT and then verify it later.
# Private key
openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out key
# Public key
openssl ec -in key -pubout -out
For Kubernetes store these secrets:
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic jwt-private-key --from-file=./key
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic jwt-public-key --from-file=./
For Swarm you can create these secrets:
docker secret create jwt-private-key ./key
docker secret create jwt-public-key ./
For Kubernetes store these secrets:
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic of-client-secret --from-literal="of-client-secret=$CLIENT_SECRET"
For Swarm you can create these secrets:
echo -n "$CLIENT_SECRET" | docker secret create of-client-secret -
docker rm -f cloud-auth
export TAG=0.3.1
docker run \
-e client_secret="$CLIENT_SECRET" \
-e client_id="$CLIENT_ID" \
-e PORT=8080 \
-p 8880:8080 \
-e external_redirect_domain="" \
-e cookie_root_domain="" \
-e public_key_path=/tmp/ \
-e private_key_path=/tmp/key \
-v "`pwd`/key:/tmp/key" \
-v "`pwd`/" \
--name cloud-auth -ti openfaas/cloud-auth:${TAG}
Edit yaml/core/of-auth-dep.yml
as needed and apply that file.
export TAG=0.3.1
docker service rm auth
docker service create --name auth \
-e oauth_client_secret_path="/run/secrets/of-client-secret" \
-e client_id="$CLIENT_ID" \
-e PORT=8080 \
-p 8085:8080 \
-e external_redirect_domain="" \
-e cookie_root_domain="" \
-e public_key_path=/run/secrets/jwt-public-key \
-e private_key_path=/run/secrets/jwt-private-key \
--secret jwt-private-key \
--secret jwt-public-key \
--secret of-client-secret \