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%% Market Basket Analysis with MATLAB% When you hear "Data Mining", the "beer and diapers" story comes to mind% - supermarkets placing beer next to diapers because they mined their POS% (Point-of-Sales) data and found that men often bought those two items % together. % % This is known as *Association Analysis* or *Frequent Itemset Mining*. I % don't work at a supermarket but I wanted to play with this technique for % web usage pattern mining. Fortunately, a pseudo code for this algorithm % is available in Chapter 6 (sample chapter available for free download) % of <http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~kumar/dmbook/index.php Introduction to % Data Mining>.%%%% Let's start with loading the example dataset used in the PDF and % creating a binary matrix representation of transactions in rows and items % in columns, with 1 meaning the given item was in the given transaction, % but otherwise 0. clearvars; close all; clc;transactions = {{'Bread','Milk'};... {'Bread','Diapers','Beer','Eggs'};... {'Milk','Diapers','Beer','Cola'};... {'Bread','Milk','Diapers','Beer'};... {'Bread','Milk','Diapers','Cola'}};items = unique([transactions{:}]);T = zeros(size(transactions,1), length(items));for i = 1:size(transactions,1) T(i,ismember(items,transactions{i,:})) = 1;enddisp(array2table(T,'VariableNames',items))%%% As the first step to understand association analysis, let's go over some % basic concepts, such as itemsets, support, confidence, etc.% %% Itemset and Support% The columns of the table shows all the items in the datasets. You can see% their names. A subset of those items in any combination is an itemset,% and if it contains only one item, it is a 1-itemset, if two, it is a% 2-itemset... a k-itemset where k is the number of the columns, meaning% everything is in that itemset. If it contains no item, it is a null % itemset. For example, this is a 3-itemset:%% {Beer, Diapers, Milk}%% A transaction can contains multiple itemsets as its subsets. For% example, an itemset |{Bread, Diapers}| is contained in the second% transaction in the example dataset (see below), but not |{Bread, Milk}|. %% {Bread, Diapers, Beer, Eggs}%%%% Support count is the count of how often a given itemset appears across % all the transactions. How frequent a given itemset appear is given by a% metric called support. % % Support = itemset support count / number of transactions%% Here is an example of how you compute it. itemset = {'Beer','Diapers','Milk'};fprintf('Itemset: {%s, %s, %s}\n', itemset{:})cols = ismember(items,itemset); % get col indices of items in itemsetN = size(T,1);fprintf('Number of transactions = %d\n',N)supportCount = sum(all(T(:,cols),2)); % count rows that include all itemsfprintf('Support Count for this itemset = %d\n',supportCount)itemSetSupport = supportCount/size(T,1);fprintf('Support = %.2f (= support count / number of transactions)\n',itemSetSupport)%% Association Rules% Association rules are made up of antecedents (ante) and consequents % (conseq) and take the following form:%% {ante} => {conseq} %% A k-itemset where k > 1 can be randomly divided into ante and conseq to % form such a rule. Here is an example:ante = {'Diapers','Milk'};conseq = setdiff(itemset,ante); % get items not in |ante|fprintf('Itemset: {%s, %s, %s}\n', itemset{:})fprintf('Ante : {%s, %s}\n',ante{:})fprintf('Conseq : {%s}\n',conseq{:})fprintf('Rule : {%s, %s} => {%s}\n', ante{:},conseq{:})%%% You can think of this rule as "when diapers and mile appear in the same% transaction, you often see beer in the same transaction as well". How % strong is this association rule? %% Confidence and Lift% The most basic measure of strength is confidence, which tells us how% often a given rule applies within the transactions that contain the ante.% % A given rule applies when all items from both antecedents and consequents% are present in a transaction, so it is the same thing as an itemset that% contains the same items. So we can use the support metric for the itemset% to compute confidence.% % Confidence = itemset support / ante support%% Here is an example. cols = ismember(items,ante);anteCount = sum(all(T(:,cols),2));fprintf('Support Count for Ante = %d\n',anteCount)anteSupport = anteCount/N;fprintf('Support for Ante = %.2f\n',anteSupport)confidence = itemSetSupport/anteSupport;fprintf('Confidence = %.2f (= itemset support / ante support)\n',confidence)%%% Another measure of strength is lift. It compares the probability of ante% and conseq happening together independently to the observed frequency of% such combination. We can use respective support metrics to make this % comparison. %% Lift = itemset support / (ante support x conseq support)cols = ismember(items,conseq);conseqCount = sum(all(T(:,cols),2));fprintf('Support Count for Conseq = %d\n',conseqCount)conseqSupport = conseqCount/N;fprintf('Support for Conseq = %.2f\n',conseqSupport)lift = itemSetSupport/(anteSupport*conseqSupport);fprintf('Lift = %.2f (= itemset support / (ante support x conseq support))\n',lift)%% % If lift is 1, then the probabilities of ante and conseq occurring% together is independent and there is no special relationship. If it is% larger than 1, then lift tells us how strongly ante and conseq are% dependent to to each other.%% Apriori Algorithm% Now we know the basic concepts, we can define the goal of our analysis as% finding association rules with sufficient level of support (happens % often enough) and confidence (association is strong). Lift can be another % criteria to measure the strength. % % # Generate frequent itemset that clear the minimum support threshold% recursively from 1-itemsets to higher level itemsets, pruning candidates% along the way - see |findFreqItemsets.m|% # Generate rules that clear the minimum confidence threshold in a similar% way - see |generateRules.m|% % The brute force method of those steps would have you calculate the% support and confidence of all possible itemset combinations, but that% would be computationally expensive, because number of candidates grows% exponentially.