- [DFIS-1147] Enforce typing information on CI/CD build.
- [DFIS-1744] Add endpoint information to each method.
- [DFIS-1583] Adds Google Analytics property.
- [DFIS-1639] Add Prodpad feedback button.
- [DFIS-1750] Adds Query V1 /v1/query/manage as dfi.query.manage(...).
- [DFIS-1746] Rename records_count() -> count().
- [DFIS-1590] Generate API Reference with Material for MkDocs.
- [DFIS-1745] Switch linter / formatter to Ruff.
- [DFIS-1588] Remove User Guide from dfipy docs.
- [DFIS-1743] Remove Query V0 from dfipy.
- [DFIS-1750] Nukes last remnants of Query V0 from dfipy (truncate endpoint) 💥💣💥.
- [DFIS-1475] Created User Guide to import data from AWS S3.
- [DFIS-1274] Adds Query V1 endpoints.
- [DFIS-1171] Fixed Import API and added new routes.
- [DFIS-1553] Progress bar not toggling.
- [DFIS-1561] Fixes dfipy version reporting 0.0.0 and removes dfi.info methods targeting non-existant endpoints.
- [DFIS-1169] Updated docs with more examples and fixed typos.
- [DFIS-1229] Ports Users API & Datasets API integration tests into the dev-env.
- [DFIS-1370] rename
to justdatasets.get_schema
. - [DFIS-1261] Updates User Guide documentation.
- [DFIS-1365] Split Users API and Identities API into different services.
- [DFIS-1316] Renames
to `get_my_permissions() as the permissions are on the identity not the user.
- [DFIS-1028] Updated truncate method with correct URL.
- [DFIS-1370] Dataset schema as feather returns as a pyarrow schema.
- [IN-893] Fix error when querying entities with a polygon and a time filter.
- [IN-893] Dropped support for Python versions 3.8 and 3.9.
- [IN-893] Fixed some regressions/bugs introduced by recent filter fields change.
- [IN-893] Updated the version number to reflect recent changes are more than a "patch".
- [DFIS-1092] Updated token retrieval process in docs and fixed typo in User's User Guide.
- [DFIS-1036] Added optional filter_fields arguments to API for records and entities and records_counts.
- [DFIS-1036] Parsing unstructured payloads as JSON is for now not supported, attempting to do so will log a warning.
- [DFIS-956] Remove deprecated Polygons service. Remove old token access instructions.
- [DFIS-974] Add Datasets & Users API endpoints.
- [DFIS-1007] Readme fixed with latest install method.
- [DFIS-1009] Capturing JsonDecodeError when truncating an instance by name.
- [DFIS-115] Progress bar not silenced.
- [DFIS-996] Deprecating show and analyse extra methods.
- [DFIS-791] Validation for polygon name, for query, save and delete.
- [DFIS-992] Replace
following the HTTP Authorization request header.
- [DFIS-993] Force encoding subprocess run to
. - [DFIS-930] Fixes progress bar showing inconsistent number of results on completion of a query.
- [DFIS-998] If there was no output from stdout for pip inspect then the extra packages method would throw an error, this was made into a warning for now as an interim solution.
- [DFIS-932] Support for API product version added.
- [DFIS-899] Sanity check for latitude and longitude ordering in bounding box.
- [DFIS-901] Only one way to access the classes, ie. via the Client class. Subclasses are now private.
- [DFIS-900] Thin wrapper is now separate from the extra methods, that can be installed separately (alongside with their dependencies).
- [DFIS-930] Docstring problem for method
. - [DFIS-931] Upgrade Tornado and its dependencies to fix dependency scan vulnerability.
- [DFIS-305] Entity id filter is ignored when querying entities with bounding box and entity id list filters.
- [DFIS-891] Improved exception management for the client receiver methods, with parity check from the finish message.
This change is backward compatible with
1.0.0 < DFI API < 1.6.0
though reaches full functionality with1.6.0
- [DFIS-816] New wrappers for DFI API: added classes "Info" and "Ingest". Class polygon expanded with get, save, delete, get_public_state, set_public_state.
- [DFIS-875] Fixing high vulnerability detected in third party library certifi.
- [DFIS-713] Adds autogenerated docs via sphinx.
- [DFIS-810] Link to live documentation added to the README.
- [DFIS-741] Code version back in the init and accessible via
. - [DFIS-744] README Updated based on feedback.
- [DFIS-705] Progress bar now hidden when
dfi.conn.progress_bar == False
- [DFIS-638] Refactoring of all classes and getters to remove code repetitions.
- [DFIS-702] Remove colour column in heatmap aggregation, and remove branca from dependencies.
- [DFIS-696] Stream out non-blocking warning instead of blocking warning when no "message" event is passed.
- [DFIS-675] Handle events to differentiate "no data are returned" vs. "DFI non responsive" in stream methods.
- [DFIS-663] TypeError - Graceful handling of
event.event == 'queryError'
- [DFIS-627] Removed logger customisation to leave it to the developer/pipeline using the library.
- [DFIS-653] Early Exit Handling for Streamed Responses.
- [DFIS-626] Single responsibility principle applied to all methods.
- [DFIS-630] From company website domain to registered company name on licence and readme.
- [DFIS-625] Fix typos and broken links in README.
- [DFIS-608] Docstrings for every function (todo added for future directions suggestion where needed).
- [DFIS-579] Library name back to
, asdfi
is too similar to existingdfio
. Folder name structure remainsdfi
- [DFIS-579] DfiPy to dfi (as the name is not taken on public pypi).
- [DFIS-592] Updated README.md ready for the public pypi version.
- [DFIS-592] Added LICENCE.md file.
- [DFIS-579] Added support to retrieve and parse payload.
- [DFIS-569] CONTRIBUTING.md with developer instructions added.
- [DFIS-575] Bugfix: DfiPy version number upgraded from 0.0.0 to 0.0.3.
- [DFIS-552] Integrate changes from pending MR DFI-000 on dfilib source file.
- [DFIS-542] First release.