package etxt // Ebitengine is hard to test with "go test" because you need to create // standalone programs with a main function and so on. There are multiple // ways to work around that, and the truth is that for testing etxt there's // already the gtxt CPU version that allows achieving high test coverage // with a fairly decent degree of reliability. Still, in order to make sure // that the gtxt version (CPU rendering) and the default Ebitengine version // (GPU rendering [notice that rasterization still happens on CPU]) results // are matching, we can use go:generate to run standalone Ebitengine programs, // get some raw image results, plug that into basic tests and print it all // as static test files. // Fixed seed fuzzy test of compositing with gtxt vs Ebitengine. //go:generate go run -tags "GENERATE_ETXT_TESTDATA" test/generate/blend_rand/ebiten.go //go:generate go run -tags "GENERATE_ETXT_TESTDATA gtxt" test/generate/blend_rand/ebiten_gtxt.go //go:generate go run -tags "GENERATE_ETXT_TESTDATA gtxt" test/generate/blend_rand/gtxt.go