All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Adds
This version adds support for Ruby 3.3.5. No real changes were required. We just needed to add some gems to the gemspec to silence deprecation warnings.
- Add dependencies which will be removed from a future version of Ruby. (IN-2512)
- Update ActiveSupport Version to support Rails 7. (IN-2109)
- Update dependencies to address security warnings. (IN-2494)
[3.0.0] - 2024-05-21 - #8
- Use basic auth for all API requests and remove User. (IN-2429)
- Remove
. (IN-2429)
[2.0.2] - 2024-04-04 - #5
- Fixed gemspec metadata urls. (IN-2229)
- Update gem dependencies.
- Replace
Github Action withrubygems.yml
- Published to RubyGems. (IN-2229)
- Rename faithteams-gem to faithteams-api. (IN-2274)
- Fix missing info in code of conduct. (IN-2274)
- Prep for publishing publicly. (IN-2274)
- Skip deleted batches when doing a
- Add
. (IN-2192) - Split `Connection#request`` into two separate methods: 1) returns the response and 2) makes the request and parses the response. (IN-2192)
- Remove duplicate
Connection#authenticate`` in favor of
Resource::User#authenticate`. (IN-2192) Deposit#search
now takes any parameter that can be sent to the API. (IN-2192)Funds#search
now takes any parameter that can be sent to the API. (IN-2192)- Import and build out ThunderClient tests. (IN-2192)
- Add contribution type resource and entity. (IN-2108)
- Added header? and detail? predicates on ContributionRecords. (IN-2108)
- Use activesupport 7.0.5. (IN-2109)
- Add faithteams api v2 functionality (IN-2110)