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File metadata and controls

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#git cheat sheet

##list all the files that were added to the project, but not to the repo:

git ls-files --exclude-standard --others

##add some color to all the git output:

git config --global color.ui true

##choose which particular changes to stage:

git add -p

##see only changes that are in stage mode (ready to be commited):

git diff --staged

##see what was changed by commits + number of changes per file:

git log --stat

##create branch (git branch [name]) go to it (git checkout [name]) at the same time:

git checkout -b [name]

##show last commit on each branch:

git branch -v

##show commits/history by branches in ascii gui:

git log --graph --all

##show what is in one branch, but not in another:

git log --stat onebranch --not another

##show who changed the line + where it traveled to this file from:

git blame -C /path/to/the/file.groovy

##alias to display one liner history/log changes (put it into ~/.gitconfig):

    lol = log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate 

##find the bad commit in a range of commits:

git bisect start			// start the engine
git bisect bad				// say that the point where I am right now is bad
git bisect good cdf9d16		// say that at (commit's SHA1) that commit it was definitely good

...git will be checking out (in a binary search way) different commit states, I can run my tests on that state, and tell git:

...git bisect good OR git bisect bad it'll half up or down and gives me a new state to check

##reset to a particular point in time:

git reset SHA1	// e.g. after 'git lol', you find the SHA1 you want to go to ( git reset 0179017 )

...current modifications are still in act at this point, so branch pointer is reset to '0179017', 
   however all the files/content is still at its latest state. 
   To change that - to ignore all the present content and really go to '0179017':

git reset --hard

##merge 'this' particular commit (SHA1):

git cherry-pick 0179017