$ tezos-client --wait none originate contract ForwardAnyTezContract transferring 0 from $ALICE_ADDRESS running "$(stack exec -- prototype-forwarder-contract print-specialized-forward-any-fa12 --central-wallet $ALICE_ADDRESS)" --burn-cap 0.645
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BM1Libhmip9v (timestamp: 2020-05-11T18:53:09-00:00, validation: 2020-05-11T18:54:01-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 19542 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: 645 bytes added (will add 20 for safety)
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'onjbYzuM2pmHuoD7xCLgAg5LJFr2QR6zw3cg9AZv7hi1LRnqL9n'
NOT waiting for the operation to be included.
Use command
$ tezos-client wait for onjbYzuM2pmHuoD7xCLgAg5LJFr2QR6zw3cg9AZv7hi1LRnqL9n to be included --confirmations 30 --branch BM1Libhmip9vD2Lt9jp7sFAoxnc9pWndhGkkD75q2K9b2r3qdiU
and/or an external block explorer to make sure that it has been included.
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.001259
Expected counter: 802087
Gas limit: 10000
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ............. -ꜩ0.001259
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.001259
Revelation of manager public key:
Contract: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
Key: edpktwgy96pCWcWoVB3rbPVjtvVY3pag8UyWwrpW3L9zgG7Yoo4GdB
This revelation was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 10000
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.002487
Expected counter: 802088
Gas limit: 19642
Storage limit: 665 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ............. -ꜩ0.002487
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.002487
From: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
Credit: ꜩ0
{ parameter
(or (unit %default)
(pair %flush nat (contract (pair (address :from) (pair (address :to) (nat :value)))))) ;
storage unit ;
code { CAST (pair (or unit (pair nat (contract (pair address (pair address nat))))) unit) ;
{ DROP ; NONE (pair nat (contract (pair address (pair address nat)))) }
{ SOME } ;
DIP { PUSH address "tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA" } ;
{ NIL operation }
{ DIP { DUP } ;
DIP { CDR } ;
DIG 2 ;
DIP { PUSH mutez 0 } ;
DIP { NIL operation } ;
CONS } ;
PUSH mutez 0 ;
EQ ;
IF { DIP { DROP } }
{ DIP { CONTRACT unit ;
IF_NONE { PUSH string "not a wallet" ; FAILWITH } {} ;
CONS } ;
DIP { UNIT } ;
PAIR } }
Initial storage: Unit
No delegate for this contract
This origination was successfully applied
Originated contracts:
Storage size: 388 bytes
Paid storage size diff: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 19542
Balance updates:
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ... -ꜩ0.388
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ... -ꜩ0.257
New contract KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED originated.
Contract memorized as ForwardAnyTezContract.
Let's see what happens when we transfer 0 tokens.
$ export F_ADDRESS=KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
$ tezos-client --wait none transfer 0 from $ALICE_ADDRESS to $F_ADDRESS
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BLxRFS1dhqaH (timestamp: 2020-05-11T20:23:41-00:00, validation: 2020-05-11T20:23:49-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 18214 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'oot3Q3Bxk16QqrHTkEhpmjVtFkD5J5aEioKMBEXnRpgG1KvfQ95'
NOT waiting for the operation to be included.
Use command
tezos-client wait for oot3Q3Bxk16QqrHTkEhpmjVtFkD5J5aEioKMBEXnRpgG1KvfQ95 to be included --confirmations 30 --branch BLxRFS1dhqaH9eZddgZEcoq2VgcALB4wSUR8G1ESyfggk5WsNcq
and/or an external block explorer to make sure that it has been included.
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.002083
Expected counter: 802089
Gas limit: 18314
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ............. -ꜩ0.002083
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.002083
Amount: ꜩ0
From: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 18214
As expected, there are no unexpected transactions taking place.
Let's see what happens when we use the forwarder contract to transfer tokens from alice to bob.
