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File metadata and controls

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A versatile Docker image builder that uses Go Templates extended with Sprig functions to dynamically generate Dockerfiles, validate configurations, and build container images efficiently. The app supports parameterized builds, parallel execution, and customization for streamlined container development.


A CLI tool for building Docker images with configurable Dockerfile templates and multi-threaded execution.

When 'docker build' is just not enough. :-)

  td [flags]

  -b, --build           Build Docker images after templating
  -c, --config string   Path to the configuration file (required)
  -d, --delete          Delete templated Dockerfiles after successful building
  -e, --engine string   Select the container engine to use: docker or buildx (default "docker")
  -h, --help            help for td
  -i, --image string    Limit the build to a single image
      --parallel int    Specify the number of threads to use, defaults to number of CPUs (default 20)
  -p, --push            Push Docker images after building
  -s, --squash          Squash images to reduce size (experimental)
  -t, --tag string      Tag to use as the image version
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output
  -V, --version         Display the application version and exit


Download latest version of file:

sudo curl -sLfo /usr/local/bin/td
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/td

Alternatively, extract it to any location under PATH. Or download with Go Lang:

go install

Ensure you have GOPATH, in your PATH.

Example Configuration

Complete Examples

For complete examples of configuration check example directory.

Configuration File

Start defining your build configuration file. It's a playbook by which your Docker image templates will be generated and build:

registry: repo.local
prefix: my-base
maintainer: Awesome Developer <awesome@mail>

    dockerfile: jdk/Dockerfile.tpl
        - "3.19"
        - "3.20"
        - 11
        - 17
        - 21
      - jdk:{{ .tag }}-{{ .java }}-alpine{{ .alpine }}
      - jdk:{{ .java }}-alpine{{ .alpine | splitList "." | first }}

Call build like:

td --config build.yaml --tag v1.2.3 --build --delete

Which will produce 2x3 -> 6 images, with 12 labels:


Order of values under variables block is used to determine the order of labels creation.

Configuration Format

This file format defines the configuration for dynamically generating Docker images using Jinja2 templates. It specifies global settings, image definitions, and build parameters.

registry (Optional)

  • Description: The Docker registry to which images will be pushed. Skip to use Docker Hub.
  • Type: String
  • Example:
    registry: repo.local

prefix (Optional)

  • Description: A prefix applied to all image names for organizational purposes. Might be a Docker Hub user name.
  • Type: String
  • Example:
    prefix: my-base

maintainer (Optional)

  • Description: The maintainer's name and contact information.
  • Type: String
  • Example:
    maintainer: Name <email@domain>

labels (Optional)

  • Description: Global labels that would be added to each image automatically.
  • Type: Dictionary of strings
  • Example:
      - org.opencontainers.image.licenses: License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an [SPDX License Expression](
      - org.opencontainers.image.title: Human-readable title of the image (string).
      - org.opencontainers.image.description: |
       Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image.
       (multiline string).
  • Notes:
    • I recommend to follow OCI Label Schema, app will add some of them automatically.
    • Even those labels can be templated, but as they're global, you should only use variables available in all images. Otherwise they might be evaluated to: <no value>, unless you filter those out with additional conditions.

Images Section

images (Required)

Defines the Docker images to build. Each image has specific attributes such as its Dockerfile, variables, and labels. Images are build in order, top-down, which allows to construct dependencies between images.

Image Definition

Each image is identified by a key (e.g., base, jdk, jre) and contains the following attributes:

dockerfile (Required)

  • Description: The path to the Dockerfile template used to build the image. Go Templates extended with Sprig functions are supported.
  • Type: String
  • Example:
    dockerfile: base/Dockerfile.tpl

variables (Optional)

  • Description: A dictionary of variables used to parameterize the Dockerfile template.

