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Track record (of my talks)

Thomas PIERRAIN (aka use case driven on twitter)



VP of Engineering in a booming European scale-up (Agicap), Thomas is a former entrepreneur, consultant, architect and eXtreme Programmer obsessed with use cases (as opposed to the solution-oriented approach that we tend to choose in our job a little too much) during more than 25 years. Also co-organizer of the DDD France (and former BDD Paris) meetups, Thomas likes to use autonomy, DDD and TDD to boost his efficiency and that of others at work.

Long-time promoter of hexagonal architecture (through articles, talks, trainings or live coding sessions - including one with Alistair Cockburn) Thomas is now advocating for a specific style of TDD called Outside-in Diamond 🔷 TDD . This fits perfectly with Alistair's pattern, and also allows for more secure, antifragile, and Domain-Driven tests to be written.

More than 67 talks made worldwide since 2014 (lots of live-coding sessions, talks, keynotes, etc)

Most well-known conferences I've made as speaker: DDD Europe (Amsterdam), µCon (London), Cukenfest (London), DDD eXchange (London), XP conf (Porto), Explore DDD (Denver), KanDDDinsky (Berlin), Devoxx (Paris), NewCrafts (Paris), FlowCon (France), Lean Kanban France (Paris), SoftShake (Geneva), MS Experiences '16 (Paris), MixIT! (Lyon), (Bordeaux), Sunny Tech (Montpellier), Agile Tour (Lille, Bordeaux), Alpes Craft (Grenoble)...

(version Française)

VP of Engineering dans une scale-up Européenne en plein essor (Agicap), Thomas est un ancien entrepreneur, consultant, architecte et eXtreme Programmer obsédé par les usages (par opposition à l'approche orientée solution qu'on a un peu trop tendance à choisir dans notre métier). Également co-organisateur des meetups DDD FR et anciennement BDD Paris, Thomas aime utiliser le DDD et le TDD pour booster son efficacité et celle des autres au travail.

Promoteur de longue date du TDD et de l’Architecture Hexagonale (qu’il a même eu l’occasion de live-coder une fois aux côté d’Alistair Cockburn), Lors de ces 15 dernières années, Thomas a développé un style un peu particulier de TDD nommé : Outside-In Diamond 🔷 TDD. Celui-ci permet d’écrire des tests encore plus fiables, antifragiles, mais surtout orientés métier.

Un peu plus de 67 talks réalisés depuis 2014 à travers le monde (pleins de sessions de live-coding, quelques keynotes et beaucoup de talks)

Les conférences les plus connues auxquelles j'ai pu intervenir en tant que speaker: DDD Europe (Amsterdam), µCon (London), Cukenfest (London), DDD eXchange (London), XP conf (Porto), Explore DDD (Denver), KanDDDinsky (Berlin), Devoxx (Paris), NewCrafts (Paris), FlowCon (France), Lean Kanban France (Paris), SoftShake (Geneva), MS Experiences '16 (Paris), MixIT! (Lyon), (Bordeaux), Sunny Tech (Montpellier), Agile Tour (Lille, Bordeaux), Alpes Craft (Grenoble)...

Blogs & writing

Topics of interest

Loving to speak with others and to live-code on stage, I'm a big fan of Nancy Duarte's Resonate. As a speaker, I try to mainstream things I do at work (DDD, Software Craftsmanship practices, Reactive Programming and low latency stuffs, Architecture, etc.).

This is a sum-up of all my public intervention & covered topics over the last years:

  • 2025 - The Hive (modular monotlith strategy)
  • 2024 - Process Comm, and High-speed DDD (revisited), The Hive (modular monotlith strategy)
  • 2023 - Process Comm, Autonomy and High-speed DDD
  • 2022 - Hypergrowth, Scale-up, Autonomy & (outside-in diamond) TDD
  • 2021 - Product management, Beyond Hexagonal Architecture (Functional Core) & Outside-in Diamond diamond TDD
  • 2020 - COVID-19 year. Nonetheless, I've made some stuffs about Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & a keynote about eXtreme Programming (eXtreme)
  • 2019 - (Theater play about) strategic DDD, Process Comm, Event Storming & Example Mapping, CQRS/ES
  • 2018 - Another keynote, Event Sourcing, Example mapping, Pair programming and...
  • 2017 - Keynote & live coding sessions related to DDD, Legacy, Hexagonal Architecture and Event Sourcing
  • 2016 - DDD, Network, Craftsmanship & Legacy
  • 2015 - TDD, Hexagonal architecture & Craftsmanship
  • 2014 - Reactive programming, & Refactoring techniques

