This repo uses Dawn 2.4.0, please use the latest version integrated with Dawn 5.0.0
Ever wished the DAWN theme came with a drawer cart? This is it.
This project integrates Shopify's free Dawn theme (version 2.4.0) and Bornfight's goCart.js
I've added some styling and JS.
Near the top of this page, expand the green "Code" dropdown, and choose "Download ZIP"
On your Shopify store's "Themes" page, expand the "Add theme" dropdown. Choose "Upload zip file" and upload the zip from step 1.
After upload choose "Actions > Preview" to see it working. if you like it choose "Actions > Publish" to use it in production.
Aint none, sucka!
There's a making of video for this project. It's my first video, so get ready to be bored.