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Set up

These set up instructions assume an Ubuntu linux distribution, and have been tested on 18.04.

Clone Repo

Clone the repos

git clone

Then creates some directories in the folder

cd trends-in-data-science
mkdir Analyse/Logs Analyse/RData Analyse/ROutput Scraping/Logs Scraping/ROutput Shiny/Logs Shiny/RData

Pull Docker Images

Install docker as per

Install docker-compose as per

It is important to install docker-compose using the official instructions above rather than sudo apt-get install to avoid conflicts when logging into docker hub.

Log in to docker hub. If you haven't got a dockerhub account create one here first

sudo docker login --username=<your_username>

Pull images for dockerhub

sudo docker pull tonyjward/trends-in-data-science:scraping
sudo docker pull tonyjward/trends-in-data-science:analyseinteractive
sudo docker pull tonyjward/trends-in-data-science:analyse
sudo docker pull tonyjward/trends-in-data-science:shiny

Task Scheduling

Bring up the crontab for users with root permissions (so we don't have to prefix commands with sudo)

sudo crontab -e

Then add the following line to the file, making sure to point to the correct path

01 00 * * * cd /home/<your_username>/repos/trends-in-data-science && ./
30 01 * * * cd /home/<your_username>/repos/trends-in-data-science && ./
00 08 * * * cd /home/<your_username>/repos/trends-in-data-science && ./

The above configuration will start three processes at 12:01am (, 01:30am ( and 08:00am ( The timings have been chosen to allow sufficient time for each process to finish before the next is started

This starts two services

  1. A selenium server
  2. An RStudio server with web-scraping libraries installed

The RStudio image has an entry point set to 'Scraping/entrypointScraping.R' - i.e this is the code that gets run upon startup of the service. What 'Scraping/entrypointScraping.R' does is send a number of search terms to a web scraping function Scraping/fn_webscrape.R which then scrapes the data from jobserve and stores the resulting text file in Scraping/ROutput.

This starts one service - an RStudio server with several data analysis and topic modelling libraries installed. The RStudio image has an entry point set to 'Analyse/entrypointAnalyse.R'- i.e this is the code that gets run upon startup of the service. What 'Analyse/entrypointAnalyse.R' does is to run the following codes stores in Analyse/RCode

  • 00_LibrariesAndPackages.R
  • 01_ReadRawData.R
  • 02_ManipulateData.R
  • 03_DocumentTermMatrix.R
  • 04_HyperparameterTuning.R
  • 05_FinalModelTraining.R
  • 06_Shiny_InspectData.R
  • 07_Shiny_TopicModelling.R
  • 08_Shiny_TimeSeries.R

Documentation of the individual scripts are provided at the top of each script. At a high level the process reads in the data from Scraping/ROutput, cleans the data and trains a number of topic models. The output is saved in Shiny/RData which is then picked up by the shiny application

Modifying file R script "Analyse/entrypointAnalyse.r" controls which aspects of the data analysis pipelines are run. Typically the user might want to comment out "04_HyperparameterTuning.R" since it is not necessary to tune the hyperparemeters every day.

This starts two services

  1. A Nginx reverse proxy
  2. A Shiny application

The nginx service acts as a reverse proxy, and allows us to encrpyt traffic to the shiny application. You will need to place your ssl certificate (.pem and .key files) here /home/ubuntu/ssl:/ssl/. Excellent instructions can be found here

The shiny application files can be found here in the Shiny directory. Since this is a big app, we use shiny modules to separate our code into manageable chunks - these can be found in Shiny/modules.


Logs from the three processes can be found in

  • Scraping/Logs
  • Analyse/Logs
  • Shiny/Logs

By default Shiny deletes the logs automatically. If you want to change this behaviour modify Shiny/shiny-server.conf and uncomment out

preserve_logs true;

Periodically you should clear out these log folders.


If you wanted to debug or develop the code using an Rstudio Server session this is possible by running




Then navigate to :3838 and log on to the Rstudio server instance. I highly recommend configuring the firewall so that only your ip address can access port 3838. Also please note that I haven't set up SSL encrptyion on the RStudio Server and so you may compromise the security of your sever by doing this. A much better approach would be to clone the repo to a local machine and run RStudio locally. Then when you have finished development push your changes to the repo and pick up the changes on the remote host.