$ export BOB_ADDRESS=tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
$ tezos-client --wait none transfer 1 from $BOB_ADDRESS to $F_ADDRESS
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BMePNBF8FrzC (timestamp: 2020-05-11T20:28:05-00:00, validation: 2020-05-11T20:29:33-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 38374 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'ooLK9UwEHZvZCvARhKE7x7zxgtVyYnmZBPjJ49LTBc9DkJZnmaR'
$ tezos-client wait for ooLK9UwEHZvZCvARhKE7x7zxgtVyYnmZBPjJ49LTBc9DkJZnmaR to be included --confirmations 30 --branch BMePNBF8FrzCNsCHTfgqvGGHBzJ9z3c7VsE6yutNZZ4HRd2Y9wc
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.001259
Expected counter: 802091
Gas limit: 10000
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.001259
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.001259
Revelation of manager public key:
Contract: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Key: edpktrjw1VWBM65TE43X1KraWxyXWQhqVEqEXHJ2YCedhyAhL15a8r
This revelation was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 10000
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.004005
Expected counter: 802092
Gas limit: 38474
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.004005
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.004005
Amount: ꜩ1
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 28167
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ... -ꜩ1
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... +ꜩ1
Internal operations:
Amount: ꜩ1
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
To: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
This transaction was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 10207
Balance updates:
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... -ꜩ1
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ... +ꜩ1
There are no internal transactions when 0 tez are transferred.
$ tezos-client --wait none transfer 0 from $BOB_ADDRESS to $F_ADDRESS
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BMCeNNPrTaTd (timestamp: 2020-05-11T20:30:31-00:00, validation: 2020-05-11T20:30:45-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 18214 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'oo827UKkEe6dyPMGKJQ7WjFHzrh95wWcBaLouc1LaarnopnwqC7'
$ tezos-client wait for oo827UKkEe6dyPMGKJQ7WjFHzrh95wWcBaLouc1LaarnopnwqC7 to be included --confirmations 30 --branch BMCeNNPrTaTdVDDKd68RiurM3aVQPnqn2qaskJKJDKxDfJSG5wP
and/or an external block explorer to make sure that it has been included.
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.002083
Expected counter: 802093
Gas limit: 18314
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.002083
fees(tz1Ke2h7sDdakHJQh8WX4Z372du1KChsksyU,198) ... +ꜩ0.002083
Amount: ꜩ0
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 18214
Here is a demonstration of the transfer of FA1.2 tokens from $BOB_ADDRESS to $ALICE_ADDRESS via the forwarder contract. Notice that in this example, there is no exchange of any tez.
$ tezos-client transfer 0 from $BOB_ADDRESS to $F_ADDRESS --entrypoint flush --arg "$(stack exec -- prototype-forwarder-contract flush-specialized-any-forwarder --tokens-to-flush 1 --tokens-contract KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i)" --burn-cap 0.074
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BLjBYTVZmKJu (timestamp: 2020-05-11T21:31:43-00:00, validation: 2020-05-11T21:32:27-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 210955 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: 74 bytes added (will add 20 for safety)
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'opK6y6QgtSTR7t3HMEfMnDxTz1cLMcKnnTm3Njh7m7xhFWuwq75'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
Along with the successful retrieval of the operation's receipt. Here's a link to the operation on a block explorer (https://better-call.dev/carthage/opK6y6QgtSTR7t3HMEfMnDxTz1cLMcKnnTm3Njh7m7xhFWuwq75)
$ tezos-client get receipt for opK6y6QgtSTR7t3HMEfMnDxTz1cLMcKnnTm3Njh7m7xhFWuwq75
Operation found in block: BMZBAV6W76UM5E1572rJPy5W6z4Yy9YfYUNHRtVP4YmuZJpX3T1 (pass: 3, offset: 1)
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.021423
Expected counter: 802095
Gas limit: 211055
Storage limit: 94 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.021423
fees(tz1RomaiWJV3NFDZWTMVR2aEeHknsn3iF5Gi,198) ... +ꜩ0.021423
Amount: ꜩ0
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: flush
Parameter: (Pair 1 "KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i%transfer")
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 87885
Internal operations:
Amount: ꜩ0
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: transfer
Parameter: (Pair 0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400
(Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 1))
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage:
(Pair 2821 (Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 (Pair False 200)))
Updated big_maps:
Set map(2821)[0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2] to (Pair 1 {})
Set map(2821)[0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400] to (Pair 99 {})
Storage size: 5001 bytes
Paid storage size diff: 74 bytes
Consumed gas: 123070
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ... -ꜩ0.074
