- [] Check port number valid or print error.
- [] Check password valid or print error.
- [] Server listening for clients.
- [] Client start with /PASS command. Check password valid and Client status == PasswordRegistered
- [] Client use /NICK command. Check nickname valid and Client status == NickRegistered
- [] Client use /USER [] command. Check username and realname valid and Client status = UserRegistered
- [] Check if u can use other cmds before UserRegistered status.
- [] Add new client to client list after fully registered and send RPL_WELCOME
- [] Use /LIST [<#channelname>] and /NAMES <#channelname> cmds see its empty.
- [] Use /PING cmd and see "Pong"
- [] Use /JOIN <#channelname> see u r operator, sending u joined message and u have operator prefix. U added to member list.
- [] Use /LIST [<#channelname>] and /NAMES <#channelname> cmds see there is one and info about it.
- [] Use /MODE <+-i, +-k, +-t> working properly and sending Modechange message
- [] Use /INVITE on InviteOnly Mode see only operator invite user and without InviteOnly Mode.
- [] Use /TOPIC on ProtectedTopic Mode see only operator change topic and without ProtectedTopic Mode.
- [] Use /PASS on Keyed Mode see only users with password can join the channel.
- [] Use /KICK to kick user from the channel as operator. that user added to banned list. After that use /INVITE to add that user to channel and remove from banned list.
- [] Use /PART to apart from channel and send channel that user aparted. If u r not in channel u cant use this cmd.
- [] Use /QUIT to quit from server.
- [] Use /NOTICE on channels.
- [] Check reply message for each.