In 2025

MixIT! (Lyon, upcoming)

  • Le pattern Hive : une stratégie de modularisation pour votre monolithe modulaire ou vos microservices: in french, with Julien Topçu

SnowCamp (Grenoble)

  • Le pattern Hive : une stratégie de modularisation pour votre monolithe modulaire ou vos microservices: in french, with Julien Topçu

In 2024

KanDDDinsky (Berlin)

  • The Hive: a scaling and supple architecture style for your growing and complex domain: with my friend Julien Topçu. Video not yet published. uk slides / code

DevoxxFR (Paris)

In 2023

Voxxed Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

  • High-Speed DDD : talk about how to efficiently deliver software with impact, even with hard time-to-market constraints

DDD Europe (Amsterdam)

Agile Toulouse (Toulouse)

  • Agile Toulouse Unconference: (June 1-2 2023) Invited by the organization, I animated 5 sessions during this event:
    • Introduction to Process Communication (part 1, the basics)
    • Introduction to Process Communication (part 2, the toolbox)
    • Outside-in Diamond 🔷 TDD to write Antifragile & business-oriented tests (in discussion mode with the public)
    • Animation of "the office" kata carpaccio
    • and a whiteboard session in the sun to test the material of the future conference: DDD when everything goes too fast (aka. "High-Speed DDD").

In 2022

DDDFR (Lyon)

Alpes Craft (Grenoble)

Breizhcamp (Rennes)

Artisan developpeur (Remote)

  • Debrief Battle Artisan developeur: Discussion around the question: Is Code quality compliant with startup? (time to talk about Kent Beck 3X model, startups and scaling, code quality, Domain Driven Design, refactoring, staff engineering & roles)

  • Podcast Artisan developeur podcast about hypergrowth and autonomy. podcast

Devoxx FR (Paris)

In 2021

In 2020

In 2019

(Theater play about) strategic DDD, Process Comm, Event Storming & Example Mapping, CQRS/ES (Paris)

With a 3 acts Theater play (written by Bruno and I), a 2 days workshop about how to go from Problem space to solution space and another keynote, this year was very intense regarding writing and event preparation for me. I also discovered (and liked) the awesome Sunny Tech conference (in Montpellier) and was proud to be the keynoter for the first edition of AlpesCraft (in Grenoble).

2019 in details:

Parcours dev (Paris)

  • Parcours dev Podcast parcours dev (avec Saad) ou on parle du wu-tang, de la magie et de logiciel aussi podcast

FlowCon France (Paris)

BDX.IO (Bordeaux)

  • Equiper sa voie My former AlpesCrafts keynote about my main take aways from 20 years of career but mostly about Process Communication techniques (psychology funded by NASA).

Explore DDD (Denver)

Expand conference (Amsterdam)

Sunny Tech (Montpellier)

L'après-midi du DDD (épisode 2) - 3 acts, 9 speakers, 2 teams on stage (Paris)

AlpesCrafts (Grenoble)

  • Equiper sa voie (keynote) My third keynote was about my main take aways from 20 years of career but mostly about Process Communication techniques (psychology funded by NASA).

µCon (London)

NewCraft (Paris)

Cukenfest (London)

DDD Europe (Amsterdam)

Café Craft podcast

Artisan développeur podcast

In 2018

Another keynote, Event Sourcing, Example mapping, theatratical Pair programming...

The year started quite well with 2 sessions at the amazing DDD Europe conference where I talked about Bi-temporal Event Sourcing and live-coded with Bruno (with an amazing and interactive audience). A couple of weeks after, Bruno and I animated a workshop about Example Mapping during the first edition of the School of PO.