Included are other examples of the transfer FA1.2 tokens via the forwarder contract. The successful retrieval of each operation is also included along with with its confirmation on a block explorer (https://better-call.dev/carthage/ooJPSpft6assjCWHua4MFe6FaAs93orUB6v6uqgtKf7GKveeJjX)
$ tezos-client transfer 1 from $BOB_ADDRESS to KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED --entrypoint flush --arg "$(stack exec -- prototype-forwarder-contract flush-specialized-any-forwarder --tokens-to-flush 2 --tokens-contract KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i)" --burn-cap 0.074
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BLAuUdWdGM5Y (timestamp: 2020-05-12T00:19:31-00:00, validation: 2020-05-12T00:19:56-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 231356 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'ooJPSpft6assjCWHua4MFe6FaAs93orUB6v6uqgtKf7GKveeJjX'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
$ tezos-client get receipt for ooJPSpft6assjCWHua4MFe6FaAs93orUB6v6uqgtKf7GKveeJjX
Operation found in block: BM1EA5wgN9f5CeeUvSEBVUSEyhsyfxLeDmzu29DHDtebp5yzNH9 (pass: 3, offset: 2)
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.023465
Expected counter: 802096
Gas limit: 231456
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.023465
fees(tz1PirboZKFVqkfE45hVLpkpXaZtLk3mqC17,198) ... +ꜩ0.023465
Amount: ꜩ1
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: flush
Parameter: (Pair 2 "KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i%transfer")
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 97838
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ... -ꜩ1
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... +ꜩ1
Internal operations:
Amount: ꜩ1
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
To: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
This transaction was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 10207
Balance updates:
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... -ꜩ1
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ... +ꜩ1
Amount: ꜩ0
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: transfer
Parameter: (Pair 0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400
(Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 2))
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage:
(Pair 2821 (Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 (Pair False 200)))
Updated big_maps:
Set map(2821)[0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2] to (Pair 3 {})
Set map(2821)[0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400] to (Pair 97 {})
Storage size: 5001 bytes
Consumed gas: 123311
Here's another example with a link to a confirmation of it on a block explorer (https://better-call.dev/carthage/oomV1dBXx2EXUHB4GPoM4Ph8hPBd2DB5Fyvi8NyYVszv9p1YJ1j)
$ tezos-client transfer 1 from $BOB_ADDRESS to KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED --entrypoint flush --arg "$(stack exec -- prototype-forwarder-contract flush-specialized-any-forwarder --tokens-to-flush 0 --tokens-contract KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i)" --burn-cap 0.074
Waiting for the node to be bootstrapped before injection...
Current head: BLhmuGRys2Y2 (timestamp: 2020-05-12T00:29:59-00:00, validation: 2020-05-12T00:30:19-00:00)
Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations.
Estimated gas: 231346 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'oomV1dBXx2EXUHB4GPoM4Ph8hPBd2DB5Fyvi8NyYVszv9p1YJ1j'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
$ tezos-client get receipt for oomV1dBXx2EXUHB4GPoM4Ph8hPBd2DB5Fyvi8NyYVszv9p1YJ1j
Operation found in block: BLHEMFh85KVyN1dAaK95j7SgzRKhYEBp7vpgYCt7LTngw41Qq82 (pass: 3, offset: 2)
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.023464
Expected counter: 802097
Gas limit: 231446
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ............. -ꜩ0.023464
fees(tz1PirboZKFVqkfE45hVLpkpXaZtLk3mqC17,198) ... +ꜩ0.023464
Amount: ꜩ1
From: tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf
To: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: flush
Parameter: (Pair 0 "KT1NfPu1DviZHxNsYXUWASK7BqKCcpUdGL8i%transfer")
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage: Unit
Storage size: 388 bytes
Consumed gas: 97832
Balance updates:
tz1RyrvobLvJcYJxZJ82JMN4EsrrNdn6f9Hf ... -ꜩ1
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... +ꜩ1
Internal operations:
Amount: ꜩ1
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
To: tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA
This transaction was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 10207
Balance updates:
KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED ... -ꜩ1
tz1cfEMbwo2Jyokery6tNpqhkAhQYGjzGrLA ... +ꜩ1
Amount: ꜩ0
From: KT1Juia2anJKxsLsp4FGgWU8qdzqcb3G4ZED
Entrypoint: transfer
Parameter: (Pair 0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400
(Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 0))
This transaction was successfully applied
Updated storage:
(Pair 2821 (Pair 0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2 (Pair False 200)))
Updated big_maps:
Set map(2821)[0x0000bab44a5e5016615b1ee7a1217853e36b0c7b98a2] to (Pair 3 {})
Set map(2821)[0x017146a91e4e50205ed4ad3b97f5163cb943b2c37400] to (Pair 97 {})
Storage size: 5001 bytes
Consumed gas: 123307