%% Apriori algorithm addresses this issue by generating candidates % selectively. To get an intuition, think about the frequency of an itemset % that contains some infrequent items. That itemset will never be more% frequent than the least frequent item it contains. So if you construct % your candidates by combining the frequent itemsets only, starting from% 1-itemset and continue to higher levels, then you avoid creating useless % candidates. You can see this in action in |aprioriGen.m|. %% Let's start with generating frequent itemsets and get their support% measures. Function |findFreqItemsets()| takes a nested cell array of% items where each nested array represents a transaction.minSup = 0.6; % minimum support threshold 0.6[F,S] = findFreqItemsets(transactions,minSup);fprintf('Minimum Support : %.2f\n', minSup)fprintf('Frequent Itemsets Found: %d\n', sum(arrayfun(@(x) length(x.freqSets), F)))fprintf('Max Level Reached : %d-itemsets\n', length(F))fprintf('Number of Support Data : %d\n', length(S))%%% When we computed support for each itemset we evaluated, we stored the% result in a % <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/overview-of-the-map-data-structure.html % Map object> |S|. This is used for rule generation in order to avoid% recalculating support as part of confidence computation. You can now % retrieve support for a given itemset with this object, by supplying the % string representation of the itemset as key. Let's try [2,4,6]:itemset = [2,4,6];fprintf('Support for the itemset {%s %s %s}: %.2f\n',... items{itemset(:)},S(num2str(itemset))) % num2str() converts a vector to string%% % This itemset clearly didn't meet the minimum support criteria. %%% Rule Generation Algorithm% We saw earlier that you can generate rule candidates from frequent % itemsets by splitting their contents into antecedents and consequents, % and computing their confidence. % % If we generate every possible candidates by such brute force method, it % will be very time consuming. Apriori algorithm is also used to generate % rules selectively. Let's say that this rule has low confidence. % % {Beer, Diapers} => {Milk}% % Then any other rules generated from this itemset that contain |{Milk}| % in rule consequent will have low confidence. % % {Beer} => {Diapers, Milk}% {Diapers} => {Beer, Milk}%% Why? because support for those antecedents will be always greater than % the initial antecedent |{Beer, Diapers}|, while the support for the% itemset (hence also for the rule) remains the same, and confidence is% based on the ratio of support between the rule and the antecedent. % % We can take advantage of this intuition by first generating rules with % only one item in consequent and drop those that doesn't meet the minimum % criteria, and then merge those consequents to generate rules with two % items in consequents, and so forth. %% Now we can generate association rules from the frequent itemsets we% generated in the previous step. minConf = 0.8; % minimum confidence threshold 0.8rules = generateRules(F,S,minConf);fprintf('Minimum Confidence : %.2f\n', minConf)fprintf('Rules Found : %d\n\n', length(rules))for i = 1:length(rules) disp([sprintf('{%s}',items{rules(i).Ante}),' => ',... sprintf('{%s}', items{rules(i).Conseq}),... sprintf(' Conf: %.2f ',rules(i).Conf),... sprintf('Lift: %.2f ',rules(i).Lift),... sprintf('Sup: %.2f',rules(i).Sup)])end%%% With minimum support 0.6 and minimum confidence 0.8 we found only one% rule that clear those thresholds: |{Beer} => {Diapers}|. Confidence is % 1.00, which means we see diapers in all transactions that includes beer, % and lift is 1.25, so they are fairly strongly associated.% % You can also use <http://www.mathworks.com/help/bioinfo/ref/biograph.html % biograph class> in Bioinformatics Toolbox to visualize the connections % among items as a directed graph. First you need to generate an adjacency % matrix of antecedents and consequents from the rules. ante = arrayfun(@(x) x.Ante, rules); % get the antes as a vectorconseq = arrayfun(@(x) x.Conseq, rules); % get the conseqs as a vector% create an adjacency matrix (it is a sparse matrix)AdjMat = sparse(ante,conseq,ones(1,length(ante)),length(items),length(items));% create a biograph object from the matrixgraph = biograph(AdjMat,items);% visualize the graph. view(graph)%% Test Example: Congressional Voting Records% The textbook uses <https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Congressional+Voting+Records % 1984 Congressional Voting Records> dataset from UCI Machine Learning % Repository. We can test our code against the result in the textbook by% running |congressionalVotes.m|.congressionalVotes%%% You see that rules we generated match with those in the textbook. The% plot of support, confidence and lift is useful to identify rules that are% high support, high confidence (upper right region of the plot) and high% lift (redder). If you type |gname| into MATLAB prompt, you can% interactively identify the indices of those points, and hit |Enter| to% end the interactive session.%% <<gname.png>>%disp('Rule ID = 51')fprintf('{%s, %s} => {%s}, Conf: %.2f\n',... vars{rules(51).Ante(1)},vars{rules(51).Ante(2)},... vars{rules(51).Conseq},rules(51).Conf)%% Web Usage Analysis with Clickstream Data% One of non-supermarket use cases of association analysis is clickstream % data analysis. Clickstream records series of web pages a web visitor% goes through in a session, usually extracted from web server logs or% generated with a tracking code embedded on web pages. % % We will use the 'kosarak' dataset from % <http://fimi.ua.ac.be/data/ Frequent Itemset Mining Dataset Repository>% which contains anonymized clickstream data of a Hungarian on-line % news portal. This is a text file with 990,003 rows of data. I will only% use the first 10,000 rows to speed up the computation. No metadata is % available to understand what those pages are, unfortunately. %% Let's run |kosarak.m| to see association rules from this dataset.kosarak%% Closing% We started with a simple supermarket example, moved on to congressioal % votes records, and finally web usage analysis, but we also see that you % can't go far without metadata. In the next step, I would like to apply % this to a real life web analytics data and see if we can learn something% interesting.