The very same Example Mapping workshop that we animated during NewCrafts Paris, where I also had the chance to talk about Bi-temporal Event Sourcing (but with a brand new talk about technical challenges this time).

Then, Bruno and I did a live-coding talk illustrating the power (and challenges) of Pair Programming at Explore DDD (Denver) in September and then in french at BDX.IO and Becomx.

Last but not least, I've made a keynote in french about ethics related to how software is eating the world where I talked a lot about privacy and how the "free app" model was impacted our lives much deeper than we think.

2018 in details:

Becomx (Becomx)

  • Pair ou impairs ? (live-coding sanglant) like we did qt BDX.IO


  • Pair ou impairs ? (live-coding sanglant), like the one we did at Explore DDD with Bruno BOUCARD, but in french this time.

  • Example mapping workshop: a nice edition of our regular Example mapping workshop.

Agile tour Bordeaux

KanDDDinsky (Berlin)

  • Distill the Core Domain from Your Legacy App: probably the last time where Bruno BOUCARD and myself were doing our 2 hours of live-coding on how to refactor Legacy code using DDD tactical patterns uk
  • Bruno and I have also helped our friend Kenny Baas-Schwegler to animate his 2 hours workshop mixing Event Storming and Example Mapping.

Explore DDD (Denver)

Domain from the trenches (DDD Paris main event)

Newcrafts Paris

DDDeXchange (London)

Devoxx FR

School of PO

DDD Europe (Amsterdam)

In 2017

Keynote & live coding sessions related to DDD, Legacy, Hexagonal Architecture and Event Sourcing

Incredibly intensive year for me as a speaker with many various topics (11 different talks), including a first experience of an opening keynote at BDX.IO and a keynote at the French Ministry of Digital.

Seven talks in seven weeks ;-)

For once, all my CFP had been accepted (cool!) and I experienced a intensive period at the end of the year with 5 conf, 8 sessions, 7 diff talks (including 2 live codings and 2 workshops) in 7 consecutive weeks... .

2017 in details:

Lean Kanban France (LKFR)

Codeurs en seine

Agile Tour Lille


SoftShake (Geneva)

French Ministry of Digital - Ministère Français du numérique

Explore DDD (Denver)

DDD Paris

Two major events in June (both in live-coding):

Devoxx FR


In 2016

DDD, Network, Craftsmanship & Legacy

This year, I started trying to reboot Domain Driven Design (DDD) with Jérémy GRODZISKI (at DevoxxFR, then Our main objective was to make DDD wisdom & efficiency more mainstream. We had lots of fun to make it live but I have to admit that I'm very happy to see that this subject has met its target audience at the end of the day (being one of the most viewed video from the last Devoxx FR)

Another intense moment for me at DevoxxFR was the 3 hours talk of network mechanical sympathy we've made with Raphaël Luta and my friend Cyrille Dupuydauby: Pourquoi il ne suffira pas de faire du HTTP 2.0 pour faire des applications performantes. We didn't have too much time to prepare it (I was very busy with the elaboration of the DDD reboot talk) but explaining how TCP works with post-its, buckets and the audience -as the network- was really fun. While preparing this talk, I was very impressed by Raphaël's knowledge about network and performance.

I also continued to promote Software Craftsmanship this year during mainstream events with my mate Bruno BOUCARD (at Paris JUG, during the MS experiences'16, etc.). Lots of interesting interactions with people. The climax being the Microsoft experiences'16 event in Paris (i.e. the new version of MS tech days in the Palais des congrès). After the success of our previous Learn to craft event at MS France last year (with Jean-Laurent), Bruno and I were offered the animation of 3 sessions related to Software Craftsmanship. We then decided to illustrate the wide spectrum of it: from the business requirements (via Event Storming), to the app implementation (using CQRS and hexagonal architecture), including the deployment (with Docker). We also decided to ask some help from my friend Tomasz Jaskula for the animation (he was a great domain expert for the Event Storming BTW). The CQRS session was an opportunity for me to discover ASP.NET MVC with dotnetcore (to allow Docker deployment). I also drop my CQRS sample app on github few days before. Putting it to github was really an interesting move since I got feedbacks from friends and experts just before the MS event.