  • Type: Dictionary of lists

  • Example:

        - "3.20"
        - "3.19"
  • Notes:

    • Builder generates a Cartesian product of all variables (all combinations).
    • The variables can have multiple values, allowing builds for different configuration sets.
    • Variables are substituted into the template during build.

tags (Required)

  • Description: A list of names and tags to tag the generated Docker images.
  • Type: List of strings
  • Example:
      - base:{{ .tag }}-alpine{{ .alpine }}
      - base:alpine{{ .alpine }}
  • Notes:
    • Labels support Go Templates extended with Sprig functions. For example, {{ .alpine | splitList "." | first }} extracts the major version from alpine.
    • tag argument is provided by --tag/-t parameter, which reflects the image version.

labels (Optional)

  • Description: Per image labels, that would be added to each image.
  • Type: Dictionary of strings
  • Example:
      - alpine:{{ .alpine }}
      - org.opencontainers.image.description: |
       Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image.
       (multiline string).
  • Notes:
    • I recommend to follow OCI Label Schema, app will add some of them automatically.
    • Labels can be templated and they will override global labels of same name.

Multi-Platform Builds

For multi-platform builds, you need to prepare your build environment. This guide uses QEMU emulation, which provides a broad list of platforms available out of the box.

Building multi-platform images requires support from base images and tools that work on specific platforms. Verify compatibility before you start.

Install QEMU

This example uses Ubuntu, but the steps should be similar on other platforms.

  1. Update your package list and install QEMU:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt-get install -y qemu-system
  2. Use the tonistiigi/binfmt image to install QEMU and register the executable types on the host. This allows the buildx builder to recognize available target platforms:

    docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
  3. Verify the installation with:

    docker buildx ls

    You should see output similar to:

    default*      docker
     \_ default    \_ default       running   v0.17.3    linux/amd64 (+3), linux/arm64, linux/arm (+2), linux/ppc64le, (3 more)

Enable Containerd Image Store

To enable the containerd snapshotters feature, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following configuration to your /etc/docker/daemon.json file:

      "features": {
        "containerd-snapshotter": true
  2. Save the file.

  3. Restart the Docker daemon for the changes to take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart docker
  4. After restarting the daemon, verify that you're using containerd snapshotter storage drivers:

    docker info -f '{{ .DriverStatus }}'

    You should see output similar to:

    [[driver-type io.containerd.snapshotter.v1]]

Config file

Now it's time to add required platforms to your configuration, you can put them in the global scope or per image, for example:

  - linux/amd64
  - linux/arm64

    dockerfile: base/Dockerfile.tpl
    dockerfile: jre/Dockerfile.tpl
    # overwrite platforms for this image only
      - linux/amd64

You can also use few variables in templates that would refer to your current platform, like:

  • BUILDPLATFORM — matches the current machine. (e.g. linux/amd64)
  • BUILDOS — os component of BUILDPLATFORM, e.g. linux
  • BUILDARCH — e.g. amd64, arm64, riscv64
  • BUILDVARIANT — used to set ARM variant, e.g. v7
  • TARGETPLATFORM — The value set with --platform flag on build
  • TARGETOS - OS component from --platform, e.g. linux
  • TARGETARCH - Architecture from --platform, e.g. arm64

Now build something

Check your images, for multiple platforms, with:

docker image inspect \
  --format "{{.ID}} {{.RepoTags}} {{.Architecture}}" \
  $(docker image ls -q)

For more information, check the official documentation:

Validation and Recommendations

Required Fields

  1. images: At least one image must be defined with a valid dockerfile.

Optional Enhancements

  1. Use the prefix field for consistent image organization.
  2. Add meaningful labels to enhance discoverability and traceability.
  3. Keep in mind that order of variables, determine order of labeling and some labels might overwrite previously created.


  1. Tool detects number of available CPU and run as many jobs as possible.
  2. For debugging, it might be easier to use --parallel 1 --verbose to limit amount of messages produced.


  1. Use --verbose flag. It will produce a lot of debug information.
  2. Without --build flag, script will just template Dockerfiles, so you can check them for correctness.
  3. Use --image to build just single set of images, instead of building them all.

Advanced Tips

Dynamic Tags

Use Go Templates support by Sprig functions to create dynamic expressions like {{ .alpine | splitList "." | first }} to generate tags or labels dynamically.

Dynamic Labels

Same approach as for tags applies to labels. You can template them as you whish.

Additional Variables

All the variables available for templating:

  • registry - If provided.
  • prefix - If provided.
  • maintainer - If provided.
  • tag - If --tag flag used.
  • image - A key from images in the config file, useful for conditions.
  • labels - Some generated automatically, then from "global scope" (at the top of config file), merged with "per image" labels,
  • And finally, whatever you define in variables blocks.