The Pytorch implementation of our AAAI2023 Oral paper "Semantic 3D-aware Portrait Synthesis and Manipulation Based on Compositional Neural Radiance Field".
Tianxiang Ma, Bingchuan Li, Qian He, Jing Dong, Tieniu Tan
CRIPAC & NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ByteDance Ltd, Beijing, China
You must have a GPU with CUDA support in order to run the code.
This code requires PyTorch, PyTorch3D and torchvision to be installed, please go to and for installation info.
We tested our code on Python 3.8.5, PyTorch 1.9.0, PyTorch3D 0.6.1 and torchvision 0.10.0.
The following packages should also be installed:
- lmdb
- numpy
- ninja
- pillow
- requests
- tqdm
- scipy
- skimage
- skvideo
- trimesh[easy]
- configargparse
- munch
- wandb (optional)
If any of these packages are not installed on your computer, you can install them using the supplied requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Our pre-trained model on the 512 resolution FFHQ dataset can be downloaded here.
Download our pre-trained model and place it in the checkpoints folder.
Run the codes in ./scripts/
python --trained_ckpt checkpoints/ --results_dir results --identities 3 --size 512 --truncation_ratio 0.7 --no_surface_renderings
If you want render the face mesh, remove the parameter --no_surface_renderings
One of the features of our CNeRF is the ability to generate only certain semantic regions of the face, for example you can add the following parameter
--semantics 2
. This way the model generates only the eyes area.
The semantic regions that can be generated by our method include 'background', 'face', 'eye', 'brow', 'mouth', 'nose', 'ear', 'hair' and 'neck+cloth'.
You can also control each semantic region independently by manipulating the latent code (w code) of different local semantic 3D generators.
If you wish to train a model from scratch, first you need to convert your dataset to an lmdb format. Run:
python --out_path OUTPUT_LMDB_PATH --n_worker N_WORKER --size SIZE1,SIZE2,SIZE3,... INPUT_DATASET_PATH
To train the CNeRF on FFHQ run: bash ./scripts/
You need to finish training the CNeRF model from the previous step first.
To train the full model (High-Resolution Synthesis) on FFHQ run: bash ./scripts/
If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper:
title={Semantic 3D-aware Portrait Synthesis and Manipulation Based on Compositional Neural Radiance Field},
author={Ma, Tianxiang and Li, Bingchuan and He, Qian and Dong, Jing and Tan, Tieniu},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},
Our code is based on StyleSDF, thanks for their great work.