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+# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ==============================================================================
+# SVG generated by Google Docs and manually cropped in Inkscape. Unwieldy.
+rustboard_data_flow.svg -merge -diff
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+# RustBoard: technical design
+@wchargin, 2020-10-29
+**Status:** Implementation in progress.
+## Purpose
+The goal of RustBoard is to improve TensorBoard data loading performance by
+order-of 100×, while providing a better developer experience and opportunity for
+growth and experimentation. The purpose of this document is to provide a
+high-level overview of its architecture, for collaborators.
+## Architecture
+Picture first:
+![Data flow diagram with four logical blocks: browser, `tensorboard(1)` process,
+`rustboard(1)` sidecar process, and event files on disk. In the TensorBoard
+process: data flows from a web server thread to the browser. The web server gets
+data from plugins (scalars plugin, text plugin, images plugin), which get data
+from the data provider API, one implementation of which is the gRPC data
+provider. This talks over a TCP socket on `localhost` to get data from the
+RustBoard process, starting with the gRPC server thread. The RustBoard gRPC
+server gets data from a “commit” in shared memory. Separate run loader threads
+periodically push new data to the commit, as they read from the event files on
+ Data flow diagram. Solid arrows are responses; dashed arrows are push updates.
+[data-flow-diagram]: images/rustboard_data_flow.svg
+When TensorBoard receives an HTTP request for data, it issues queries against a
+*[data provider]* to fetch that data. The data provider API has multiple
+implementations: local TensorBoard uses a data provider that reads from event
+files, TensorBoard.dev reads from a Cloud Spanner database, and Google-internal
+data providers read from other data stores. The read path for local TensorBoard
+is very slow, due to a combination of in-Python data structure manipulation and
+overhead due to C++ marshalling and locking. To do better, we introduce
+RustBoard: a new data provider for local TensorBoard that also reads from event
+files, but more efficiently. By switching to the new data provider, TensorBoard
+can seamlessly benefit from the performance improvements, without changing the
+Python application structure, and with no observable changes at the plugin
+[data provider]: ./generic_data_apis.md
+For simplicity, the core loading code of RustBoard will run in a separate
+process (written, as the name implies, in Rust). RustBoard communicates with the
+TensorBoard data provider over a gRPC connection on a localhost TCP socket. The
+TCP and RPC overheads are small compared to the cost of actually loading the
+data from disk. If desired, this could be refactored into a cPython extension
+module that runs in-process and shares memory directly. But that is more
+complicated to write, to build, and to deploy, so we defer such a change.
+The performance goals of RustBoard are, in order:
+1. Maximize data loading throughput.
+2. Minimize RPC latency.
+3. Maximize RPC throughput.
+Data loading throughput is most important because it is the limiting factor
+between the time that the user launches TensorBoard and the time that they can
+see their most recent training data. Most TensorBoard RPCs and HTTP requests are
+fairly small, since they only operate on downsampled data, so they tend to
+naturally be “fast enough”. The vast majority of data read is either discarded
+immediately or evicted from the reservoir later, so getting past this data as
+quickly as possible is key. The best way to do that is to do as little as
+possible per byte read.
+Internally, RustBoard centers around the **commit**, a value in memory shared
+among the RPC serving threads and the data loading threads. The commit holds
+enough information to serve all data provider requests. Each run loader will
+periodically update its portion of the commit. These updates are batched to
+reduce lock contention. Each run loader also owns a local **stage**, which it
+has exclusive access to. As a run loader reads data from event files, it updates
+its stage with the pending changes: no synchronization required. If the stage
+grows large, or if some threshold of time has passed, the stage is published to
+the shared commit.
+Each run loads its event files sequentially, for consistency. Separate runs are
+loaded in parallel under a simple reload loop. First, the log directory is
+scanned for event files, and the set of runs identified. Second, a thread pool
+starts to load each run and blocks until completion. Third, the loading process
+sleeps for a fixed delay (5 seconds, by default). Finally, the process repeats.
