MDV's native features enables a wide-range of use cases, but (by design) don't attempt to implement many specialized behaviors that some MV* frameworks suport. For example:
- Inline-expressions within mustaches, e.g.:
<span>{{ foo + bar ? foo : bar }}</span>
- "Named scopes" for iterators, e.g.:
<template repeat="{{ user in users }}">
{{ }}
- ... And anything else you'd like.
Enabling these features in MDV is a matter of implementing and registering a Custom Syntax.
<template bind syntax="MySyntax">
{{ What!Ever('crazy')->thing^^^I+Want(data) }}
HTMLTemplateElement.syntax['MySyntax'] = {
getBinding: function(model, path, name, node) {
// If this function is defined, the syntax can override
// the default binding behavior
getInstanceModel: function(template, model) {
// If this function is defined, the syntax can override
// what model is used for each template instance which is
// produced.
A Custom Syntax is an object which contains one or more syntax methods which implement specialized behavior. This object is registered with MDV via the HTMLTemplateElement. The syntax need only implement syntax methods it requires to accomplish its goals.
var syntax = {
getBinding: function(model, path, name, node) {},
getInstanceModel: function(template, model) {}
HTMLTemplateElement.syntax['name'] = syntax;
The <template>
element can declare its intent to use a Custom Syntax by naming it in its syntax
<template syntax="MyCustomSyntaxName">
If a syntax
can be located via the registry by the <template>
, the syntax's methods will be called to possibly override its default behavior.
When a <template>
inserts an new instance fragment into the DOM,
- If a syntax used and located
- ...and it contains sub-templates
- ...and the sub-template does not have a syntax attribute
... Then the sub-template will "inherit" the parent's syntax. e.g.:
<template bind syntax="FooSyntax">
<!-- FooSyntax is used here -->
<template bind>
<!-- FooSyntax is used here -->
<template syntax="OtherSyntax">
<!-- OtherSyntax is used here, NOT FooSyntax -->
The getBinding
syntax method allows for a custom interpretation of the contents of mustaches ({{
... }}
When a template is inserting an instance, it will invoke the getBinding
method (if it is implemented by the syntax) for each mustache which is encountered. The function is invoked with four arguments:
syntax.getBinding = function(model, path, name, node);
: The data context for which this instance is being created.path
: The text contents (trimmed of outer whitespace) of the
: The context in which the mustache occurs. Within element attributes, this will be the name of the attribute. Within text, this will be 'textContent'.node
: A reference to the node to which this binding will be created.
If the getBinding
syntax method wishes to handle binding, it is required to return an object which has at least a value
property. If it does, then MDV will call
node.bind(name, retval, 'value');
...on the node.
If the 'getBinding' wishes to decline to override, it should not return a value.
The getInstanceModel
syntax method allows a syntax to provide an alterate model than the one the template would otherwise use when producing an instance.
When a template is about to create an instance, it will invoke the getInstanceModel
method (if it is implemented by the syntax). The function is invoked with two arguments:
syntax.getBinding = function(template, model);
: The template element which is about to create and insert an instance.model
: The data context for which this instance is being created.
The template element will always use the return value of getInstanceModel
as the model for the new instance. If the syntax does not wish to override the value, it should simply return the model
value it was passed.
MDV contains a helper object which is useful for the implementation of a Custom Syntax.
var combinatorFunction = function(values) {
var combinedValue;
// compute combinedValue based on the current values which are provided
return combinedValue;
var binding = new CompoundBinding(combinatorFunction);
binding.bind('name1', obj1, path1);
binding.bind('name2', obj2, path2);
binding.bind('nameN', objN, pathN);
is an object which knows how to listen to multiple path values (registered via bind
) and invoke its combinatorFunction
when one or more of the values have changed and set its value
property to the return value of the function. When any value has changed, all current values are provided to the combinatorFunction
in the single values
: used to override the DOM of the instance fragent which is a produced for a new instance.