Input: Table
QI set example: "age ftotinc inctot momloc momrule poprule relateg school"
Example of usage with
python3 code/ --input_file "ds38_train.csv" --knn 1 --per 1 --epsilon 0.5 --k 3 --key_vars age ftotinc inctot momloc momrule poprule relateg school
Analyse the predicitve performance
python3 code/ --input_file "synth_data/ds38_train_0.1-privateSMOTE_QI0_knn1_per1.csv"
Analyse the linkability risk
python3 code/ --orig_file "ds38_train.csv" --transf_file "synth_data/ds38_train_0.1-privateSMOTE_QI0_knn1_per1.csv" --control_file "ds38_test.csv" --key_vars age ftotinc inctot momloc momrule poprule relateg school
All the experimental evaluation is available at