v1.2.0 (2015-10-12)
Implemented enhancements and feature requests:
- Lots of documentation added.
- Instagram icon for social profiles #82
- Portfolio slider timeout #81
- Page Preview UX improvement #79
- Block List UX improvement #74
- Notification when added a new block #72
- Header block logo responsive #68
- Onepager conflict with themes plugins #20
- Block css override feature #87
- Shortcode support in every block #77
- Sections save ux improved
- Global settings save ux improved
- Assets cache improved #88
- Increased notification Time
Fixed bugs:
- Colorpicker bugfix #43
- Onepager breaking search results page #86
- Drop-down lists within the builder #83
- Preset is not loading if the name is less than 4 chars #80
- Register new preset not working when disable preset code is on #73
- Color presets : color change not saving #71
- Radio changes not saved #84
- setState bug on settings #89
v1.1.4 (2015-09-15)
Fixed bugs:
- after editor edit save icon takes forever #67
Closed issues:
- Last section is not seen if there are lots of sections #66
v1.1.3 (2015-09-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Do not open section editor after section creation #63
Fixed bugs:
v1.1.2 (2015-09-11)
v1.1.1 (2015-09-11)
v1.1 (2015-09-09)
1.1 (2015-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Navbar fixed top not working properly when collapse the builder #21
- State management after reloading #59
- Implement new icon size attribute to all blocks that implements icon or media #10
Fixed bugs:
- Corporate preset bug #60
- The update animation goes forever if typed and saved simultaneously #58
- Settings not overriding block config value #45
- Settings default value not coming #44
Closed issues:
- Need pricing Table / HTML & css input Block #46
1.0.0 (2015-08-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Need a way to disable loading bootstrap. #56
- WP editor style not match with OnePager style #55
- Color-palette style could be better #54
- Need asset build config like onepager_debug #52
- Unified Asset handling #42
- Media, Icon, Image, Colorpicker confusing name #39
- Improve Field Link api and add documentation #23
- Load editor button has no style in backed #22
- There are some problems is some blocks need to fix them #19
- Collapsible Icon needed for each menu item #18
- No way to add icon size in iconpicker #12
- Replace text editor with a stripped down wp editor #6
- Selectbox in menu, page is dark and unreadable #3
Fixed bugs:
- Editor field type repeater bug #40
- Input Select conflict with twentyfifteen theme #17
- Link color change after activating Onepager #16
- Nav menu scrolling is not smooth #9
- Missing normal icon size in icon picker #8
- footer menu dropdown not working properly #7
- Utilize cache in onepage asset build #5
- Sidebar footer and sections list conflict when there are lots of sections #4
- Wordpress default menu system not working properly with onepager #2
Closed issues:
- Switch field bug #57
- Need asset build button #51
- Add documentation on field depends feature #24
- Need a new field type note #11
Merged pull requests:
- improvements on menu, link and minor bugfixes #1 (nadimtuhin)
1.0.0-beta (2015-07-15)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator