SPDX-Builder can convert the output of the OSS Review Toolkit Analyzer to a bill-of-materials file in SPDX format while adding detected license information from the License Scanner service . (Note that ORT itself also includes native export to SPDX files.)
This is a two-step process:
- Analyze the project using the Analyzer of OSS Review Toolkit (ORT).
- Convert the ORT Analyzer output to an SPDX tag-value file.
The ORT Analyzer interprets the configuration files of a wide range of package managers to packages with their metadata in a common ORT file format. SPDX-Builder reads this output file as its input.
Typical command line invocation of the ORT Analyzer is:
ort analyze -i <project_directory> -o <result_directory>
Note: To avoid the "this and base files have different roots" error, it is best practice to always provide an absolute path.
or from a pre-packaged Docker file:
docker run -v <project_dir>:/project philipssoftware/ort --info analyze -i /project -o /project/<output_dir>
The ORT Analyzer produces an analyzer-result.yml
file in the indicated result
directory containing the bill-of-materials of all identified packages in ORT
format. (Note that the tool fails if the ORT file already exists.)
The repository configuration for ORT is provided by an .ort.yml
file in the
root of the project:
- pattern: <glob_pattern>
reason: <path_reason>
comment: "Free text"
The <path_reason> must be any of:
Other configuration possibilities of the ORT Analyzer can be found in the ORT repository configuration file documentation .
Note: Suppressing "scopes" in the ORT repository configuration has no influence on the Analyzer, as it collects all metadata. SPDX-Builder will, however, skip the scopes marked for exclusion in the ORT repository configuration file.
The output of the Analyzer can be converted to an SPDX tag-value file using SPDX-Builder by:
spdx-builder ort -c <config_yaml_file> --scanner <license_scanner_url> -o <output_file> <ort_yaml_file>
Note: If no "config_yaml_file" is specified, a file name .spdx-builder.yml
expected to exist in the current directory.
Note: If no "output_file" is specified, the output is written to a file named
in the current directory. If the file has no extension, .spdx
is automatically appended.
Since the ORT Analyzer reports about any projects (and dependencies) it
encounters in its output, SPDX-Builder requires instructions from a separate
configuration file to only include the relevant projects in the
bill-of-materials file. This is achieved by the following section in
a configuration file (with default name .spdx-builder.yml
- id: "<Input project identifier>"
purl: "pkg:type/namespace/name@version"
- "<scope>"
The "Input project identifier" is the identifier that is generated by the ORT Analyzer during detection. SPDX-Builder lists all projects found in the ORT file, and marks them with "-" for projects that are skipped and "+" for projects that are included in the SPDX output.
In case the project itself represents a package, its Package URL can be provided in the "purl" field of the project definition.
GLOB patterns can be used to exclude packages in selected "scopes" per project. The remaining scopes that are included are logged by SPDX-Builder during processing.
To speed up ORT Analyzer, a repository configuration file can be added to the scanned project. By excluding paths via GLOB patterns in a configuration file, analysis of irrelevant sub-projects can be avoided.
SPDX documents include common information to indicate the purpose and origin of the software bill-of-materials. This information is provided in the "document" section of the YAML configuration file:
title: "<(Optional) Document title>"
organization: "<(Optional) Organization name>"
comment: "<(Optional) Document comment>"
key: "<(Optional) Document key>"
namespace: "http://optional/document/namespace/uri"
It might not always be possible to retrieve the (correct) metadata per package, and some packages may require an explicit choice which license is used. This information can be provided as "curations" in the YAML configuration file:
- purl: "pkg:type/namespace/name@version"
source: "<vcs_tool>+<transport>://<host_name>[/<path_to_repository>][@<revision_tag_or_branch>][#<sub_path>]"
license: "<(Optional) License>"
The applicable package is identified by the "purl", which references the package by its Package URL.
Some package managers do not provide the complete or correct location of the package source code. For such cases, the "source" location can be provided in SPDX format as override. Some examples of valid source URI's are:
(Download as source archive)git+https://git.myproject.org/[email protected]
(Git over HTTP by release tag)git+ssh://git%40github.com/MyProject.git@hashvalue
(Git over SSH by commit hash)git+https://git.myproject.org/MyProject#submodule
(As submodule in a mono repo)