This library was created with the goal of allowing a multiway tree to be navigated and updated.
I ran into the problem when designing a tree UI control to use with The Elm Architecture. I realized that to keep track of the state in the model for things like whether a node is selected or expanded, I needed a way to update specific nodes through actions.
There will be more examples to come, but this is meant as a library to solve a piece of the puzzle, which will be used with others to create a Tree UI control
npm install -g elm
cd tests
elm-package install -y
elm-make Tests.elm --output tests.js
node tests.js
NOTE: elm-test Tests.elm -c elm-make.cmd might have to be used if running on Windows.
I upgraded to the latest version of elm in a separate branch due to changes to both
how dependencies are managed and tests are performed. That code lives in the elm-0.19-upgrade branch, and has been deployed to Elm Packages as version 1.10.3
The API did not change, however, the custom operator that was demonstrated in docs
and the tests, (&>)
can no longer be used as of 0.19. I updated both to use the
best concise alternative I could, which uses|> Maybe.andThen
and partial application.
See the test for an example!