Last but not least, I'm very proud of the Legacy Club session we built with Bruno. A mix of inspirational storytelling, live-code and advanced techniques of refactoring. We played it once at Agile Tour Lille (with nice feedbacks), and I hope that we will have many other occasions to meet people with it again. We've been invited to play it at Lean Kanban France (we will slightly remaster it for the occasion; i.e. reducing the live-coding parts in order to improve the storytelling one).

Just before XMas, I also made a 30 minutes talk about MS Async-Await and its related pitfalls at meetup.

2016 in details:

LeanKanban FR


Agile Tour Lille

  • Legacy Club, with Bruno Boucard
  • DDD: et si on reprenait l'histoire par le bon bout ? with Jérémie Grodziski

MS Experiences '16

DDDx London

  • Let's reboot DDD! (improvised during the unconf part, but in the big room ;-) with Jérémie Grodziski uk

Agile France

  • DDD: et si on reprenait l'histoire par le bon bout ? with Jérémie Grodziski

Paris JUG

Devoxx FR

In 2015

TDD, Hexagonal architecture & Craftsmanship

I started the year with a 3 hours talk at Devoxx FR about Hexagonal Architecture with Cyrille Martraire. Despite the fact that i) I know the topic, ii) I've written blog posts on it, and iii) Cyrille and I have already made a 30 minutes talk on it at Société Générale... I have to admit that this 3 hours university format was probably the most stressing experience of my entire speaker carreer (due to the lack of time we had to prepare it). At the end of the day it was some kind of Miracle ;-) We had great time and have probably successfuly animated the biggest architecture dojo ever ;-) with more than 800 people in the room).

During Devoxx this year, I also made a Culture Craft lightning talk that has resonate a lot with the audience (in a nutshell, I provide tips and tricks on how to wake-up and change your team or organisation's culture). This is the very same talk I've played afterwards during a human talk evening hosted in SocGen.

The second part of the year was dedicated to TDD with my friend Bruno Boucard. Initially motivated to talk about our developper's mental models, we end-up with a talk about TDD, trying to explain the big picture of it and giving tips and tricks for people to successfully retry the experience (note: being exclusively practicing TDD since 2005, I've probably made all possible errors with it ;-) We played it a lot to conferences or during Brown Bag Lunch sessions, and the feedback on it was very positive.

We end up by writing a serie of french article about TDD in Programmez (see. Le TDD comme rempart contre nos biais)

2015 in details:

Devoxx FR

MixIT Lyon

Agile France

  • Si le TDD est mort, alors pratiquons une autopsie, with Bruno Boucard

Agile Tour Lille

Learn to craft: l'après-midi du Software Craftsmanship chez microsoft

With Bruno Boucard, Jean-Laurent de Morlhon and myself

  • TDD and pair programming in a nutshell (live coding session) with Bruno Boucard

  • Refactoring de code legacy avec des tucs en "N" (live coding session)

Some feedbacks (in french) are available here and there

Lean Kanban France

  • Si le TDD est mort, alors pratiquons une autopsie, with Bruno Boucard

Humantalks Paris

Brown Bag Lunchs

  • a lot... (at Betclic, Ullink, Criteo, Air France, Université Paris XIII,...)

In 2014

Reactive programming, & Refactoring techniques

First year for me as a public speaker, I've studied a lot and trained very hard to make it work (verbal, non-verbal). Discovering by chance what I consider the best book ever written for public speakers (Resonate, by Nancy Duarte), I was thrilled to share this discovery with my mate Cyrille Dupuydauby and to use it with him in order to build our "Basses latences, hauts débits : les secrets de la finance pour avoir des systèmes réactifs" talk. Considering the warm feedbacks we had and the number of time we played this talk about Reactive Programming over the years (the core concepts, not the trendy libraries), this was a really good investment ;-)

Loving to live-code, I was also pleased to play Refactoring de code legacy avec des trucs en "N" here and there. Impressed by David Gageot' usage of Golden Master to refactor legacy code in Java, I had decided to make a .NET ecosystem version of it to share it with non-java audience.

2014 in details:

Devoxx FR

Meetup Alt.NET

Mug Lyon

Brown Bag Lunchs

  • a lot...