+We now discuss the design of the commit and stage data structures described
+## Commit
+The commit should be concurrently readable by many serving threads, and a
+loading thread should be able to update its portion of the commit without
+blocking access to the rest of it. Thus, the commit has a hierarchical structure
+of read-write locks:
+struct Commit {
+ runs: RwLock>>,
+struct RunData {
+ start_time: Option,
+ scalars: HashMap>,
+ tensors: HashMap>,
+ blob_sequences: HashMap>,
+struct TimeSeries {
+ metadata: proto::SummaryMetadata,
+ values: Vec<(Step, WallTime, Result)>,
+struct DataLoss;
+(The `DataLoss` variant is used when a point that makes it into the commit is
+not valid: e.g., a point in a scalar time series whose tensor has `DT_STRING`.
+These are elided from responses, but kept in the reservoir for implementation
+simplicity, to avoid having to retroactively evict them and deal with the
+effects on the sampling control.)
+Recall that with a shared reference to a read-write lock, you can obtain either
+a shared (read) or exclusive (write) reference to the guarded value. Then
+consider the different operations:
+- Adding or removing runs. In each load cycle in which runs are added or
+ removed, the logdir loader grabs an exclusive reference to the runs map, and
+ inserts empty RunData for new runs and deletes entries for deleted runs.
+ This global contention is fine because it only happens once per load cycle
+ in which runs are added or removed.
+- Updating data. When a run loader commits its stage, it grabs a shared
+ reference to the runs map and an exclusive reference to its own RunData
+ value. Then, it batch-updates the metadata and values, inserting new entries
+ if necessary. Because only a shared reference to the runs map is needed,
+ requests to other runs may proceed concurrently, and other run loaders may
+ commit concurrently as well.
+- Reading data. A reader grabs a shared reference to the runs map and then a
+ shared reference to one or more RunData values. Uncontended unless updates
+ are being committed.
+This leads to two important observations. First, when TensorBoard is loading
+data but not serving requests, the process is entirely uncontended on those few
+locks that it acquires. Second, in the event of contention, most critical
+sections are fine-grained, not globally locking.
+As a tweak, we could wrap each `TimeSeries<_>` with a `RwLock`. This would mean
+that run loaders could update a time series even while requests read other time
+series for the same run. But that would significantly increase the amount of
+locking (by a factor of “average tags per run”), so it’s not obviously an
+## Stage
+Next, we discuss the structure of the stage owned exclusively by a run loader:
+struct StageReservoir {
+ committed_steps: Vec,
+ staged_items: Vec<(Step, T)>,
+ // internal state: capacity, records seen, RNG state, ...
+struct Stage(HashMap);
+struct StageTimeSeries {
+ next_commit: Instant,
+ metadata: proto::SummaryMetadata,
+ rsv: StageReservoir,
+// `StageValue` type discussed later
+A stage reservoir is a bipartite data structure for reservoir sampling. Each
+record in the reservoir is either committed or staged. For committed records, we
+retain only the step (an `i64`, which is small); for staged records, we retain
+the step and the record itself. Together, `committed_steps` and `staged_items`
+represent the reservoir contents: their combined size is bounded by the
+reservoir capacity, items are evicted uniformly at random from their union, etc.
+The values actually staged in the reservoir are as close to the source format as
+struct StageValue {
+ wall_time: f64,
+ payload: StagePayload,
+enum StagePayload {
+ GraphDef(Vec),
+ SummaryValue {
+ metadata: Option,
+ value: proto::summary::value::Value, // the oneof Summary.Value.value field
+ },
+This minimizes the amount of work done for items that are not included in the
+reservoir or that are evicted before the next commit. Data-compat
+transformations are effected only when the values are actually committed.
+When a record is offered to the reservoir, it is added to the end of
+`staged_items` (since we always retain the most recent record), evicting either
+the most recent record or a random earlier record. When the stage is committed,
+record values—the second components of the `(Step, T)` pairs—are moved into the
+commit, and steps are moved into `committed_steps`. After a commit operation,
+`staged_items` is empty.
+## Code location
+The code for RustBoard lives in `//tensorboard/data/server`. The above type
+definitions are meant to be illustrative, and may diverge from the exact
+## Changelog
+- **2020-11-06:** Changed commit structure from “four `RwLock`ed maps from run
+ name” to “single `RwLock`ed map from run name to struct of four items”.
+- **2020-10-29:** Initial version.