(Mostly) Eurorack projects.
This is a repository of the various Eurorack modules that I've been working on recently. It includes the Kicad schematics and PCB layouts that you could use to order your own PCBs.
The contents of this repository are licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, unless otherwise noted. This means you're free to use these projects directly, remix or change them, but no commercial use is permitted. If you are going to re-release any of these projects you should also stick to the same license. For more information please check out the CC license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).
I'm an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to PCB and schematic design. Many of the schematics are redrawn from others available online, and each project contains some information about attribution. Not all the modules work perfectly - some have significant issues - and this will be noted in the README in each folder.
Some projects are available as kits from Tindie!
- Divergent Waves - Logic (Full Kit)
- Divergent Waves – DrumFiend (Full Kit)
- Divergent Waves - Dice (Full Kit)
- Divergent Waves - Sycamore (Full Kit)
- Divergent Waves - Oak (Full Kit)
- Divergent Waves - Rowan (Full Kit)
You may also buy PCB & Panel Sets on Tindie as well.
Modules available as kits are available on Reverb!
- Dice - 16hp, clickless signal router
- DrumFiend - 8hp, 19 channel triggers-to-MIDI converter
- Kinky Lynx - 8hp CV swiss army knife, a clone of the Mutable Instruments Kinks and Links modules behind a single panel
- LPG - 4hp Low Pass Gate with a vacrtrol at its core, based on the LPG & CV Tools module
- Mix - 3hp, 4-to-1 mixer based on the CGS04 DC Mixer
- Multimult - 8hp, 6-way Buffered Multiple
- Pentanoise - 4hp, 5-way binary white noise source using the ElectricDruid Pentanoise chip
- Pirate Radio - 4hp panel for Radio Music
- Sloth - 4hp Dual Slew Limiter with state LEDs, based on the dintree D107
- Through - 4hp dual-use 1:1 connector block, or passive multiple
- Turing Machine Panels - Panels for the Turing Machine, and Volts and Pulses expanders
- VCA - 6hp Dual VCA, based on the ElectricDruid LM13700 VCA
- VCADSR - 16hp, Voltage controlled ADSR, ased on the ElectricDruid EnvGen8 chip
- VCDO - 10hp, Wavetable VCDO using the ElectricDruid Wavetable chip
- YARM+ - 4hp Ring Modulator, based on the René Schmitz YARM+ design
- YASH - 5hp Sample and Hold based on the René Schmitz YASH design, with some modifications