All notable changes to rollup-plugin-css-only
will be documented in this file.
- Support Rollup v4 as peerDependencies
- Mark visited modules to avoid infinite recursion
- Mark visited modules to avoid infinite recursion
- Fix issue when module info is null
- Always append newline to asset to make it's generated
- Simplify name/fileName by making them explicit options
- BREAKING CHANGE: CSS is emitted as 1 asset instead of written using
. - Order of imports is guaranteed
- Require @rollup/pluginutils@4
- Mark as compatible with rollup 3 #45 @el3um4s
- Require @rollup/pluginutils@4
- Maintain import order of stylesheets when combining #21 @staydecent
- Use emitFile instead of outputFile #24 @benmccann
- Upgrade dependencies @thgh
- Mark as compatible with rollup 2 #14 @yagebu
- Fix file writing errors #19 @aminya
- Upgrade dependencies #14 @yagebu
2.0.0 - 2019-12-21
- Add
as 3rd argument inoutput
function @lazyhero
- Replace mkdirp by fs.mkdir (Node.js 10.12+) @MichaelAllenHardeman
1.0.0 - 2019-01-27
- Add ES modules build:
- Migrate to Rollup v1 @tlvince