Name | Type | Description | Notes |
applicants | Array<RequestPlanFindApplicant> | Applicants for desired plans. | [optional] |
carrier_id | Integer | National-level carrier id | [optional] |
enrollment_date | String | Date of enrollment | [optional] |
drug_packages | Array<RequestPlanFindDrugPackage> | National Drug Code Package Id | [optional] |
fips_code | String | County code to determine eligibility | [optional] |
group_name | String | Label for search tracking | [optional] |
household_income | Integer | Total household income. | [optional] |
household_size | Integer | Number of people living in household. | [optional] |
ids | Array<Integer> | List of plan IDs to filter by | [optional] |
market | String | Type of plan to search for. | [optional] |
providers | Array<RequestPlanFindProvider> | List of providers to search for. | [optional] |
page | Integer | Selected page of paginated response. | [optional] |
per_page | Integer | Results per page of response. | [optional] |
sort | String | Sort responses by plan field. | [optional] |
zip_code | String | 5-digit zip code - this helps determine pricing. | [optional] |